Available Scholarships for Women in Stem 2023/2024 See Full List

– Scholarships for Women in Stem – 

Scholarships for Women in Stem aims at providing financial support for women. This support is to help women facing financial challenges to achieve their academic dreams.

1. Tyler J. Viney Memorial Scholarship

➢ Deadline: Varies

➢ Available to: Females, College Seniors

➢ Award Amount: Varies

So the first in our list is The Tyler J. Viney Memorial Scholarship, and it is available to fourth- and fifth-year students registered in the following department: departments or schools of architecture at the following colleges: Prairie View A&M University, Rice University, Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, University of Houston, the University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Texas at San Antonio.

To get this award, You must show potential architectural skill and an interest in photography to be qualified for this award. Precedence will be given to minority or female students.

2. Women in Wireless Communications Scholarship

➢ Deadline: Varies

➢ Available to: College Freshmen through College Sophomores

➢ Award Amount: Varies

This is another scholarship opportunity for women in stem. The Women in Wireless Communications Scholarship is open to female students in the College of Technology at Idaho State University. Y

ou should be registered in the electronic wireless telecommunications program and exhibit a strong academic performance, participation in co-curricular activities and future goals in the field of wireless communications to be qualified for this award.

3. Society of Women Engineers – Boston Scholarship

➢ Deadline: Varies

➢ Available to: College Juniors through College Seniors

➢ Award Amount: Varies

The Society of Women Engineers – Boston Scholarship is available to female junior and senior engineering majors at the University of New Hampshire.

4. Clare Boothe Luce Program Scholarships Clare Luce Program

The scholarship award benefits recipients who are starting out on their graduate studies in science, mathematics, and engineering. Grants are awarded to four-year degree-granting institutions instead of individuals.

Preference is given to Catholic institutions with strong science programs, especially ones who support women in the physical science and engineering fields. The deadline for this scholarship is July 31   and the award to be won varies.

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5. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

This scholarship program provides support for women and minority PhD students who are pursuing graduate degrees in oceanography, marine biology, maritime archaeology, and other sciences and engineering fields involving ocean and coastal locations.

Recipients receive support up to $42,000 per year, plus $10,000 of support for four- to six-week program collaboration at a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) facility.

The deadline for this scholarship is Dec 10 and the award to be won is Up to $42,000

6. NASA Harriett G. Jenkins Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Project 

Offered through the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation and created in honor of Harriett G. Jenkins, this fellowship offers support to women and minorities who are full-time graduate students in the STEM disciplines.

Awards include $24,000 annually for PhD fellows; $18,000 annually for master’s fellows; $8,500 tuition offset; and $8,000 for a research stipend.

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7. Libbie H. Hyman Memorial Scholarship 

The Libbie H. Hyman Memorial Scholarship is offered through The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology and is awarded to women pursuing a graduate degree in various zoology disciplines.

8. Warren/ Sanders/ McNaughton Oceanographic Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to women graduate students pursuing a degree in oceanography or related fields. There is no formal application; applicants should write a letter including two letters of recommendation, two references, transcripts, a statement of objectives and interest. 

Also, a description of the planned program at the educational institution the student will be attending. Recipients receive $1,500 per year and may petition for continued support each year.

9. L’Oreal USA/UNESCO “For Women in Science” Fellowship Programs

Five female postdoctoral scientists are eligible to receive grants from the L’Oreal USA For Women in Science fellowship program of $60,000 each “for their contributions to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields and commitment to serving as role models for younger generations.”

10 The Science Ambassador Scholarships for Women in Stem

Film a three–minute video of yourself explaining a STEM topic you’re passionate about. You must be a high school senior or an undergraduate college student to apply.

What you need to do;

1. A mini-lecture, not a personal statement. Pretend you’re a lecturer speaking to a class. Teach us something.

2. A demonstration of your passion for the subject. Your video doesn’t need to be fancy or high–tech. Production value is not a factor in judging.

3. Scientifically accurate. We encourage you to cite sources you use to research your topic.

4. Clear and creative. People who aren’t science experts, like students or non–scientist adults, should be able to understand your video.

5. About any STEM topic, not necessarily your field of study.

6. Three minutes or less in length. Please upload your video to YouTube marked ‘public.’

11. Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI) Academic Scholarship


SSAI is a woman-owned business, which has been providing scientific and technological applications services since its incorporation in April 1977.

Based in Lanham, Maryland, SSAI specializes in Earth and space sciences, advanced computing, scientific analysis, instrument engineering, systems development, and information technology.

The company’s founders, Om and Saraswati (Sara) Bahethi, are naturalized U.S. citizens who have shown both compassion and commitment in supporting and assisting students studying to earn degrees in atmospheric and related sciences.

Dr. Bahethi acknowledges the contributions of scholarships and financial assistance from educational institutions and the government to the completion of his own physics studies in the United States, and he and Mrs. Bahethi are happy to pass on their own assistance to others.

Scholarship at a Glance

1. One $2,000 award may be made each year

2. Awarded on the basis of scholarship and participation in SPS to undergraduate students in their sophomore or junior year of study

3. Supported by Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI)


1. Applicants must be students in their sophomore or junior year of college who are majoring in physics or a related science

2. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who attend a college or university in the United States

3. Applicants must be undergraduate members of the SPS national organization

Selection Criteria

In determining the recipients, the SPS Scholarship Committee shall consider with equal weight:

1. high scholarship performance both in physics and overall studies,

2. the exhibition of the potential and intention for continued scholastic development in physics, and

3. active participation in SPS programs.

Details for Awardees

Awardees will be required to submit a completed W-9 federal tax form (or equivalent for international students) before funds are dispersed.

12. AWIS Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award: Scholarships for Women in Stem


The Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award is an AWIS Educational Foundation program for female college sophomores and juniors studying physics, including space physics and geophysics, or geoscience.

The award in the amount of $2,000 is given annually to an exceptionally well-rounded student who excels in her studies as well as outdoor activities, service, sports, music, or other non-academic pursuits or who has overcome significant obstacles.

The award is administered by SPS and may be used for any aspect of education, including tuition, books, housing, or travel, for

Scholarship at a Glance

1. One $2,000 award will be made each year

2. Awarded to a female student in her sophomore or junior year of study

3. Awarded to an exceptionally well-rounded student who excels in her studies as well as outdoor activities, service, sports, music, or other non-academic pursuits or who has overcome significant obstacles

4. The Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award is an Association for Women in Science (AWIS) Educational Foundation program administered by SPS.


1. Applicants must be female students in the sophomore or junior year of college who are majoring in physics, including space physics and geophysics, or geoscience.

2. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who attend a college or university in the United States.

3. Applicants must be undergraduate members of the SPS national organization

13. Hildred Blewett Fellowship


To enable women to return to physics research careers after having had to interrupt those careers. The fellowship consists of a one-year award of up to $45,000 (applicants can apply in a subsequent year for one additional year of support).

Allowed expenses include dependent care (limited to 50% of the award), salary, travel, equipment, and tuition and fees. Overhead charges by the institution are not allowed.

Eligibility & Selection Criteria

Applicants must:

1. Currently be a citizen, legal resident, or resident alien of the United States or Canada.

2. Have completed work toward a Ph.D.

3. Provide written proof from the U.S. or Canadian institution that the applicant will have institutional affiliation during the tenure of the grant. Institutional affiliation at the time of application is not necessary.

In selecting fellowship recipients, the following criteria will be considered:

1. Qualifications of applicant,

2. Status of career before break,

3. Steps the applicant has taken to return to physics research,

4. Relationship of the applicant to the research community,

5. Relationship of project and award to future plans,

6. Scholarly significance of the project,

7. Quality and feasibility of the project design and timeline.

14. Priscilla Carney Jones Scholarship

The Priscilla Carney Jones Scholarship was established by Paul R. Jones, in memory of his wife, to provide scholarships for female undergraduate majors in chemistry or related disciplines who are beginning their junior or senior years of study.

Priscilla Carney Jones wished to have this scholarship established because of the difficulties she faced as a female chemist early in her career.


The scholarship is a one-time award on the basis of both need and scholarship. The award amount is subject to available funding but will be a minimum of $1,500.

The award is sent directly to the recipient’s financial aid office and may be used for tuition, books, and lab fees.

On-and-off campus housing, transportation, and other personal fees (e.g., sorority dues) may not be paid from this award.


To be considered a candidate, students must meet the following criteria:

1. Rising junior or senior female undergraduate student

2. Enrolled full-time at an accredited college or university

3. Major in chemistry or chemistry-related science
Students in pre-med programs who intend to go to medical school are not eligible for this scholarship.

4. Completed research or plan to conduct research during undergraduate years

5. Minimum overall GPA of 3.25

6. US citizen or permanent resident

7. Able to demonstrate evidence of a financial need

15. Libbie H. Hyman Memorial: Scholarships for Women in Stem


This scholarship, in memory of Libbie H. Hyman, one of America’s foremost invertebrate zoologists, provides assistance to students to take courses OR to carry on research on INVERTEBRATES at a marine, freshwater, or terrestrial field station.

In 2018, two students were supported with awards of $1840 each.


The Hyman Scholarship is intended to help support a first meaningful field station experience for a first or second-year graduate student, or an advanced undergraduate.

16. Women Chemists Committee/Eli Lilly Travel Award

The ACS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) and Eli Lilly and Company sponsor a program to provide funding for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral female chemists to travel to meetings to present the results of their research.

Through this program, WCC and Eli Lilly and Company continue to increase the participation of women in the chemical sciences.


Awards are made on the basis of scientific merit and financial need. Funds may be applied only for registration, travel, and accommodations, and are restricted to travel to meetings within the United States.

Grant funds are limited, but there are some funds designated for undergraduates. In addition to financial support, the award provides networking opportunities for recipients who attend an ACS national meeting.

The WCC hosts a poster session and reception for awardees at each national meeting. In addition, awardees are invited to the WCC Luncheon where they receive recognition.

The luncheon also provides a valuable networking opportunity as awardees sit at the head tables along with ACS governance and WCC members. Lastly, awardees are invited to a private dinner with WCC members which is generously sponsored by the ACS Executive


Applications should be limited to one research group. Awards will be given with reference to the following order:

1. Any applicant who will be making her first presentation (regardless of format) at a national or major meeting.

2. Graduate or postdoctoral applicants who have not presented at a national or major meeting since completing their undergraduate degree.

Only US citizens and permanent residents are eligible. Those who have received a prior award under this program are ineligible.

The WCC Attracting Subcommittee reviews applications and selects awardees.

17. WDHOF Scholarships and Training Grants

The Women Divers Hall of Fame ™ (WDHOF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to honouring and raising awareness of the contributions of outstanding women d

WDHOF provides educational, mentorship, financial, and career opportunities to the diving community throughout the world.

Each year, WDHOF awards scholarships and training grants that provide financial and educational support to individuals of all ages, particularly those who are preparing for professional careers that involve diving. You may only apply for ONE scholarship or training grant.


Scholarships are offered in marine conservation, marine biology, underwater archaeology, and underwater education.

They are intended to support independent research and/or education programs. They do not support tuition, living expenses or student loans. Scholarships are paid directly to the recipient.

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