Assessment of Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes on Utilization and Maintainance of Schoool Facilities in Secondary Schools

Assessment of Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes on Utilization and Maintainance of Schoool Facilities in Secondary Schools.


The study is entitled „Assessment of Teachers‟ and Students‟ Attitudes on Utilization and Maintenance of School Facilities in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

The study was guided by eight objectives, which include the examination of teachers‟ and students‟ attitudes on the utilization of teaching facilities in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria; among others.

In light of the foregoing corresponding research questions were stated which include: Is there difference between the teachers‟ and students‟ attitudes on the utilization of School teaching facilities in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria?.

Some of the null hypotheses include there is no significant difference in the opinions of principals, teachers, and students on teachers‟ and students‟ attitudes on the utilization of school teaching facilities in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. A survey research design was used for the study.

The population of the study was 323431 consisted of principals, teachers and students. Purposive stratified sampling technique was used to pick four educational zones to represent the three senatorial zones in the state.

The sample size of 382 was used based on the research advisors table for sample selection.

A structured questionnaire, titled “Teachers and Students Attitudes on Utilization and Maintenance of School Facilities Questionnaire” (TSAUMSFQ) was used as a means for data collection.

The instrument was validated by supervisors and statisticians for content and face validity. The instrument was pilot tested and certified as statistically fit for the main work.

Simple percentage and frequency counts were used to analyze the bio-data variables of the respondents, mean and standard deviation to answer the questions raised by the study and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to validate the study‟s null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.

Hypotheses1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 were rejected while 4 and 5 were retained. The study among other things discovered that: Teachers and students agreed that teaching facilities are adequately utilized in secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Teachers and students affirmed that learning facilities are adequately utilized in secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Some recommendations were put forth which include, there should be sustained effort on utilization of teaching facilities in secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria by the school management since they are adequately utilized. This will assist in promoting effective teaching in schools.


Background to the Study

The quality of education delivered by teachers and the academic achievement of students of any school is dependent on several factors of which school teaching and learning facilities are paramount.

School teaching and learning facilities are resources (human, material and place) that enhance teaching and learning, thereby making the process meaningful and purposeful.

They are said to be any resource (human, material and place) that compliment and supplement effective transaction and communication between the teacher and the students.

School facilities can be referred to as school plant. school facilities can be defined as the entire school plant which school administrators, teachers and students harness, allocate and utilize for the smooth and efficient management of any educational institution, for the main objective of bringing about effective and purposeful teaching and learning experience.

Teaching and learning facilities are termed to be the most enormous part that aids the curriculum implementation in any aspect of school organization, the utilization and maintenance of school teaching and learning facilities can never be overemphasized,

It must be noted that teaching facilities helps the teacher intensively in the process of imparting well and adequate knowledge to the learners while the learning facilities has no doubt in giving clear understanding of the instructions to the learners.

Teaching and learning facilities in secondary schools, either private or public is the pivot on which the educational system rests. They play an important role in the education industry, hence the need for their adequate and careful maintenance by both teachers and learners for effective service delivery.


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