Assessment of Lecturers’ Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Access to the Utilization of Information and Communication Technology in Colleges of Education in Kaduna State

– Assessment of Lecturers’ Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Access to the Utilization of Information and Communication Technology In Colleges of Education in Kaduna State –


This study assessed lecturers‟ attitudes, self-Efficacy and access on utilization of Information and Communication Technologies in Colleges of Education in Kaduna State.

The study has three objectives and corresponding null hypotheses. The study was conducted in the two Colleges of Education in Kaduna State.

The study adopted survey research design. The population of this study comprises of all the lecturers in two Colleges of Education in Kaduna State.

A sample size of 274 lecturers was used in the study based on the sampling table of Krejcie and Morgan. The instrument for data collection was a self-administered questionnaire.

The instrument was subjected to validation before administration. A pilot test was conducted to test the reliability of the instrument. Reliability of the instrument was determined using the Cronbach Alpha Moment Co-efficient.

Percentages were used to interpret the demographic data of the study, while cumulative frequencies were used to answer research questions 1-3


Education is the process of acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Education is not only limited to teaching the students according to prescribed syllabus at a specific school level.

It has much broader objectives, goals and other concepts. Thus, education is an increasingly important tool to combat poverty and to establish a modern nation.

The science of teaching, or pedagogy is „any conscious activity by one person designed to enhance learning in another‟ (Watkins & Mortimore, 1999, p.17).

The process of this knowledge transfer has evolved over time responding to the changing dynamics. As new concepts of learning have evolved, teachers are expected to facilitate learning and make it meaningful to individual learners rather than just to provide abstract knowledge and skills (Tondeur, Hermans, Valcke & van Braak 2008).

Modern developments of innovative technologies have provided new possibilities for teaching professions, but at the same time have placed more demands on teachers to learn how to use these new technologies in their teaching (Robinson & Latchem, 2003).

This has facilitated the paradigm shift from the traditional instructional material or traditional pedagogical methods to a more modern and innovative technological based teaching and learning methods.


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