Be a Real Man Quotes

What makes a man? Is it testosterone? Muscles? Carving out your own niche in life, where you’re better than anybody else? The truth is, it’s none of these. Many people don’t understand how difficult it is to be a man.

When we were young, our parents told us that it is a great thing to be a gentleman and all that, but they never tried to explain what it means. It is only when you get older you realise what being a real man entails.

Being a real man doesn’t mean being physically strong. It means being emotionally strong. It means showing a willingness to take on personal responsibility. To have integrity and be honourable.

A real man promotes peace and productivity among people, peers, friends and families. A real man does what is right for his loved ones. He builds lifetime relationships with people of trust and integrity. If you want to be a real man, these be a real man quotes are for you!

Real men show strength and courage, self-reliance and independence. Real men are honest and have a sense of honour and justice. This is the essence of real manliness: It is rooted in the solid ground of ourselves, unreduced to frivolities and half-measures.

1. Be a real man. Stand up and fight for what you believe in. Now is the time to make your mark on this world; now’s the time to shine!

2. Be a real man. It’s never too late to find your courage. Go for it; face your fears.

3. Be a real man, do the right thing, and never settle for anything less than the best—because you’re worth it.

4. Be a real man. Be brave, be strong and never let anything get in the way of doing what you love.

5. Be a real man. Strive to be your best. Refuse to settle for average. Pursue excellence.

6. Being a real man means treating others with respect and kindness. It takes strength to be a man, but it also takes strength to be yourself.

7. Be a real man, and pursue your dreams. Don’t let anyone stand in your way.

8. Be a real man. Be strong, be the protector and defender of your family, and make decisions with wisdom and knowledge.

9. Be a real man. Real men do what’s right, no matter the cost. They don’t quit when things get hard, and they never hold a grudge.

10. Be a real man. Stop comparing yourself to others, and do what you can to make yourself a better person, too.

11. Be a real man. Don’t try to be someone you’re not; just be yourself, and the rest will follow.

12. Be a real man and stop looking at yourself as lesser than you are. You are who you are, not someone else’s perception of you

13. Be a real man. Don’t be scared; take risks.

14. Be a real man. Don’t let your anxiety and insecurities hold you back from being the best version of yourself.

15. Be a real man. Set your heart on something big and start Building.

16. You are a real man. It’s time to stop dreaming and start doing. Be brave and try new things. You can do it!

17. Be a real man; own up to your responsibilities. Be the kind of man your kids can look up to and be proud of.

18. Be a real man. Don’t let people see you as lesser than you are. You have so much to give, so much to offer, and so much potential inside of you.

19. Be a real man. Real men don’t try to force their opinions on anyone.

20. Be a real man. Dream big. Work hard. And never stop pursuing your dreams.

21. Be a man that treats others with respect, kindness and honour.

22. Be a real man. Don’t waste time worrying about the opinions of others.

23. Be a real man; focus on yourself and the journey that gets you there.

24. Be a real man. As a man, you are to possess the highest standards of quality. You are to be a pillar of strength for your family and a model for those who surround you.

25. Be a real man and make the woman in your life feel special.

26. Be a real man. Stand up for what you believe in.

27. Be a real man don’t use force or violence on anyone but love them and be kind to everyone.

28. Be a real man and stop worrying about what other people think of you.

29. Be a real man and stand up for yourself. Be the one who says what’s on his mind, how he feels and how he can help others.

30. Be a man; stand up for yourself and those around you. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it in the end.

31. Be a real man and face your fears. The stronger you become, the more respect you earn from people around you.

32. Be a real man. Stop comparing yourself to others; be you and do you. Stop worrying about what the rest of the world thinks of you and just be happy with who you are!

33. Be a real man. Stop limiting yourself and dream bigger.

34. Don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams are too big to be achievable. Be a real man and pursue them anyway.

35. Be a real man. Take control of your life and become the man you always knew you could be. You can do anything if you’re willing to work for it.

36. Be a real man. There is no greater feeling than being a man, taking risks and facing fears.

37. You are the only person who can change your life. Don’t force it, don’t resort to violence or fear. Be a real man – treat others with respect and kindness.

38. Be a real man, and don’t let others tell you otherwise. You’re worth more than what they say.

39. Be a real man and stop being scared to show your emotions.

40. Be a real man. Be confident. Work hard. Do your best and never stop believing in yourself.

41. You are the only one who can define your success. Don’t compare yourself to others, and stop trying to be someone you’re not. Be a real man!

42. Be a real man. Live your dreams and follow your heart.

43. Be a real man. Don’t be afraid to face your fears—they’re just a part of what makes you unique and amazing.

44. Be a real man. Be a leader. Be a person of honour and integrity who leads by example.

45. Be a real man. Stop making excuses and start taking action. Success is closer than it appears.

46. Be a real man. As men, we are supposed to have pride, honour and discipline. A real man is honest, generous, responsible and strong.

47. Be a real man. Don’t let fear stop you from chasing your dreams.

48. Be a real man. Own up to your mistakes and take responsibility for them.

49. Be a real man. Real men show strength and courage, self-reliance and independence. Real men are honest and have a sense of honour and justice.

50. Be a real man. Be a leader. Be the provider, the guide, and the protector of your family. Make decisions with wisdom and understanding.

51. Be a real man. Be stronger, be more confident and be more courageous than ever before.

52. Be a real man. Be proud to be whom you are and stop looking at yourself as lesser than you are.

53. The most dangerous thing you can do is not follow your dreams. Be a real man and pursue them.

54. Be a real man, face your fears and conquer your biggest obstacles to success.

55. Be a real man. Be the one people turn to when they need help to improve their lives.

56. Be a real man. Become the person that helps others find success. Be trusted by your peers and be fearless in your pursuit of personal development.

57. Be a real man. Be strong, be confident, and don’t let anyone bring you down.

58. Be a real man; stand up for yourself and those around you. Be a leader, not a follower. Be the type of person that others will follow.

59. Real men own up to their mistakes and take action.

60. Be a real man, own up to your responsibilities, and don’t be afraid to work hard and show what you can do.

61. To get ahead in life, you need to be confident, powerful, and successful. It all starts with being a real man.

62. Be a real man. Make your own decisions and live without regrets.

63. Be a real man. Treat others with respect and kindness. This is the only way you’ll find success in life.

64. Being a real man is not easy. Be the best you can be, and don’t ever let anyone make you feel less than that.

65. Be a real man. Be a leader. Be a legend. Be the best.

66. Don’t give in to society’s expectations of you. Be a real man, not how anyone else wants you to be.

67. Be a real man. Believe in yourself and do better every day.

68. Don’t let others define who you are. Be a real man.

69. Be a real man. You’ve got one life. Do something with it. Stand out and be remembered.

70. Be a real man; own up to your mistakes and shortcomings.

71. Be a real man. The real man is the kind of guy who can take care of his family, his friends and the world around him—and at the same time, never forget that it’s okay to be vulnerable and weak.

72. Be a real man. Stop comparing yourself to others and start doing the things you love.

73. Be a real man, be strong, be powerful.

74. Be a real man. Own up to your responsibilities and don’t let other people’s opinions get in the way of growing as a human being.

75. Be a real man, and don’t let others define your self-worth.

76. Be a real man. Don’t settle for less. Be a leader in life, your family, and your community. Protect. Defend. Lead with knowledge.

77. Be a real man. Real men are not afraid of chasing their dreams.

78. Be a real man. Show up, put your best foot forward and go out there and do something with it.

79. Be a real man. Don’t settle for less than greatness.

80. Be a real man. Don’t compare yourself to others. Your achievements are what define you as a man.

81. Be a real man. You will make mistakes, but it’s how you learn from them that makes you a better person.

82. Be a real man. Face your fears. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not good enough or that you can’t do something because you’re too scared to start.

83. Be a real man. Be strong. Be brave. And don’t be afraid to show it.

84. Be a real man. Don’t let yourself be pushed around. Stand up for yourself, for those around you and the truth. Your actions will speak louder than words.

85. Be a real man. Real men don’t pretend to be something they’re not.

86. Be a real man. Face your fears and tackle them head-on.

87. If you’re not happy with your life, then take action and make a change. Be a real man and pursue your dreams.

88. Be the man you want to be, not the man anyone else wants you to be.

89. Don’t let society define you. Be a real man; stand up for yourself and those around you.

90. Be a real man. Life is too short to be anything else but who you are.

91. Be a real man. It’s time to take action. You are the only person holding yourself back from pursuing your dreams.

92. Be a real man. Be bold. Be fearless. Be honest and strong in your convictions; always do the right thing, even when it is hard.

93. Be a real man and follow your dreams. Do it now, and have no regrets. Don’t let fear stop you from chasing the life you love.

94. Be a real man. Be different, and don’t be afraid to try new things.

95. Be a real man. Real men are not afraid of change. They embrace it, appreciate it and lead it.

96. Be a real man. A real man doesn’t run away from challenges. He faces them head-on, ready to conquer the world around him.

97. Be a real man, don’t see yourself as lesser than you are. If you feel that way, then stop self-deprecating and start believing in yourself.

98. Be a real man. Don’t be afraid to take your life and career to the next level.

99. Be a real man. Don’t be afraid to face your fears. Don’t let them control you or hold you back.

100. Be a real man. Be the man that makes things happen, not just the man who watches things happen.

101. Own up to your responsibilities, don’t be the embodiment of what’s wrong with the world. Be a real man.

102. Be a real man, don’t use force or violence on anyone; it’s not cool.

103. The real men don’t walk away. The real men stand up for themselves and those around them.

104. Be a real man. Treat others with respect and kindness. Be the leader you wish someone had been to you.

105. Be a real man and follow your dreams. Be brave and try new things.

106. Don’t let your fears stop you from living the life you want. Be a real man, face your fears and live a life that’s worth living.

107. Be a real man. Forget the rules and make your own decisions. Only conformity can limit you.

Be a real man by living the life you want, not the one that has been planned for you. Destroy any preconceived notion about manhood and become your definition of success. Share these be a real man quotes with every man you know!

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