ASSURED 2023/2024 WAEC Mathematics Questions and Answers Obj/Theory updated

ASSURED 2023/2024 WAEC Mathematics Questions and Answers Obj/theory

2021 WAEC Math’s Answers unrestricted – See Waec Mathematics Questions for Objectives & Essay Here.

The Waec mathematics 2023/2024 questions and answers have been released. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) General Mathematics essay and objective paper for SSCE will be written on Thursday 16th May, 2021.

The WAEC Maths 2 (Essay) 

paper will start by 9:30am and will last for 2hrs 30mins while the Waec Mathematics 1 (Objective) exam will commence 3:00pm and will last for 1hr 30mins. In this post, you will be considering the Waec Maths questions and answers 2019 for candidates that will partake in the examination from past questions.

The questions and answers below on WAEC Mathematics have been provided to help candidates understand the required standards expected in WAEC Mathematics Examination.waec mathematics answers

WAEC Mathematics Question and Answer 2021:

PAPER 2 [Essay]
Answer any … questions.
Write your answers on the answer booklet provided.
1. A = {2, 4, 6, 8}, B = {2, 3, 7, 9} and C = {x: 3 < x < 9} are subsets of the universal-set
U = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. Find
(a) A n(B’nC’);
(b) (AuB) n(BuC)

waec mathematics 2019/2020 In the drawing above, the points A, B, C and D lie on the circle, centre O. TA and TB are tangents touching the circle at A and B respectively.
AÔB = 132°, AĈD = 59° and AOC is a straight line.
(a) Find ATB.
(b) Find BDA.(c) Find BDC.
(d) Find OBD.

3. (a) The probability that a malaria patient (M) survives when administered with a newly discovered drug is 0.27 and the probability that a typhoid patient (T) survives when injected with another newly discovered drug is 0.85.  What is the probability that;
i. either of the two patients survives?
ii. Of two patients survive?
iii. At least one of the two patients survive?
(b) Give your answers correct to 2 significant figures.

4. The frequency distribution of the weight of 100 participants in a high jump competition is as
Shown below:
(a) Construct the cumulative frequency table.
(b) Draw the cumulative frequency curve.
(c)   From the curve, estimate the:
(i)   Median;
(ii) semi-interquartile range;
(iii) Probability that a participant chosen at random weighs at least 60 kg.

5. Using ruler and a pair of compasses only:
(a) Construct a triangle PQR with /PQ/ = 10cm, ∠QPR = 90° and ∠PQR = 30°;
(b) (i) construct I, the locus of all points equidistant from PR and QR;
(ii) Locate M, the point where / intersects with po,
(c) (i) with M as centre and radius MP, draw a circle;
(ii) Calculate the area of the circle correct to one decimal place.
[Take Π= 22/7].

6. A sector of angle 135° is removed from a thin circular metal sheet of radius 40cm. It is then folded with the straight edges coinciding to form a right circular cone. Calculate the:
(a) Base radius of the cone, correct to two decimal places.
(b) Greatest volume of liquid which the cone can hold, leaving your answer correct to the nearest cm3. (Take p = 22/7).

7. (a) P varies directly as Q and inversely as the square of R.  If P = 1 when Q = 8 and R = 2, find the value of Q when P = 3 and R = 5.
(b) An aeroplane flies from town A(20oN, 60oE) to town B(20oN, 20oE).
(i) If the journey takes 6 hours, calculate, correct to 3 significant figures, the average speed of the aeroplane.
(ii) If it then flies due north from town B to town C, 420 km away, calculate, correct to the nearest degree, the latitude of town C.
[Take radius of the earth = 6400 km and π = 3.142]

8. Two fair dice are thrown.
M is the event described by “the sum of the scores is 10” and
N is the event described by “the difference between the scores is 3”.
(a) Write out the elements of M and N.
(b) Find the probability of M or N.
(c) Are M and N mutually exclusive? Give reasons

9. (a) In a class of 50 students, 30 offered History, 15 offered History and Geography while 3 did not offer any of the two subjects.
(i)Represent the information on a Venn diagram.
(ii)Find the number of candidates that offered:
(A) History only;
(B) Geography only.
(b) A trader sold an article at a discount of 8% for N 828.00. If the article was initially marked to gain 25%, find the
(I) cost price of the article;
(ii) Discount allowed.

10. The area of a rectangular football field is 7200m2 while its perimeter is 360m.  calculate the:
(a) Dimensions of the field;
(b) Cost of clearing the field at N6.50 per square meter, leaving a margin of 2m wide along the longer sides;
(c) Percentage of the part not cleared.

11. (A) Given the Arithmetic Sequence -6, -2 , 1, …, 71, find the:
(i) Common difference;
(ii) Number of terms of the sequence
(b) The difference between the third and first terms of a Geometric Progression (G. P.) is 42. If the fourth term is greater than the second term by 168, find the:
(I) first term;
(ii) Fourth term of the distribution

12. The table below shows the distribution of marks scored by students in an examination.
Calculate, correct to 2 decimal places, the
(a) Mean;
(b) Standard deviation of the distribution.

WAEC Mathematics Objective Question:

PAPER 1 (Objective)
Answer ALL questions in this section.
Shade your answer in the answer booklet provided

1. In a school, 180 students offer mathematics or physics or both. If 125  offer mathematics and 105 offer physics. How many students offer mathematics only?
A.75       B. 80       C. 55       D. 125.

2. Find the value of x for which 3(24x + 3) = 96
A. 2       B. -2       C. ½       D. -1/2

3. The cost of renovating a 5m square room is N500. What is the cost of renovating a 10m square room?
A. N1,000       B. N2,500       C. 2,000       D. N10,000

4. Find the rate of change of the total surface area S of a sphere with respect to its radius r when r = 2
A. 8       B. 16       C. 10       D. 14

5. Differentiate (cosӨ + sinӨ)2 with respect to Ө.
A. 2cos2Ө       B. 2sin2Ө       C. -2cos2Ө       D. -2sin2Ө

6. A binary operation * on the set of rational numbers is defined as x * y = 2x + [x3 – y3/x + y]. find -1*2
A. 11       B. -11       C. 8       D. -8

7. A polynomial in x whose zeroes are 2, 1 and -3 is ______
A. x3 – 7x + 6
B. x3 + 7x – 6
C. x3 – 7x –  6
D. x3 + 7x + 6

8. Find the range of values of x for which 7x –  3 > 3x + 4
A. x < 7/4
B. x > 7/4
C. 7x < 4
D. -4x < 7

9. Some red balls were put in a basket containing 12 white balls and 16 blue balls. If the probability of picking a red ball from the basket is 3/7, how many red balls were introduced?
A. 13       B.20       C. 12       D. 21

10. Convert 12314 to a number in base 6.
A. 1056
B. 3016
C. 1036
D. 5016

11. Find the slope of the curve y = 3×3 + 5×2 – 3 at (-1, 5).
A. 1       B. -1       C. 19       D. -19
12. Find the area of the region bounded by y = x2 + x – 2 and x – axis

A. 9/2         B. -39/6         C. 8/3          D. 16/3
13. The minimum value of y = x2 – 4x – 5 is ______

A. 2          B. -2         C.13          D. -13

NOTE: That there is nothing like Waec mathematics expo online. Do not be deceived by fraudsters posing with fake Waec answers on the internzet.

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