Assessment of the Effect of Relationship Education Training on Marital Satisfaction Among Young Dual-Career Couples

Assessment of the Effect of Relationship Education Training on Marital Satisfaction Among Young Dual-Career Couples.


The study assessed the Effect of Relationship Education Training on Marital Satisfaction among Young Dual-career Couples in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria-Nigeria. Six (6) objectives guided the study. Six (6) research questions are answered. Six (6) hypotheses are tested.

The population of this study was three hundred and seventy (370) that is  one hundred and eighty five (185) dual –career couples of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

Seventy-four (74) respondents(thirty seven (37) couples) with low marital satisfaction were purposively selected from the population.

The Study adopted a Quasi-experimental design involving pre-test post-test design. All the Seventy four respondents were exposed to five weeks Relationship Education Training. ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale (EMS; Fowlers & Olson, 1993) was adapted and modified to suit the objectives of the study.

The instrument was named Marital Satisfaction Enrichment Questionnaire tagged ―MSEQ‖ which was used as an instrument for data collection.

The instrument had reliability coefficients of 0.89 indicating high reliability. Mean and the standard deviation were used to answer all the six research questions.

Paired sample t-test was used to test all null hypotheses 1-5 while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test hypothesis 6 at 0.05 level of significance.


Title Page               ii

Declaration           iii

Certification          iv

Dedication            v

Acknowledgements        vi

Table of Contents          viii

List of Figure            xi

List of Tables             xii

List of Plates              xiii

List of Appendices             xiv

Operational Definition of Terms         xv

Abstract          xvi


  • Background of the Study 1
  • Statement of the Problem 7
  • Objectives of the Study 11
  • Research Questions 11
  • Hypotheses of the Study 12
  • Significance of the Study 13
  • Basic Assumptions of the Study 14
  • Delimitation of the Study 14


  • Theoretical Framework 15
  • Conceptual Framework 18
    • Concept of Relationship Education 19
    • Dual Career Couple 20
  • Need for Relationship Education for Dual Career Couples 21
  • Marital Expectations in Marriage 22
  • Marital Satisfaction 24
  • Components of Marital Satisfaction among Dual Career Couple 25
    • Communication and Marital Satisfaction 26
    • Sexual Relationship and Marital Satisfaction 26
    • Financial Management and Marital Satisfaction 27
    • Conflict Resolution and Marital Satisfaction 30
    • Parenting and Marital Satisfaction 32
  • Relationship Education Training Skills and Marital Satisfaction 34
  • Review of Related Empirical Studies 36
  • Summary of the Reviewed Literature 49


  • Research Design 51
  • Population of the Study 52
  • Sample and Sampling Technique 53
  • Instrument for Data Collection 54
    • Validation of the Instrument 56
    • Pilot Testing 57
    • Reliability of the Instrument 57
  • Procedure for Data Collection 57
  • Procedure for Data Analysis 60


  • Analyses of Bio Data of the Respondents 62
  • Answers to Research 63
  • Testing of Hypotheses 75
  • Summary of Major Findings 81
  • Discussion 82


  • Summary 89
  • Conclusion 90
  • Contribution to knowledge 91
  • Recommendations 92
  • Suggestions for Further Studies 92

References                              93

Appendices                           105


1.1 Background to the Study

The emotional and mental health of the population depends on family health and family health depends on the health and continuity of relationship between husband and wife (Mohsen, 2015). No society can claim to be healthy unless it has healthy families.

Marriage and marital relationship is the start of forming a family (Nasehi, Raeis, Jafari & Rahmani, 2004; Tahmasebi, Moghadasi, Alavi & Moradi, 2005).

Marriage is described as a normative, personal life event in adulthood and involves the habitation of husband and wife with different characteristics and needs (Sevinc & Garip, 2010).

In general, people get married for specific purposes such as finding meaning in life and living for a better quality of marital life. A good marriage guarantees a peaceful and joyful atmosphere for the attainment of a better marital satisfaction.

It is the desire of every married couple in a marital relationship to attain a happy and satisfying marriage, however, according to Joseph and Inbanathan (2016),

recent trends of improved opportunities of education for women and their subsequent entry into formal career have altered the traditional roles of couples in the marital relationship.


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