Baer Reintegration Scholarship Program

Baer Reintegration Scholarship

The goal of this program is to assist students with schizophrenia or other mental illnesses who want to enhance their academic and professional careers.


Total reward – Varies

Nonprofit organization – Baer Reintegration Scholarship

Area – America

Host Country – United States of America

Deadline – 31 Dec 2022

Study level – High School

Eligible Countries – This opportunity is destined for all countries

Eligible Region – All Regions


Prior to completing the application online, all applicants will be required to take a brief eligibility quiz. To be considered for the Baer Reintegration Scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
  • Be currently receiving medical treatment for the disease, including medications and psychiatric follow-up, or have prescribing authority’s documentation of past history noted on Recommendation Form.
  • Be actively involved in rehabilitative or reintegration efforts, such as clubhouse membership, part-
    or full-time employment, volunteer efforts or
    school enrollment.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident and plan to attend a school in the United States
  • Be age 18 years or older by the beginning of the 2022-2024 academic school year.


The Baer Reintegration Scholarship program is designed to offer financial assistance for a wide range of educational opportunities in which students work to attain a certificate or degree from an accredited institution. Eligible programs include:

  • High school equivalency programs
  • Trade or vocational school, or certification programs
  • Associate’s degree
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Graduate degree
  • Post-baccalaureate credit coursework

Due to the current COVID-19 global pandemic, the Baer Reintegration Scholarship Program is accepting students attending school online, in person, or a hybrid of the two.

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The applications will be judged by the following criteria:

  • Academic success
  • References from three individuals, including the applicant’s psychiatrist or prescribing authority (references from family members are ineligible)
  • Quality of essay
  • Thoughtfulness and appropriateness of academic
    and vocational/career goals
  • Rehabilitation involvement
  • Success in dealing with the disease
  • Recent volunteer and/or vocational experience
  • Completion of application requirements including signing the Personal Consent & Release Form


Essay must be no longer than three double-spaced typed pages and must include the following section headings; to make six separate sections to the essay. These sections are provided within the online application. 

  • My Career Goal and My Rationale for Choosing This Goal
  • How This Course of Study Will Help Me Achieve My Career Goal
  • How My Illness Has Impacted My Ability to Succeed in School, Maintain Employment or Establish Relationships
  • Steps I Have Taken to Prepare for Pursuit of This Education
  • Rationale for the Specific School Chosen
  • My Plans to Continue Treatment While Pursuing
    an Education
  • Please note uploaded essays that do not have these headings clearly stated at the beginning of each section will not be accepted for the judges’ review.


  • Applications must be submitted by January 31st, 2022
  • Applications must be completed in their entirety according to the directions provided; applicants must meet the eligibility requirements in order to be considered by the panel of independent judges.
  • All applicants will be notified in May 2022 whether or not they have been chosen as a finalist. Winners will be notified in July 2022.

How to Apply:

 Applications are available online or by phone, mail or email.

Option 1: Mailed Application:  

You can download an application by clicking here.  Print, and complete the mail-in application. All instructions, including materials needed and deadlines, to send in the application are in the first pages of the document. 

Option 2:  Online Application: 

Click here to apply as a New Applicant

Click here to apply as a Returning Scholar