Assessment of Teachers’ Attitude Towards Validation of Non-Standardized Achievement Test in Secondary Schools

Assessment of Teachers’ Attitude Towards Validation of Non-Standardized Achievement Test in Secondary Schools.


This study assessed teachers’ attitude towards validation of non-standardized achievement test in secondary schools in Borno State, Nigeria.

Three objectives, three research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated. This was tested at 0.05 level of significance alpha.

The U-test (Mann Whitney) was use to test hypothesis one while H-test was used to test hypothesis two. Survey research design was used for the study with the population of 8100 teachers within the four educational zones in Borno State. Proportionalsampling techniques was used to select 447 teachers.

The analysis of the obtained data revealed that most teachers in Borno State have negative attitude towards validation of non-standardized achievement test.

267 teachers out of 432 had negative attitude only 165 teachers have positive attitude towards validation of non-standardized achievement test.

There was significant difference in validation of non-standardized achievement testbetween teachers with difference qualification in secondary schools in Borno State (H=34.837, P =0.001).

The study also revealed that significant difference do not exist in validation of non-standardized achievement test between experience and inexperience teachers in secondary schools in Borno State (U=1.065, P= 0.287).


1.1 Background of the Study

There is an increased desire for school effectiveness and improvement at all levels of education in Nigeria. Assessment is one of the key variables in the school system that improve teaching and learning,

therefore it demands that non- standardized achievement test, that is teacher made test should be valid and reliable to measure students’ real knowledge and skills and not test wiseness or test taking abilities (Ugwu, 2012).

Non-standardized achievement testis used by teachers for formative and summative purposes. They serve formative purpose when the results are used to monitor the progress of teaching and learning and summative purpose when the results are used for grading, promotion and certification.

In Nigeria, teachers are required to adopt continuous assessment mode of evaluation and the most commonly used techniques are written tests. The instrument for this assessment is expected to be valid and reliable.

The extent to which secondary school teachers use valid assessment instruments depends on their attitude towards validation to ensure quality in classroom assessment (Alufohai & Akinlosotu, 2016).

At the secondary school level, non-standardized achievement testis adopted in operation of continuous assessment mode of evaluation by the teachers.


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