Availability, Utilization and Effect of Instructional Materials in Teaching Basic Technology in Secondary Schools

Availability, Utilization, and Effect of Instructional Materials in Teaching Basic Technology in Secondary Schools.


The study focuses on the availability and utilization of instructional materials and students’ achievement in basic technology in secondary schools in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State.
A proportional stratified random sampling method will be adopted to select 700 students from 10 selected Government Secondary schools. Four research questions will be answered and three hypotheses will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.
75 items on the instrument will be used to ascertain the availability and utilization of instructional materials and students achievement. The reliability of the instrument will correlated using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient (r).
Mean and standard deviations will be used to answer the research questions, and this will also be used to test the hypotheses.


1.1      Background to the Study
Basic Technology is a subject introduced in the year 2007 to students at the Junior Secondary School level that enables the study of the basics or rudiments of technology.
At the inception of the 6-3-3-4 system of education, it was called “Introductory Technology” but currently in the 9-3-4 system of education it is called “Basic Technology”.
The National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004) defined it as the aspect of education which leads to acquisition of practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge.
It is also a subject that deals with the fundamentals of engineering and technology and its components include: Woodwork, Metal Work, Building construction, Electrical/Electronics, Computer, Mechanics, Technical Drawing, and so on.
In order to reduce ignorance about technology and help to lay a solid foundation for true national development.

Basic Technology subject has been accorded a place in the school curriculum as a core subject like Mathematics and English Language. Objectives of teaching Basic Technology subject in Nigerian Schools include:
To provide pre-vocational orientation for further training in technology.  To provide basic technology literacy for everyday life. To stimulate creativity (FME, 2004).
Looking critically at the objectives stated above, every student is expected to develop positive attitude towards the study of Basic Technology since It is the first time students are introduced to technical subjects to have high students’ academic achievement in Basic Technology.


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