Barriers to Second Language Acquisition

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Language is the key point to any effective reasoning for every individual, without language, one cannot express its idea properly and effectively.

This thesis is an attempt to find out the barriers faced by Kurama adults in acquiring Hausa as second language. It is divided into five chapters,

the first chapter introduces the study, purpose of the study, statement of the problem of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation on the study and then basic assumption.

The second chapter is about literature review on second language – acquisition. Sociopsychological problem in language learning and learning strategies in an adult. The third chapter introduces the research method used in conducting this study.

The fourth chapter is data presentation and discussion where the researcher identified barriers relating to phonetic and phonology interference of Kurama phonological system into Hausa language and barriers relating to syntax. The last chapter summarizes, discussion  and recommendation concerning the study.


Title page      –                 i

Declaration   –           –       ii

Certification  –           –       iii

Dedication     –           –   iv

Acknowledgement   –          v

Abstract          –          vi


  • Introduction –           –           –       1
  • The Purpose of the study –           1
  • Statement of the Problem –           2
  • Significance of the study –           –   3
  • Scope of limitation of the study –    5
  • Basic Assumption –           –           –  5


  • Literature Review –           –            7
  • Sociopsychlogical problem in language learning –       17
  • Language learning strategies for the adult –         19


  • Introduction –           –           26
  • Background of the study
  • Theories of Language Acquisition – –        26
  • Behaviourists theory –           –        26
  • Mediation theory –           –           –      32
  • Nativist theory –           –           –   33
  • Kurama Origin –           –           –      36
  • Hausa Origin – –           –           –      37
  • Population of the Study –           –      41
  • Method of measuring attitude –      41
  • Data Collection –           –           –   43

CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Discussion of Data

  • Introduction –           –         44
  • Barriers Relating to Phonetics and Phonology –      45
  • The Interference to Kurama Phonological system into Hausa – 55
  • Barriers Relating to syntax – –           58
  • Types of Sentences Produced by the Kurama Adults –       58


5.1       Summary       –   61

5.2       Conclusion    –        61

5.3       Recommendation    –        63

References   –           –     63


In Nigeria today, we have different types of languages which according to some researchers are about 179 (C. L. Temple). A source among these are Kurama and Hausa. Kurama people are mostly found in Lere Local Government of Kaduna State.

These people have been together with Hausa in that area from time immemorial, they shared some cultural values together (Notes on the tribes of Northern Nigeria).

Kurama people are known to be using Hausa as their second language irrespective of whether they can speak it fluently or not and the Hausa people in the area are aware of this.

Seeing how researchers on language learning put less emphasis on barriers or problems facing language learners, the present research is intended to look into these barriers.

A study research would be conducted on barriers facing Kurama adults acquiring Hausa as second language to know why, how and where these barriers do occur.


Jack  C.  Richards  (1949). Second  edition. Error Analysis Perspective and Second Language acquisition Cambrielge University Press.

George Yule (1987). The  Study of Language. Cambridge low price edition. Cambridge University press.

Abraham R. C. (1959). The language of the Hausa People University of London Press. London.

Grrenberg J. H. (1966). Language of Africa. Indiana University, Bloomington. Lyons J. (1968). Introduction  to theoretical linguistics. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

Robbins Burling (1970). Language in its cultural contents. Cambridge University Press.

Zarruk  R. M. (1996) Shimfidar  Umin  Harsuna  a Hausa. Furuci    Institute of Education A.B.U., Zaria – Nigeria.

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