Assessment of Undergraduate Programme of Library And Information Science In Selected Library Schools In Northern States of Nigeria

Assessment of Undergraduate Programme of Library And Information Science In Selected Library Schools In Northern States of Nigeria.

Table of Contents


The study title “Assessment of Undergraduate degree Programmes of Library and Information Science available in the library schools in Northern states of Nigeria” was embarked upon in order to investigate Undergraduate degree programme of library and information science in selected University-base library schools in Northern states of Nigeria.

Six research questions were formulated and answered. A survey research methodology was adopted .and documentary sources and semi-structured questionnaire were the instruments used to collect data.

The responses from the sampled of the four library schools and their lecturers under study numbering 70 were studied and analyzed, using frequency tables and percentages and suggestions are made.

The study discovered the degree programmes of library and information science available are, Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B. LIS), B- Tech. Library and Information Science (LIS) and B-Tech.

Library and Information Technology (LIT) The requirement for admission into Bachelor‟s Degree programme are through UTME/post-UME and Direct-entry (DE).

The finding showed that qualified lecturers and fund to acquire necessary and adequate facilities, such as internet connectivity, laboratory equipment for students are inadequate.

The study therefore concluded that, differences in the programmes have no significant impact on the competency of librarians produced.

In view of this numbers of recommendations were made with a view to improving the quality of the Library and Information Science Programmes in the library schools.


Title Page…    i

Declaration…. ii

Certification…   iii

Dedication…  iv

Acknowledgment ….   v

Table of Content…   vi

List of tables…    vii

List of Appendices …  viii

Abstract   ix


1.1Background to the study……1

1.1.2 Concept of library and information Science …   2

1.1.3 NUC Minimum academic standard…… 4

1.2 Statement of the problemme…… 5

1.3 Research Questions … 6

1.3 Objectives of the study……   7

1.5 Significance of the study …   8

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the study……… 9

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms …  9

References….   11


2.1 Introduction……   13

2.2 The Undergraduate degree programmes of library and information science…   14

2.3 Admission into Undergraduate degree programme of library and information science………16

2.4 Faculty staff adequacy in the library schools……  19

2.5 Facilities for Teaching and Learning in Library Schools   22

2.6 The Nature of Curriculum Content of Undergraduate Degree programme of Library and information science………..23

2.7 Variations in the Curriculum of library and information science degree programmes    30

2.8 Summary of the review    32

References ………          33


3.1 Introduction …   38

3.2 Research method adopted for the study …….38

3.3 Population of the Study ….…………    39

3.4 Sample and sampling Procedure ………40

3.5 Instruments for Data Collection … 42

3.5.1 Questionnaire ……   42

3.5.2 Documentary Sources …  42

3.6 Validation of the Instruments …….43

3.7 Reliability of the Instrument…43

3.8 Procedure for Data Collection …44

3.9 Procedure for Data Analysis …….  44

Reference ……    46


4.1 Introduction …47

4.2 Response Rate …..47

4.3 Data Presentation and Analysis…  49

4.3.1 Descriptive analysis………49

4.3.2 Bachelor degree programmes available in library schools in Northern state of  Nigeria.……….49

4.3.3 Admission Requirement into library schools in Northern state of Nigeria….   51

4.3.4 Adequacy of Faculty staff in Selected Library Schools of Northern States of Nigeria …  54

4.3.5 Adequate Facilities Available for teaching and learning in library schools in Northern State of Nigeria   58

4.3.6 The Nature of Curriculum Content of Undergraduate Degree programme of Library and Information Science……….64

4.3.5 Variations in Curriculum of Undergraduate Degree of Library and formation Science programme.   67

References… 70


5.1 Introduction…..71

5.2 Summery of the study ………71

5.3 Summary of the Major Findings…………72

5.4 Conclusion …….73

5.5 Recommendations ……………74

5.6 Suggestion for Further Research…… 76


Appendices …………. 81


Background to the Study
Library science education and training programme in Nigeria is linked to the general social and political history of the country.

The mode of library education and training in Nigeria during the colonial period up to 1960 was conducted through short courses organized for the staff of local reading rooms and the Native Authority libraries.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century‟s Library Science Education in many of the former British Colonies derived its educational and professional structures from the United Kingdom (UK) standard.

Carroll (2011) reported that, the British model for library science education included training in the workplace in an apprenticeship mode and eventually involved examinations in both general and specialist knowledge set by the local professional association or Library Association (LA) of U K.


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