Assessment of Solid Waste Disposal Practice Among Neighbourhood in Enugu Urban

Assessment of Solid Waste Disposal Practice Among Neighbourhood in Enugu Urban.


One of the problems confronting urban today is poor waste disposal . In spite of the efforts made by the to address the problem, there has been no remarkable solution.

This study centered on the assessment of solid waste disposal practice among neighborhoods in the study area.

The aim of this study was designed to (1) Examine the methods of solid waste disposal and management practice among neighborhoods. (2) To investigate the frequency of solid waste collection by the Authority responsible for it. (3) To determine the number of solid waste dumpsters in the study area. (4) To find out problems of solid waste disposal practice among neighborhoods.

In order to effectively carry out the project, four research questions and four hypotheses were

Primary and secondary data were collected to give substance to the work. Again, a sample size of 400 households in six neighborhoods was used while stratified random sampling techniques were used in administering questionnaires to the neighborhoods.

The distribution sample was obtained by using Yamani’s formula of 5% allowable error. Data collected were presented in form of tables. Hypothesis one to four was tested by using ANOVA.

The research findings revealed that solid waste disposal and management practice differs from one neighborhood to another p = 0.000 which is less than the critical value of 0.01.

Hence, the result shows a significant difference in solid waste disposal method and management practice among the neighborhood of the study area.

The difference of solid waste collection by the Authority responsible differs among different neighborhoods of the study area p = 0.000 is less than critical value 0.01.

Hence, the result showed a significant difference in the frequency of solid waste collection by the Authority responsible among different study locations.

The number of solid waste dumpsters among neighborhoods in the study areas was significantly different p =0.00;

Hence, the result p = 0.000 in this study is less than the critical value of 0.01. the problems of solid waste disposal practice differ among neighborhood were significantly different p 0.000; Hence, result in this study is less than critical value 0.01.

Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made to improve on solid waste disposal practice among neighborhoods in Enugu urban;

The authority should provide more dumpsters that will meet the volume of solid waste being generated by the neighborhood;

Creating awareness and enlightenment to individuals in each neighborhood on the right methods of solid waste disposal;

The authority should dispose of solid waste at least twice a week in every part of Enugu urban, and also efforts should be made to recycle some of these waste products.


Title page i
Certification ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgment v
Abstract vi
Table of contents vii
List of tables x
List of figures xi
Appendices xii


1.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Statement of research problem 3
1.3 Aim and objectives of study 4
1.4 Research questions 4
1.5 Hypothesis 5
1.6 Scope of study 5
1.7 Limitation of study 5
1.8 Definition of terms 5


2.1 Concept of solid waste treatment hierarchy. 7
2.2 Conventional metropolitan solid waste management 10


3.1 Reviews on municipal solid waste management 13
3.2 An assessment of groundwater quality and characterization of leachates
and impact on landfills leachates 24
3.3 Literature review on health implications of urban solid waste disposal 30
3.4 Literature research gaps 31


4.1 Historical background 32
4.2 Geographical location 33
4.3 Physical features 38


5.1 Types and sources of data 41
5.2 Sampling population / Sample size 42
5.3 survey and methods of data collection 46
5.4 Description of the statistics used for analysis and validation of the research 64


6.1 Data presentation 51
6.2 Test of Hypothesis 80
6.3 Summary of research findings 84


7.1 Recommendations 88
7.2 Conclusions 88
References 90
Appendices 98


1.0 Background of the Study

Solid waste disposal and management is a disturbing issue in most developing countries like Nigeria. Solid waste disposal is a disturbing issue in most developing countries like Nigeria.

The alarming rate of domestic waste generation exploding population and increasing urbanization outweighs the approaches adopted by the government on solid waste disposal. (Adejobi and Oloruninbe 2014).

The poor disposal of solid waste is one of the major causes of the bad quality environment in many cities and towns in Africa today.

In recent times, urban centers in Africa have shown that the problem of solid waste management has become a major concern for authorities, state and federal government, environmentalists, planners, and other related professionals alike (YUSUF and Chukwuemeka 2015).

Enugu Urban is presently facing poor environmental quality due to the ineffective disposal of solid waste.

The rate of solid waste generation is so high that it has outpaced the rate of collection transportation and disposal by the authority responsible for it.

The large volume of solid waste in the city is attributed to the increase in urban neighborhoods.

Some neighborhoods of the city dump solid waste indiscriminately on roads, drainage systems on the streets, in markets place, churches, and in open areas.


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