Assessment of Role Performances of Principals in The Provision and Maintenance of Facilities in Secondary Schools in Zaria Educational Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria

 – Assessment of Role Performances of Principals in The Provision and Maintenance of Facilities in Secondary Schools in Zaria Educational Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria – 


This study assessed the role performances of principals in the provision and maintenance of facilities in secondary schools in Zaria educational zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

The study was carried out with five research objectives among which are; to determine the role performances of principals in the provision and maintenance of teaching facilities in secondary schools in Zaria Educational zone, Kaduna State.

To assess the role performances of principals in the provision and maintenance of learning facilities in secondary schools in Zaria Educational zone, Kaduna State.

Also, five research questions and five null hypotheses were raised for the study. The population of the study comprised 15 principals and 276 teachers. Survey design was adopted for the study and data were collected using a researcher designed questionnaire.

The data gathered were analyzed using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and hypotheses tested at 5% (P < 0.05) significant level. 

The findings revealed among others that no significant difference exists in the opinions of principals and teachers on the role performances of principals in the provision and maintenance of teaching facilities in secondary schools in Zaria Educational zone, Kaduna State.

Also, findings show a significant difference in the opinions of principals and teachers on the role performances of principals in the provision and maintenance of learning facilities in secondary schools in Zaria Educational zone, Kaduna State.

Based on the findings, recommendations were made, that since principal of a school is the main administrator of that organization, he/she should ensure that teaching facilities are highly provided and maintained in the school.

Similarly, as adequate learning facilities are determinants of students’ success, principals should ensure that learning facilities are provided and well maintained in schools. 


Title page … … … … … … … … … i
Cover Page … … … … … … … … … ii
Declaration … … … … … … … … … iii
Certification … … … … … … … … … iv
Dedication … … … … … … … … … v
Acknowledgements … … … … … … … … vi
Abstract … … … … … … … … … vii
Table of contents … … … … … … … … ix
List of Tables … … … … … … … … … xii
List of Appendices … … … … … … … … xiv
Operational Definition of Terms … … … … … … xv
Abbreviations … … … … … … … … … xvi


1.1 Background to the Study … … … … … … 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem … … … … … … 5
1.3 Objectives of the Study … … … … … … 7
1.4 Research Questions … … … … … … … 7
1.5 Hypotheses … … … … … … … … 8
1.6 Basic Assumptions … … … … … … … 9
1.7 Significance of the Study … … … … … … 9
1.8 Scope of the Study … … … … … … … 10


2.1 Introduction … … … … … … … … 11
2.2 Conceptual framework … … … … … … 11
2.3 Types and nature of school facilities … … … … … 14
2.4 Role performances of principals in the provision and maintenance of school
facilities in secondary schools … … … … … 18
2.5 Categories of school facilities maintenance … … … … 19
2.6 Personnel involved in maintaining school facilities … … … 25
2.7 Maintenance of School Facilities for Teaching and Learning … 26
2.8 Challenges regarding facilities maintenance at schools … … 27
2.9 Methodologies for facilities maintenance … … … … 30
2.10 Empirical studies … … … … … … … 32
2.11 Summary of literature reviewed … … … … … 35


3.1 Introduction … … … … … … … … 37
3.2 Research Design … … … … … … … 37
3.3 Population … … … … … … … … 37
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques … … … … … 38
3.5 Instrumentation … … … … … … … 39
3.5.1 Validity of Instrument… … … … … … … 39
3.5.2 Pilot Study … … … … … … … … 40
3.5.3 Reliability of the Instrument … … … … … … 40
3.6 Procedure for Data Collection … … … … … 40
3.7 Procedure for Data Analysis … … … … … … 41


4.1 Introduction … … … … … … … … 42
4.2 Findings on the bio-data of the respondents … … … … 42
4.8 Hypotheses Testing … … … … … … … 55
4.9 Summary of hypotheses testing … … … … … 60
4.10 Summary of Major Findings … … … … … … 60
4.11 Discussions of the Findings … … … … … … 61


5.1 Summary … … … … … … … … 65
5.2 Conclusions … … … … … … … … 66
5.3 Recommendations … … … … … … … 66
5.4 Suggestions for Further Study … … … … … 67
References … … … … … … … … … 68
Appendices … … … … … … … … … 72


Education has been accorded a high rating in Nigeria, and the demand for it is popular because of the desire of members of the society to give their children a better chance in life.

The demand for education has become explosive and one which no government can afford to ignore. Quality education at all levels, primary, secondary and tertiary, is desired by many Nigerians.

At the secondary level, quality education is absolutely necessary because it serves as the foundation for tertiary level and for people to provide self-employment if they cannot continue with the tertiary level.

If that basic foundation is weak it will lead to national catastrophe as progress in the society becomes very difficult. Hence all concerned with secondary education should make their best input in order to ensure that a very solid foundation is laid.

The principal of a school is the main administrator of that organization (Okonkwo, 2011). The success or failure of the school depends on his administrative effectiveness.

The principal has formal responsibilities for provisions, maintenance of facilities and implementation of educational goals and priorities that are the basis for on-going program of school improvement and professional development (NPE, 2004).

If the position of the principal is such an important one, he is expected to possess a number of qualities facilitative of schoolwork. According to Odo (2005), qualities expected of the principal are; commitment, drive, energy, vision, common sense and mental alertness.

Peters (1996) stated that the principal should be wise and capable of moral leadership. In addition, the principal should be academic and professionally competent.


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