Assessment of Staff Development Programmes in College and Polytechnic Libraries in Anambra and Enugu States

Assessment of Staff Development Programmes in College and Polytechnic Libraries in Anambra and Enugu States.

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This research work assessed staff development programmes in college and polytechnic libraries in Anambra and Enugu states. The main objective was to assess the availability and practice of staff development programmes in the five libraries under study.

Five research questions guided the study. These include: What are the training and development needs of library staff? What staff development programmes are available in college and polytechnic libraries? To what extent do staff development programmes meet training and development needs? What are the perceived hindrances for effective implementation of staff development programmes in college and polytechnic libraries?

What are the strategies for improving staff development programmes in college and polytechnic libraries? Descriptive survey method was adopted for the study involving  142 respondents. Out of this figure 129 responded to the questionnaire distributed to elicit information for the study.

The findings from the study indicate that college and polytechnic library staff value training in ICT more than other aspects of librarianship; performance appraisal of staff is available in all the libraries studied. Management staff benefit from development opportunities more than other categories of library staff; the most frequently used criterion in selecting staff for developmental programmes is relevance with regard to service area.

Objectives of staff development programmes suit organizational aims and objectives; lack of fund is the greatest problem for effective implementation of staff development programmes. To remedy the situation of staff development programmes in these libraries, the respondents indicated that the whole process should be transparent.

Other recommendations put forward by the respondents include: more funding by the parent institutions. College and polytechnic library administrations should show more commitment to staff development programmes; the junior cadre library staff should be given more opportunities to benefit from staff development programmes.


College and polytechnic libraries are those libraries maintained at the colleges of education and polytechnics. The two institutions are characterized by study, teaching and research and concerned with the production of middle/high level manpower. Specifically, colleges of education, which are the parent institutions of college libraries, are those tertiary institutions, which have the mandate for the training of middle level manpower for the Nigerian education system.

The objectives of the colleges are:

  • To produce highly motivated, conscientious and efficient classroom teachers for the primary and secondary levels of education. To encourage further spirit of enquiry and creativity in teachers.
  • To help teachers to fit into the social life of the community and society and to enhance their commitment to national objectives. To provide teachers with intellectual and professional background adequate for their assignment.
  • To enhance teachers commitment to the teaching profession (National Commission for Colleges of Education, NCCE 1994)

In order to achieve the above objectives, the college libraries were mandated to ensure that their collections and services are designed to meet the objectives and information requirements of colleges of education; that the resources and facilities provided are maximally used through proper organization and dissemination.

Furthermore, college libraries are required to give qualitative reference and information services for study, teaching and research needs in the college community and to evaluate from time to time the success of the library in meeting the library and information needs of its users (NCCE 1994).

Polytechnic education in Nigeria was formally established following the promulgation of Decree 33 of 1979, which states among others that the main purpose of polytechnic education is to produce middle/high level manpower to man the nation’s economy (Attama 2005).


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