Be Better Not Bitter Quotes

Most of the time, life is about making choices. You get to choose between a lot of things every day. You may not always make the right decisions, but you must learn to let go of mistakes from your past to move on. Take it whenever you get a chance to be a better version of yourself.

Being bitter is a choice to stay in a place of the past, where things didn’t go how you wanted them to. A wound that hasn’t healed and empathy that’s lacking. It’s venting anger onto people who didn’t deserve it or keeping an undying grudge, but that doesn’t have to be the case. You can always choose to be better.

If you are trying to become a better version of yourself, you must let go of whatever bitterness is in your past. Be better not bitter quotes are everything you need to turn into a new and better chapter of your life.
Go through this collection and be inspired to be better.

Don’t allow yourself to dwell in the bitterness of the past. Instead, choose to be a better person now than when you were bitter. Your words and actions show people how you’ve become a better person.

1. Not matter how things have been in the past for you, be better, not bitter. Never let any form of bitterness consume you.

2. Moving forward is choosing to become a better person than you were in the past. At any point, do your best to be better, not bitter.

3. Bitterness is a cankerworm that eats you from the inside out and should be avoided at all costs. Your life will be more amazing when you are better, not bitter.

4. Get bitterness far away from your life. Don’t wish for the failures of others. Be better, not bitter, and move forward towards great success.

5. Be thankful for everything you have, and don’t let bitterness fester in your mind. Make a habit to be better, not bitter all the way.

6. Be thankful for all you have, and don’t burden yourself with bitterness. Be better, not bitter and leave the bad things in the past where they belong.

7. Today, be thankful for everything you have. Quit dwelling on any bitterness. Always be better, not bitter, and allow yourself to enjoy life.

8. Each day is a gift. Cherish each moment, be better, not bitter and do not allow negativity to consume you.

9. Accept to be better, not bitter and do not allow negativity to consume you. Keep your thoughts positive, and count your blessings every day.

10. When you let go of all bitterness you have, you allow yourself to reach out and appreciate the gift of being a better person instead of a bitter person.

11. Do not waste your time on negative thoughts. Be better, not bitter at things. Appreciate what you have and be grateful for it.

12. Life is short. Enjoy the journey, let go of your bitter version, and be a better person.

13. Life is full of opportunities waiting for you to seize, and you can’t get anything if you stay bitter, so choose to be better, not bitter.

14. It’s important to remember that bitterness won’t do you any good. Be better, not bitter, and your life will be a lot different in the best way.

15. Choosing to be bitter will only hurt you but being better puts you in good mental, emotional and physical space. Find it in you to be better, not bitter.

16. You should never be bitter that something has happened to you. It is a choice. You can either shrivel up and allow this thing to affect you forever or use it as a catalyst for growth and become a better person.

17. It doesn’t matter what has happened or will happen; you are always in control. You can either be bitter or thrive; the choice is yours, so choose to be better, not bitter.

18. Whatever happens in your life is unique. It might be good or bad, but it is a valuable opportunity to learn about yourself. It’s time to be better, not bitter; you’ll be happier for it.

19. Remember that no matter what your past was like, don’t let the bitterness linger. There’s always a way out; be better, not bitter. Don’t give up on a better life.

20. Any challenge you face can be overcome when you become better, not bitter about the outcome. Always look at the big picture, and stay positive; you will find a way to succeed.

21. Let go of your past, don’t dwell on being bitter. Focus on the present, be better, not bitter, and improve your future.

22. You deserve to be happy regardless of how your past has been. You have the right to surround yourself with people who bring you up, not tear you down, so choose to be better, not bitter.

23. You have the power to make the most of your life, but it can’t happen when you keep being bitter. Choose to be better, not bitter, so you can thrive.

24. Life is what you make of it. If you sow bitterness, you will get nothing less, but when you embrace being a better you, things begin to fall in place.

25. On the path to success, you will face many uphill battles. Don’t let your past be the one that slows you down; let go of your bitter self and allow yourself to be better.

26. No one is perfect, but that’s no excuse to be a bitter person. Be better, not bitter, and your life will be better for it.

27. If you want to live your life to the fullest, you must be a better person with no room for bitterness.

28. Focus on what matters most. Choose to live with an open heart, forgive those who hurt you and allow yourself to be better, not bitter.

29. It will never be okay to be a bitter person; the reason will ever justify bitterness. From now on, learn to be better, not bitter.

30. Pursue the desire to be a better person and positively impact your life. Learn to be better, not bitter, as you discover more of yourself.

31. Remember to be better, not bitter. Work through any bitterness that you hold and let them go.

32. One thing that you can count on is change. So don’t allow yourself to be defined by yesterday’s mistakes. Choose to be a better person, not a bitter person

33. Instead of getting tied down by past mistakes, learn from them and choose to be a better person.

34. We should always strive to be the best person we can be. Don’t let yourself be defined by your past mistakes, and let go of any bitterness.

35. Yesterday is a thing of the past. Tomorrow has yet to come. We have only today, so we must choose to be better, not bitter.

36. Mistakes are a part of life, but it’s no excuse to be bitter. Don’t let your past hold you back from being the best version of yourself.

37. Instead of focusing on your mistakes and the bitterness that came with them, focus on all the things you’ve learned, the friends you’ve made, and all the things that can make you better.

38. Life will not always be fair, but you can choose to make it fairer. Choose to be a better person, not a bitter person.

39. Don’t allow bitterness to poison your soul. Choose to be a better person, not a bitter one, and things will go well for you.

40. You are a product of your choices and not your circumstances. Rather than allowing bitterness to control you, control it. Be a better version of yourself.

41. The first step towards becoming a better person is to let go of all bitterness. Forgive. Forget. Choose to be better.

42. Bitterness can destroy lives. But you don’t want to let that happen to you–not when things could be so great with a little effort. Be better, not bitter.

43. We must admit that being bitter over a broken relationship is easy. But being bitter is a choice, and it’s a choice that will prevent you from giving your best to the people around you.

44. Life teaches us many things, one of which is that being bitter doesn’t get you anywhere. Always take the chance to be a better person.

45. Don’t let your past define who you are. Be a better person, not a bitter person.

46. Life is not always fair, but that is no reason to be bitter. Do not let yesterday determine today. Become a better person, not a bitter one.

47. Whatever you do, don’t let your past dictate how you live your life. Be the best version of yourself, no matter what you’ve been through.

48. Don’t spend your life resenting anyone; spend it creating new and better memories away from bitterness.

49. Change your future by making better choices today. Let go of the past; be better, not bitter.

50. Do not let your past keep you looking backwards. You’re not your past, and you’re not your mistakes. Choose to be better than that.

51. Sometimes, we struggle with letting go of a bitter past, but we are better off leaving it behind. Choose peace, be better, not bitter.

52. The only cure for bitterness is to become a better person. You can’t passively wait to become a better person; you have to work for it.

53. Be the kind of person you’d like someone else to be to you. At all times, be better, not bitter, for your life and happiness.

54. Be the best you can be and as you leave bitterness in the past and embrace the better version of yourself.

55. Don’t let your past hold you back or make you bitter. Take every opportunity you can to be a better person.

56. Life gives you many chances to become a better person, not bitter.

57. Your life is more of a journey than a destination. Choose to be the person who wants to be better at life, not bitter.

58. Bitterness will rid you of happy moments and a chance at a better life. There is nothing more rewarding than becoming a better person.

59. Let go of bitterness and allow happiness to enter your life. Let go of the pain and find peace so your life can improve.

60. Let go of bitterness; the past has its purpose. Let go of bitter thoughts, allow light into your life and bring meditation into your daily routine.

61. Open your heart to all the good and positive things as you let go of every bitterness. Always find a way to be better.

62. Letting go of bitterness might seem hard, but it can be done. Choose to be better, not bitter.

63. The journey out of the depths of bitterness is long but worth it. Every day you wake up, embrace the best version of yourself.

64. I have learned that letting go doesn’t mean leaving someone or something behind – it means accepting the present moment and becoming better.

65. Your life is not a test; it’s an adventure. Be brave and remember to be better, not bitter.

66. When you learn to let go of the past with all its bitterness and move forward, you can’t help but grow and be better.

67. Moving forward is progress. Letting go of your past is growth. In all your dealings, be better, not bitter.

68. Letting go of past mistakes and focusing on what’s ahead opens the door for growth. Always choose to be better, not bitter.

69. I used to hold onto pain. I used to hold onto anger. That was until I learned to let go and forgive.

70. You have something to offer this world. Don’t let bitterness prevent you from shining. Do it now, be better, not bitter in all the ways you can.

71. Your attitude to life makes all the difference in your life. Instead of wallowing in any bitterness, find the courage to be better.

72. Nothing good ever happens from a place of bitterness and resentment. Open your heart and let the good things in.

73. Nothing good comes easy. To be a better person, you must make a conscious effort to let go of any bitterness.

74. Sometimes, you will struggle with letting go of all your bitterness, but becoming better will always be great.

75. A bad attitude can ruin your day so imagine what a bitter mind can do to you. Be better, not bitter and make life easier for yourself.

76. It’s time to get out of the darkness of bitterness and let your light shine by becoming a better person.

77. You have to remember that you are special, but you won’t become your best self until you stop being bitter.

78. Do not allow yourself to dwell on past mistakes, and let the bitterness swallow you up. Rise above them, and choose to be a better person, not a bitter person.

79. Be a better person going forward. Step away from your past and bitter thoughts and move into a better and brighter life.

80. It’s easy to let bitterness take over your life, but it’s never worth it. It’s always better to be a better person, not a bitter one.

81. At all times and in all the ways you can, do the work towards becoming a better you, not the bitter person from the past

82. Remember, you’re not defined by the things that have hurt you. You’re a better person now because you choose to be better, not bitter.

83. You cannot change the past, but you can choose to be a better person moving forward as you let go of your bitter past.

84. You are in charge of your life, so be better, not bitter. Don’t let any negative thoughts or people pull you down.

85. Remember to be better rather than dwell in bitter moments. It’s time to let go of the past and move forward into a brighter future.

86. Life is too short to be anything but happy, but you can’t find any happiness if you keep being bitter instead of being better.

87. Don’t allow yourself to dwell in bitterness. Choose to be a better person, not a bitter person. Choose to smile, laugh and reach out with love.

88. No matter what has happened, you can still choose to believe in the best things in the world and others; start by being better, not bitter.

89. Choose to be better, not bitter. Choose to feel the joy, not the pain. Choose love, choose to heal, choose life.

90. You are capable of living your best life; you deserve to live, laugh and love. Live your life with positive energy. Life is short, but it is long enough to enjoy its beauty of it.

91. The choice is yours: to be a better person or bitter about your past. Choose wisely.

92. You can be bitter about your past or use it to become a better version of yourself.

93. People hate change, but change is needed more often than we think. Life is a journey that you should live with good intentions away from bitterness. Decide to be a better person and achieve your dreams.

94. Life is about choices. Some we make yesterday, some today, and some come tomorrow. We can’t always foresee the outcome of our decisions, but we can choose to be better, not bitter.

95. What you focus on grows. Don’t let bitterness get the best of you. Focus on being a better person, and things will change for the better

96. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck in the past. Choose to be better not bitter, and watch your life improve.

97. If you allow yourself to wallow in self-pity and bitterness, you’ll only be hurting yourself. Choose to make a positive change today!

98. Being a better person doesn’t mean you become perfect. Surround yourself with people who support you and help you become the best version of yourself.

99. The past can’t be changed, but the future is yours. Choose to be a better person, not a bitter person.

100. It’s easy to get lost in a life of regret when surrounded by people who are constantly basking in their own. Don’t be like them, and live your life with pride & optimism. Be a better person, not a bitter one

There are times when you will find yourself in a position of pain and struggle due to all the hurt from your past, but I hope these be better not bitter quotes have helped you work towards letting go of all bitterness. Whether to inspire yourself or people who need it, be better not bitter quotes are something we all need to embrace better versions of ourselves.

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