Assessment of Parental Attitude Towards the Teaching of Sex Education in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State

Assessment of Parental Attitude Towards the Teaching of Sex Education in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State 


The purpose of the study was to assess parental attitude towards the teaching of sex education in secondary schools in Kaduna State.

To achieve the purpose of this study ex-post facto research design was used; the instrument used for the study was questionnaire which contains statements on personal data of the respondents and thirty (30) items with four sections.

The questionnaire was administered on a total of four hundred and sixty (460) parents of students from the selected government secondary schools in Kaduna State. Though only three hundred and sixty-two questionnaire were returned, meaning 78.7% response rate.

The data collected was statistically analysed at Institute of Agricultural Research (I.A.R) of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, using t-test for parental attitude towards teaching of sex education and ANOVA for differences between the attitude of parents of different age groups.

The hypothesis stated showed there is no significant difference between parental attitude towards the teaching of sex education and it was tested at alpha level of 0.05.

The results of the studies revealed that majority of the respondents support the teaching of sex education in secondary schools. 


Cover Page .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i
Title Page .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ii
Declaration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. iii
Certification.. .. .. .. .. .. .. iv
Dedication .. .. .. .. .. .. .. v
Acknowledgement .. .. .. .. .. vi
Abstract .. .. .. .. .. .. .. viii
Table of Contents .. .. .. .. .. .. x
List of Tables .. .. .. .. .. .. xiv
Abbreviations .. .. .. .. .. .. xv
Definition of Terms .. .. .. .. .. xvi

1.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.. .. .. .. 4
1.3 Research Questions .. .. .. .. 5
1.4 Basic Assumptions .. .. .. .. 6
1.5 Hypothesis .. .. .. .. .. .. 6
1.6 Purpose of the Study .. .. .. .. 7
1.7 Significance of the Study .. .. .. .. 8
1.8 Delimitation of the Study.. .. .. .. .. 9
1.9 Limitation of the Study .. .. .. .. .. 9

2.0 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. 10
2.1 Social Attitude and Related Theories .. .. .. 11
2.2 Theories Related to Teaching .. .. .. .. 21
2.3 Attitude and Attitude Formation .. .. .. 23
2.4 Parental Attitude Toward Teaching of Sex Education 26
2.5 Factors Influencing Parental Attitude Towards
Teaching of Sex Education in Secondary Schools .. 28
2.6 Parents Awareness about Sexuality Education/STIs 35
2.7 Sexual behaviour and practice of Adolescents .. 37
2.8 Sex Education .. .. .. .. .. .. 41
2.9 Sexually transmitted infection (STIs)/Types and
Symptoms .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 59
2.10 Occurrences of STIs .. .. .. .. .. 75
2.11 Prevention of STIs …. .. .. .. .. .. 77
2.12 Summary .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79

3.0 Introduction .. .. …. .. .. .. .. 83
3.1 Research Design .. .. .. .. .. .. 83
3.2 Population for the Study .. .. .. .. .. 83
3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique .. .. .. 83
3.4 Instrument for Data Collection .. .. .. .. 85
3.5 Validation of Instrument .. .. .. .. .. 86
3.6 Procedure for Data Collection .. .. .. .. 86
3.7 Method for data Analysis.. .. .. .. .. 87

4.1 Introduction .. .. …. .. .. .. 88
4.2 Results .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88
4.3 Test of Hypothesis.. .. .. .. .. .. 100
4.4 Discussion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 104

5.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 109
5.2 Summary .. .. .. .. .. … .. 109
5.3 Conclusion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 111
5.4 Recommendations .. .. .. .. .. .. 111
5.5 Suggestion for further research .. .. .. .. 112

References .. .. .. …. .. .. .. .. 113
Appendix .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 123


The concept of sex education is viewed from different perspectives. The concept is erroneously interpreted to mean the education given to a child about the act of “sex”.

This is contrary to the idea of exposing the child to the natural, physiological as well as physical differences between a male and a female child or the physical sound relationship that may exist between male and female children,

as well as that integral part of education dealing with the inculcation of the knowledge of family living and sexual behaviour which is embedded in the principle of good health (Dubos, 1968).

Health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 1991) is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Health education is an activity aimed at improving health related knowledge, attitude and behaviour. It is used in schools to help students/pupils make intelligent decision about health-related issues.


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