Assessment of Resource Management in Government Secondary Schools in The Federal Capital Territory (Fct) Abuja, Nigeria

 – Assessment of Resource Management in Government Secondary Schools in the Federal Capital Territory (Fct) Abuja, Nigeria –


The study examined the Management of Resources in FCT Government Secondary Schools Abuja, Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the management of human, facility, funds, curriculum and time resources.

Five research questions were raised while five hypotheses were tested in the study which adopted the descriptive survey as the design.

The population of this study comprised the 56 Government Secondary Schools located in the six Area Council in Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja with 168 school heads and 3422 teachers from all the schools, from which a sample of 51 school heads and 383 teachers was drawn using purposive sampling technique.

Respondents of the study responded to the instrument titled, Assessment of Resource Management in Secondary Schools’ (ARMSS) with the reliability index of 0.78.

The instrument was designed by the researcher in the modified Likert 5-point scale. Mean score and standard deviation were used in answering the research questions while the t-test was used in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.

Findings revealed that human resources and school funds were not well managed in the FCT secondary schools while the facilities, curriculum and time resources were well managed by the school heads.

Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that school heads should motivate their staff (teachers) so as to bring out the best in them.

Also to create a good organisational climate such that there will be good culture and rapport among members of staff and school heads. Proper accountability procedures should be developed for better utilisation of school funds. 


The need for improved service delivery in the secondary school system has necessitated the need to improve on the educational resources which is expected to positively impact on the FCT secondary schools; this can only be achieved by effective management of the school resources.

Adedeji, Olaniyan and Owoeye (2001) opined that the quality of management of school human and material resources have a very strong relationship to the students’ academic performances; therefore, human resources in education should be seen as assets in an educational institution.

Management exists in an organisation to make resources productive in order that the organisation can achieve its goal. Onwuchukwa 1998 in Ezeani 2012 said, management is the organisation and mobilization of all human and material resources in a particular system for the achievement of identified objectives.

It determines the organization‘s outcome either positive or negative, therefore in secondary schools the school heads are responsible for the management of the schools despite the fact that government are responsible for the management of secondary schools in terms of provision of funds.

School regulations, discipline, innovation, provision of houses for staff, school plant management, promotion of school health etc.

Educational management involves the application of management principles in designing, developing, and effecting resources towards the achievements of educational goals. 

Okwori and Edem (2012) were of the opinion that school administrator is one saddled with the responsibility of administering and managing school by making things happen and by organising human, financial, and material resources in order to achieve the objectives of the institution within the targeted period. 


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