TEXT:                       PS 46:1

Memory Verse:- PS 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty


            Divine or heavenly protection is a full assurance of God’s defense of His people in times of trouble. This assurance is available only to those who put their trust in the Lord. Why it is very important for us to embrace this is because, this guarantee transcends earthly sojourn.

            As a father, God is assuring us divine security even when earthly security fails. Remember what God told Joshua, “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of the life as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee nor forsake thee (Joshua 1:5) from the text above, God says in Isaiah “when thou passest… ‘which means that it is certain that a time of trial would come when protection or help from God would be inevitable. The good news is that God has proclaimed His readiness to rescue us.

            Baptism could also be a sure way of divine protection. It furnishes Christians with spiritual strength to over come temptations – Mark 10:11 Colossians 3:3) it was after the baptism that Jesus was equipped to enter the wilderness to be tempted.

Objectives of The Teaching

v For us to understand that vain is the help of man

v That God’s assurance to protect us is uncompromising

v For us to know the need to put our trust in the Lord

v Understand that protection only comes from God if you believe


1: Some People In The Bible That Had Divine Protection

(a)              Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego while in the lake of furnace (Daniel 3:16-18, 27)

(b)              Daniel in lions den – (Daniel 6:19-22)

(c)              Israelites during their journey to Canaan (Psalsm 105:13-15)

(d)              Esther the queen and the Jews from the hands of wicked Haman (Esther 7)

(e)              The apostle Paul from so many affiliations and persecution (2Tim 3:11, 2 Corint 11:25-27)

(f)               Elisha and his servant Gehazi where besieged by the host of Syrians (2 kings 6:15 -18 psalm 34:7)

2.         Why Do We Need Divine Protection     

1.         Vain is the help of man- Ps 60:11, Ps 108:12, Ps 127:1

2.         Protection of God is sure – Isaiah 43:2, Gen 28:15, Ps 46:3-6

3.         It takes being on the side of God to escape calamity (Exodus 32:26-28) 

4.         The arm of flesh will fail but the help of God will bring about victory – 2 chronicle 32:8, Ps 121:1-3, Prov 21:31

5.         God’s protection is affordable to those that trust in Him (Isaiah 55:1-2)

6.         God is the most vigilant keeper as He can neither slumber nor sleep – Ps 121:4

3.         Areas We Need Divine Protection    

(a)       In our spiritual lives: spiritual warfare is on, but there is a way out of it God’s amour……..        Eph 6:11-12

(b)       In our physical lives: there are various degrees of challenges and afflictions- Ps 34:19, Isaiah 43:2

(c)       In our environment: evil shall slay the wicked (Ps 34:21) but none shall befall thee – Ps 91:10

(d)       In your business/ office: when God directs your business or promotes you in your office, He will protect it – prov 16:3, Ps 37:4

(e)       In our health: when we diligently hearken unto the Lord He assures us of protection against disease – Exo 15:26, Jere 30:17 3John 1:2

(f)        In the society: Satan is roaming about like a roaring lion – John 10:10, Job 2:2, 1Peter 5:8

(g)       In the church: accusation, gossip and conspiracy from false brethren – Mathew 27:1

4.         Conditions For Steady Divine Protection         

        i.            Obedience to instruction: Obedience is the key to divine protection, it entails obeying his voice- Exo 19:5, Jere 7:23, obeying his law – Detro 11:27, Isaiah 42:24, obeying Christ- 2Corint 10:5, and keeping his commandment Eccl 12:13 for obedience is better than sacrifice 1Samuel 15:22.

     ii.            Absence of fear: Fear is a killer. It is the absence of faith. Fear is the highway to failure. It is the strongest tool of the enemy to defeat. Fear is consuming Ps 73:19. Jesus has exhorted believers not to be afraid (John 14:27) fear must be replaced with faith. 1John 4:4.

   iii.            The place of Authority: This is power in action. It is taking charge and speaking with boldness. clearly stated is the fact that all authority is reserved in Christ Matt 28:18 and has given it to the believers – Mark 3:15, Luk 19:1

   iv.            The place of fasting and prayer: This is a vital tool for supernatural protection. Fasting helps draw supernatural strength and makes access to God by prayer easy. Fasting and prayer is a shortest cut to miracles. – (Esther 4:16)  it heals demonic diseases and conditions (Mark 9:25-29)

      v.            Looking unto Jesus, let God remain your father and always remain under God’s shelter – Heb 12:2, Ps 121:1-2, Isaiah 41:10, Ps 91:1, John 15:4.

Conclusion: God’s assurance to protect us is uncompromising let us remain resolute and on God’s side. He will not let us down.

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