Assessment of the Availability and Use of Instructional Materials by Secondary School Economics Teachers in Kwara State, Nigeria

Assessment of the Availability and Use of Instructional Materials by Secondary School Economics Teachers in Kwara State, Nigeria.

Table of Contents


This study assessed the availability and used of Instructional Materials by secondary school Economics teachers in Kwara State, Nigeria.

The study was conducted with four research objectives; also, four research questions were answered while four null hypotheses were tested. The study adopted survey research design.

The sample for the study was arrived at using proportionate sampling technique, hence the total of thirty two (32) teachers and three hundred and thirty-six (336) students responded to the questionnaire. The analysis of the data collected was done using both descriptive and inferential statistics.

The non-parametric statistic of Chi-square (X2) was used to test the four null hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level of significance. Findings among others shows that: there is a significant difference in the opinions of teachers and students on the availability of instructional materials in teaching economics in senior secondary schools in Kwara state;

And that there is a significant difference in the opinions of the respondents on the availability of instructional materials and students‟ academic performance in economics in senior secondary schools in Kwara state.

Based on the findings, recommendations were made that; adequate instructional materials for the teaching of economics in senior secondary schools in Kwara state should be provided; and since instructional materials can aid students‟ academic performance in economics, teachers should ensure their availability in the school.


1.1 Background of the Study

Instructional materials provide the physical media through which the intents of the Curriculum are experienced. They are collections of materials and equipment that processes instruction and training; such materials and equipment may be derived from the objectives of teaching and learning.

They assist in putting across information and enable both teaching and learning to be effectively done. The importance of instructional materials in enhancing effective teaching and learning of economics cannot be undermined due to the positive impact it has on the level of assimilation of students.

Teaching-learning of Economics in schools without instructional materials such as, chart, maps, curves and graphs etc will not bring out the expected results.

Most researchers have discovered the problems of inadequate instructional materials as one of the major problem that lead to poor academic performance of students in Economics.

The materials being used in teaching were called instructional materials teaching aids, they are to assist the achievement of the stated Educational goals and objectives.

This means that teaching aids are helping in teaching and learning and also provide help in developing similar skills in solving relevant problems in Economics for instance, students negative attitude to Economics is due to poor perception of the course;

Economics as a subject is very simple but because of lack of qualified and experienced teacher to handle the subject makes it difficult to the students in the secondary schools during teaching and learning.


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