Bank Location as a Factor and the Influence on Customer Banking Behaviour

Bank Location as a Factor and the Influence on Customer Banking Behaviour.

Table of Contents


To enhance the success of management of banks, there is need to empower such banks unto high productivity and consumer satisfaction which is possible through influencing the customers banking behaviour,

The factors that influence customers are critical issues as they affect their decision making and hence the amount of patronage to the bank services.

The research project aimed at highlighting on Bank Location as a factor and influence on customer banking behaviour, using selected banks in Enugu metropolis as a case of study.

Analysis made and hypothesis tested from the responses received through the administered questionnaires reveals that Bank location has significant influence on customers banking behavior,

Also highlighted is where multiple branching is affected by the state of technology available to the bank, concentration of population has a very high effect on decision for multiple branching by banks,

There are few branches in the perception of Nigeria publics in multiple branching, the level of security to a very large extent enhances decision for multiple branching by banks.

Table Of Contents

Title Page–        –     i

Certification Page-       ii

Dedication-        –        –       iii

Acknowledgment-      –           iv

Abstract-  –        –        –           v

Table of Contents-      –         vii


  • Background of the Study- – – –        –        –        1
  • Statement of Problem- – –        –        –        –        2
  • Objectives of the study- – –        –        –        –        3
  • Research Questions – – –        –        –        –        4
  • Research Hypotheses- – –        –        –        –        5
  • Significance of the study- – – –        –        –        5
  • Scope of the study- – –        –        –        –        –        6
  • Limitations of the study- – –        –        –        –        6

References-        –        –        –         7

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

  • Bank Location and Setting Consideration- – 8
  • An Integrated Approach for Banking Customer Location and Customer Data- –   14
  • Customer Efficiency Channel usage and

Firm Performance in Retail Banking–         –        –        16

  • Basic Influence of Customer Banking Behaviour- 22
  • Banker Customer Relationship- – –        –        31
  • Characteristic of Poor Customer Service and Density effect-  –                33
  • Target Markets Selection and the Influence on Customer Banking Behaviour- – – –        –        36

References-        –        –            41

CHAPTER THREE Research Methodology

  • Introduction- – –        –        –        –        –        –        43
  • Research Design- – –        –        –        –        –        43
  • Sources of Data Collection- – –        –        –        45
  • Instrument for Data Collection– – –        –        45
  • Population of the Study- – –        –        –        –        46
  • Sample Size Determination- – –        –        –        47
  • Method of Data Analysis- – – –        –        –        47

References-        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        48


  • Data Presentation and Analysis- – –        –        49
  • Hypothesis Testing- – – –        –        –        –        57

References-        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        60


  • Summary of Findings- – –        —        61
  • Discussion of Results- – –        –         62

5.3    Conclusion-       –        –           63

5.4    Recommendation-      –           63

Bibliography-    –        –        –    65

Questionnaire- –        –        –      68


Background of Study

A successful marketing management is about making decisions that are customer driven, taking into consideration the changes  in consumer taste/behaviour while evaluating the different strategic alternatives available,

To make sure that any choice made must satisfy the need of the consumer, motivate and influence his buying decisions. Hence marketing begins and ends with the consumer.

Bank location is studied here as a factor and influence on customer banking behaviour to enable us learn why some banks in the industry perform below average in terms of the scope of geographical coverage and profit turnover over a period, since it  is customers that make banks what they are.

Several theories in the field of marketing discovered that marketing activities are goal/ target oriented. Bank location is very central to attraction and patronage of target customers.

So influencing the customers banking behavior unto high patronage is possible through location of bank branches closer to the customers business area, to achieve the goal of the banking industry.


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