Baer Reintegration Scholarship 2022 Application Update

Baer Reintegration Scholarship is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation.

About the Scholarship

The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation, which supports organizations aiming to promote education, research, and direct care in the field of mental health, provides funding for the Baer Reintegration Scholarship.

Mr. Baer, a businessman and consultant, battled mental illness throughout his life and worked to lessen the suffering of others who were affected.

Eligibility for Baer Reintegration Scholarship

Prior to completing the application online, all applicants will be required to take a brief eligibility quiz. To be considered for the Baer Reintegration Scholarship, applicants must:

1. Be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.

2. Be currently receiving medical treatment for the disease, including medications and psychiatric follow-up, or have prescribing authority’s documentation of past history noted on Recommendation Form.

3. Be actively involved in rehabilitative or reintegration efforts, such as clubhouse membership, part- or full-time employment, volunteer efforts or school enrollment.

4. Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident and plan to attend a school in the United States.

5. Be age 18 years or older by the beginning of the 2022-2024 academic school year.

Educational Qualification

The Baer Reintegration Scholarship program is designed to offer financial assistance for a wide range of educational opportunities in which students work to attain a certificate or degree from an accredited institution. Eligible programs include:

1. High school equivalency programs.

2. Trade or vocational school, or certification programs.

3. Associate’s degree.

4. Bachelor’s degree.

5. Graduate degree.

6. Post-baccalaureate credit coursework.


Criteria for Baer Reintegration Scholarship

The following criteria will judge the applications:

1. Academic success.

2. References from three individuals, including the applicant’s psychiatrist or prescribing authority (references from family members are ineligible).

3. Quality of essay.

4. Thoughtfulness and appropriateness of academic and vocational/career goals.

5. Rehabilitation involvement.

6. Success in dealing with the disease.

7. Recent volunteer and/or vocational experience.

8. Completion of application requirements including signing the Personal Consent & Release Form.


Application Deadline

January 31st, 2022.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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