Assessment of Newspaper Readership Among Adolescence in Awka Urban

Assessment of  Newspaper Readership Among Adolescence in Awka Urban.


This paper is focused on the study of newspaper readership among adolescence in  Awka  state  and the benefit derived by this undergraduate as the make effective use of this newspaper.

1.2  Background of the Study

In the early 1990’s, newspaper communication technologies was introduced to the public   as online newspaper (Peter & Valkenburg, 2009).

Many authors, such as Dr. Norman Nie of Stanford University, predicted that these forms of technology would negatively impact on undergraduates social lives, and reduce their sense of well-being (Peter & Valkenburg, 2009).

It was also assumed that these undergraduates would use newspaper for the purposes of making use of it to build a good readership habit. (Peter & Valkenburg, 2009).

It was also assumed by some professionals that undergraduates would also spend too much time on computers surfing the internet reading through online newspaper or buying and reading the contents of newspapers, and this would negatively or positively affect their “real- life” friendships and relationships with others (Peter & Valkenburg, 2009).

While several authors during the early 2000’s, hypothesized that that many undergraduates become less social while reading through newspapers,  and proving that reading through newspaper may also be difficult, as many  undergraduates may not have Internet access or have the money to buy newspaper.

In 1995, it was estimated that only 11% of American teenagers were actively participating on reading newspaper (Peter & Valkenburg, 2009).

Since the early years of newspaper popularity, research has been done in order to find out how this was affecting youth (Bryant, Sanders-Jackson, & Smallwood, 2006).


Investigating the assessment of newspaper readership among adolescence in Awka urban area and the effect it has on shaping their view as regard readership.

Some newspaper publications are totally internet based, such as, and

The web-based publications feature daily news and links to other news outlets as well as provide space for opinions of their contributors.

There are hundreds of such, including blogs, which provide avenue for Nigerians in the Diaspora to contribute to debates on raging issues in the country.

Hence ,this research is looking at the positive or negative effect benefit that could be derived by adolescences reading of the newspaper. Therefore, this research seeks to find out how the use of newspaper would also help them either positively of negative in becoming good readers .


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