Assessment of the Availability and Utilization of Electronic Media in Teaching Social Studies in Colleges of Education in Nigeria

Assessment of the Availability and Utilization of Electronic Media in Teaching Social Studies in Colleges of Education in Nigeria.

The research was conducted to assess the availability and utilization of electronic media in teaching Social Studies in colleges of education in Nigeria.
The objectives were to determine availability, assess lecturers and students awareness to available resources in the colleges, assess the utilization of electronic media by lecturers and students in the colleges;
Identify the factors that influence lecturers use of the resources and to assess the constraining factors in the use of electronic media by lecturers. The research adopted survey design. Five research questions were developed and answered.
Five hypotheses were also drawn and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Five thousand two hundred and eighty-two (5,282) lecturers and students from nine
(9) colleges of education in the Northwest Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria formed the population of the study. Sampled population for the study consisted of one thousand nine hundred and fourty one lecturers and students, (1,941), through purposeful sampling.

Questionnaire was developed and administered to the two categories of respondents: lecturers and students. Data collected from the questionnaire were subjected to statistical analysis using Mann Whitney U- test and chi-square.
Based on the research findings, it was concluded that the required electronic media for the effective teaching and learning of Social Studies in the colleges were not adequate; only a few of the supposed media were available.
Sequel to the findings, the study recommended among others that, government, management, lecturers, students of colleges of education should as a matter of urgent importance provide necessary electronic media devices for the teaching and learning of Social Studies in the institutions.


Throughout the world, many nations have introduced various electronic media  devices into schools through different courses of action. The use of electronic media facilities has become a necessity for improving quality in teaching and learning.
This has been approved in Nigeria by the Federal Ministry of Education (FRN, 2010), when it emphasised that, electronic media is of paramount importance to the future of education in the country.
The successful implementation of electronic media in teaching will immensely contribute to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All, (EFA) goals, both of which Nigeria is a signatory at various international forums.
The importance of electronic media in classroom instructions is also attested to by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organizations, (UNESCO), at the Grunwald Declaration on Media, 1982 in Germany.
The declaration stated that, „an increasing number of people spend time watching television, playing records, and listening to the radio‟. As such bringing such to bear and form part of instruction will be equally accepted by all.
Many scholars and organizations have written on the impact of utilising electronic media in the teaching and learning process. These authors include McLuhan (1964), Alaka (1978), Kochhar (1986), Okafor (1988), Mkpa (1989), UNDP (1998), World Bank (1999), Heeks (1999), Aguokogbuo (2000), Koert (2000), and Nwanna-Nzewunwa (2003).


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