SOURCE:  From Laolu Akande, New York

The United states (US) president Barack Obama is getting tough on human rights violent atrocities and widespread violence around the world.

Nigerians and other nationalities identified by the American government perpetrating these acts and supporting atrocities including book haram and religious violence would be denied entry into the U.S.

According to a recent white House statement, Obama has signed an executive order suspending entry privileges to the U.S. any alien “who planned, ordered, assisted, aided and abetted,

committed or otherwise participated in, including through command responsibility, widespread or systematic violence and other against any civilian population.

Specifically, a white House official yesterday clarified that the order would affect Nigerians against the backdrop of recent Boko Haram violence and other atrocities that have already been and may be recorded in the country.

Answering questions from the quadian whether this order has anything to do with Nigerian and the country’s encounter with Boko Haram and religious violence, Caitlin Hayden, Deputy Spokesperson of the national security council at the white house answered in the affirmative and said Late Monday that “in answer to your questions, the president’s executive Order applies globally”.

Hayden added that the presidential order also empowered the secretary of state wijt the “respo9nsibility for implementing the order, including identifying those persons to which it applies.

According to the president order released early in month – August 4-president Obama determined that “that it is in the interests of the united states to take action to restrict the international travel and to suspend the entry into the united states, as immigrants or nonimmigrants of certain persons who have engaged in the acts outlined in section 1 of this proclamation.

The section lists violence against civilians, war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of human rights. Indeed the section says persons who even attempted or conspired to perspetrate any of these acts would also fall under the no-entry to the U.S. hammer of presidential declaration.

U.S. officials explained that while the presidential order should not be seen as targeting any specific individual or nation, recent acts of terrorism and widespread violence in the Arab world and rising terrorism and violence in African may have influenced the presidential declaration.

Late last month while meeting with four African heads of state from west at the white House, Obama personally expressed concern at the troubling rise of terrorism in African.


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