Assessment of Skills Acquisition for Self-reliance in Business Studies Curriculum Among Junior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Assessment of Skills Acquisition for Self-reliance in Business Studies Curriculum Among Junior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria 


This study on the “Assessment of Skills Acquisition for Self-Reliance in Business Studies Curriculum among Junior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria”, was conducted with the objectives to:

determine the extent to which business studies influences students acquisition of keyboarding skill for self-reliance in junior secondary schools in Kaduna State;

ascertain whether business studies influences students towards acquiring computer skill for self-reliance in junior secondary schools in Kaduna State;

find out the extent to which business studies influences students acquisition of accounting skill for self-reliance in junior secondary schools in Kaduna State;

and assess the extent which business studies influences students acquisition of shorthand skill for self-reliance in junior secondary schools in Kaduna State.

Four research questions and four null hypotheses were raised in line with the stated objectives. Survey research design was adopted for the study and data was collected using a researcher designed questionnaire which contained fourty (40) items.


Secondary school education in Nigeria is that form of education received by children after primary education and before tertiary level, with the broad aims of preparation for useful living within the society and preparation for higher education as stated in the Federal Government of Nigeria (2009).

This level of education is a very fundamental stage in the life of the students because it gives them a firm foundation on which they can opt for a job and be self-reliant or proceed to higher institutions of learning for further studies.

Against this background of national aspirations, a National Policy on Education commonly referred to as „6-3-3-4‟ system of education emerged which led to introduction of vocational subjects, business studies inclusive, at Junior Secondary Schools in Nigeria.

Business Studies, is a skill-based programme designed for sub-professional level education and based on a specific vocation.

The subject encompasses business principles, theory and practice that underpin the development of entrepreneurial initiatives, sustainable enterprises and economic growth of the school leavers.


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