Assessment of Quality of Construction Work in Mass Housing Project With Multiple Contractors in Kano, Nigeria

 – Assessment of Quality of Construction Work in Mass Housing Project With Multiple Contractors in Kano, Nigeria

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Housing across societies is one of the indices for measuring people’s standard of living. Poor quality in construction projects is a common phenomenon, and could be seen as lack of conformity or incompliance with contract agreement.

This study assessed the influence of multiple contractors on the quality of construction work in Kwankwasiyya city Housing project Kano.

In order to achieve this, the study focuses on the assessment of quality workmanship using multiple contractors, and determines the uniformity or otherwise of work executed by multiple contractors.

The quantitative research approach was adopted, using field survey; the population size used was 16 number contractors, and Purposive sampling was used in selecting the contractors.

Checklist was the instrument used for the data collection. Analysis was done using both descriptive and inferential statistics using computer software.

Finding shows that, the quality rating for workmanship of Kwankwasiyya project for Floor, wall and Ceiling is 55%, 86% and 58% respectively and are rated moderate quality.

However, quality rated of workmanship for doors and windows for all the contractors was found to be of high quality for up to 64%.

Therefore, KruskalWallis test was used for inferential analysis discovered that, there is no uniformity in the quality of workmanship of the Kwankwasiyya contractor’s projects.

The study established quality rating of workmanship to be generally below the selection requirement of competent contractors and monitoring of the projects. Recommended that, there is need for artisan skill improvement, most especially in floor tiling and floor finishing. 


Certification ……….ii
Table of Contents……vi
List of Tables………..ix
List of Figures……x
List of Appendices…….xi


1.1 Background of the Study…1
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem.4
1.3 Justification of the Study ….5
1.4 Aim and Objectives…….6
1.4.1 Aim ……..6
1.4.2 Objectives …….6
1.5 Research Hypothesis……7
1.6 Scope and Limitation…….8
1.6.2 Limitations…..8


2.1 Introduction……………..9
2.2 Mass Housing Projects……11
2.2.1 Housing Situation in Nigeria …..12
2.2.2 Needs for Affordable Housing……12
2.2.1 Housing Programme and Building Industry ..13
2.3 Concept of Quality……….14
2.3.1Quality Management in Construction………15
2.3.1 Poor Quality in Construction Projects….15
2.4 Quality of Workmanship………….17
2.4.1 Factors that Contribute to Poor Workmanship in Construction …..17
2.4.2 Workmanship in construction Process…..20 Quality ………20
2.5Total Quality Management Theory….22
2.5.1 Theory of Competence…………23
2.5.2 Project Quality Plan ……..24
2.5.3 Quality Control ……….24
2.4.4 Quality Control Documents: Standard and Specification….27
2.4.5 Documentation of the Quality System….29
2.4.6 Quality Inspection……30
2.4.7 Quality Performance ……30
2.4.8 Quality Standard …….31
2.5 Indigenous Contracting In Nigeria …………….33
2.5.1 Indigenous Contractors Participation in the Nigerian Construction Industry…34


3.1 Research Design ………..36
3.2 Study Area……..36
3.3 Population, sample size and Sampling Technique….36
3.3.1 Instrument of Data Collection……37
3.4 Method of Data Analysis and presentation ……38


4.1Preamble ……….43
4.2 Demographic Data ……..43
4.3 Criteria for Assessing Quality of Building Projects …43
4.4 Quality Rating of Workmanship……..44
4.4.1 Floor Related Finishes…..44
4.4.2 Wall Related Finishes …..49
4.4.3 Ceiling Related Finishes………..55
4.4.4Doors & Windows Related Finishes…….59
4.5 Overall Components Level of Compliance…..63
4.6 Assessment of Workmanship Uniformity…….63


5.1 Summary of Major Findings ……67
5.2 Conclusion ………….67
5.3 Recommendations …….68
5.4Contributionsto Knowledge ………68



Housing is described as the most basic human needs and has no doubt impact on the health, welfare and productivity of the people.

It is so important that it impacts on the physical, social and mental wellbeing of individuals irrespective of socio-economic status, colour or creed (Muhammad and Mukhtar, 2014).

Without being affected by the importance of housing to mankind, there is nevertheless a universal shortage of needed dwelling units especially in Nigeria and developing countries, where population and urbanization are quickly increasing and the gap between housing supply and housing demand is very wide.

Perhaps, this informed the land use act 1979 that vested all lands in designated urban centres of Nigeria in the Governors of the respective states.

This is to ensure a way in and fairnessin the allocation and efficient use of land resources (Muhammad and Mukhtar, 2014). 

Sunusi (2003) identified housing as a very important durable consumer item, which impacts positively on productivity, as decent housing significantly increases workers’ health, growth and wellbeing. Consequently, it is one of the means for measuring the standard of living of people across societies.

In the National Housing policy (NHP, 1991) Housing has been universally taken as the second most important essential human need, after food.

Housing in its whole ramification is more than shelter since it embraces all the social services utilities that go to make a community or neighbourhood a livable environment. 2 Jinadu (2007), observed that the varied definitions and conceptions given to housing portray it is an important and indispensable element of human settlement. 


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