Be Careful of People’s Intentions Quotes

Everyone has their hidden intentions, and not one person can be trusted entirely, if not well known. Most times, It’s not easy to spot people who have bad intentions.

People’s intentions are seldom what they appear to be on the surface. Look beyond the face value and dig deeper to understand what people are really thinking and why do they behave in a certain way.

You may have already been hurt many times to like, trust, or expect anything good or worthwhile, or you have seen someone with such experience. You want to help yourself or caution others to be vigilant.

Luckily, the be careful of people’s intentions quotes below are here for that purpose. Kindly go through them, choose the one(s) that captures your thoughts better and be a saviour today.

The heart of a man is a secret place. Be careful of those who “help you” with their own hidden agenda. They tend to be angry, unhappy people who will do whatever it takes to make sure you stay down so they can feel superior to your success. Be careful of people’s intentions.

1. Be careful of people’s intentions. You never know how far they have gone to get what you have.

2. Be careful of people’s intentions. Sometimes, they pretend to be nice, just because they want to fool you.

3. Be careful of people’s intentions. People may say “I’m here for you” but never appear when you need them the most.

4. Be careful of people’s intentions, especially when they shower you with compliments and gifts.

5. Be careful of the people who’s intentions are disguised as good. The heart of a man can be desperately wicked.

6. No one knows what goes on in the heart of another. Don’t let someone’s intentions ruin your life.

7. Never assume that someone’s intentions are as pure as yours, because more often than not, they aren’t.

8. As you grow up, always stay kind and loving, but also get really good at reading people. Don’t let those that have nothing to give, take from you.

9. They never question you. They never see your worth. So be careful who you open up to. Some people only want to hear what they want to hear.

10. Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend. Be careful of the people around you.

11. Trust your instinct about someone or something. If you feel off, you probably are.

12. Be careful of the people who don’t clap when you win. They have the wrong intentions.

13. Don’t let some people’s intentions ruin your day. Lift others up and spread the love. Be careful.

14. Remember that not everyone has your best intentions at heart, so be kind to yourself and others.

15. Watch out for people who say “don’t let your dreams be dreams.” Chances are they were too busy dreaming to ever make their dreams come true.

16. Be careful of people’s intentions. Some people want to see you fail, others only want to see you do better so they can succeed.

17. Be careful of people’s intentions. Some will say they want to help you but they don’t want to see you better than them.

18. Be careful of people’s intentions. The only thing we have control over is our own intentions. Always be mindful of those.

19. Be careful of people’s intentions. Some may want to take advantage of your kindness.

20. Be careful of people’s intentions. You never know when you are the lesson or the blessing.

21. Always be careful of people’s intentions. They will say and do everything to get what they want from you.

22. Be careful of the people you call friends. They smile in your face while they’re secretly trying to get ahead of you.

23. Be careful of the intentions of people. Their words may be in your favour but their hearts are against you.

24. Be careful with who you share your weaknesses. Some people can’t wait for the opportunity to use them against you.

25. Beware of people who don’t want to see your happiness, you may not see their intention on their faces.

26. Be careful of people’s intentions. It’s easy to see their second-hand handbags, but hard to know the true intentions.

27. Be careful of people’s intentions. They may appear good but might not be helpful.

28. Be careful of people’s intentions, the masks will come off once the interest has gone.

29. Be careful of people’s intentions! Or you will learn this lesson the hard way, but better late than never.

30. Be careful of the people you trust the most, often it’s those closest to you that want to see you fail.

31. People will stab you in the back with a smile, Be careful of people’s intentions.

32. Don’t be fooled by their smiles and kindness, for behind them may lie hidden selfishness and greed.

33. Do not give people the power to make you hate yourself or feel like you are unworthy.

34. Most people who assume to know everything about you don’t actually care about you. Be careful of people’s intentions

35. Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel.

36. Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, those who see greatness in you. Be careful of those with bad intentions.

37. Be careful of people with hidden agendas, they sneak in and mess up your plans.

38. Be careful of the intentions of people. What they say, what they do and what they say they do are always three different things.

39. Be careful of people’s intentions. But don’t focus on negative intentions so much that you miss the times when people are trying.

40. be careful of people’s intentions. It seems that some people are only happy by hurting others.

41. Be careful of people’s intentions, even if their actions are good. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing.

42. Be careful of the people who come into your life in a hurry to stay away.

43. Every person you meet is meant to cross your path and there’s a lesson hidden in every relationship.

44. Be careful of the intentions of people. Everyone wants to be a part of something, but only a few want to be part of something that is real and true.

45. Be careful of those who came to you with a smile and left you with a hurtful lesson.

46. People can say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions you should judge them by.

47. Be careful of those who don’t clap when you win

48. Watch out for everyone who’s trying to send you back to yesterday. Let that be a lesson to stay away.

49. Be careful of people’s intentions. People will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.

50. Be careful of people’s intentions. The words “I love you” may be said with the intention of control and manipulation, not love and trust.

51. Be careful of people’s intentions; they don’t always match their actions.

52. Most people mean well, but there are those who will take advantage of even the kindest souls. Be careful of people’s intentions.

53. Be careful of people’s intentions. Don’t allow them to question your self-worth.

54. You have to be careful of people’s intentions, you never know who wants your downfall.

55. Be careful with people who’s intentions aren’t pure.

56. Be very careful of those whose actions don’t match their words.

57. Don’t expect everyone you meet to have your best interests at heart.

58. Just because someone tells you they care doesn’t mean they actually do. People can lie to your face, be careful.

59. Be careful of who you share your story with. You never know whose darkness will use it as firewood.

60. Be careful of what people say. They may be your competition.

61. Be careful when people tell you, you can’t do something, because if you listen to them long enough you will believe it.

62. Be careful of people’s intentions, they will only rob you blind.

63. Be careful of people who tell you the way they are, it’s almost always a reflection of them.

64. Be careful who you give your heart to. It is a special piece that once given away, can never be returned.

65. People mean well, but intentions are a major bummer.

66. Be careful of people with good intentions. You’ll find there are very few.

67. Be careful of people’s intentions, don’t fall into their trap of superficiality.

68. People say all kinds of crazy things when their intentions aren’t good.

69. Be careful of people’s intentions. Those who put down your happiness are afraid of what you may become if you ever find it.

70. Be careful of people’s intentions. Often their words don’t match their actions.

71. Be careful of people’s intentions. They will do things out of pure selfishness and tell you it was all for you.

72. Be careful of the people whose intention is to bring you down

73. There are people with pure intentions and there are those who could care less about you. Be wise to recognize the difference.

74. Be careful of the people who use you because they know they can trust you.

75. Be careful of the people who are eager to change you. They will rob you of a perfectly good life.

76. Sometimes people with bad intentions hide behind good ideas.

77. Be careful of who you bring into your life because you are contagious and you might decide to keep them after all.

78. Be careful of people with a negative outlook or an angry disposition; they will bring you down.

79. Be careful of people’s intentions. They sometimes say “I love you” so they can hear themselves say it back.

80. Be careful of people’s intentions, but be more careful of your intentions with them.

81. Be careful of the people you trust. Behind their smiles, lies a heart that could never understand

82. Be careful of the intentions of people. You may be their plan.

83. Be careful of the intentions of people. They only show you what they want you to see but not what is in the heart.

84. Be careful of the intentions of people. Don’t let their agendas decide your future.

85. Be careful of the intentions of people. They can lead you to your destiny or they can lead you to your demise.

86. Be careful of the intentions of people. Their actions will always reflect who they truly are.

87. Be careful of the intentions of people who only talk to you when they have something to say

88. Be careful of the intentions of people because not everyone has your best interest at heart.

89. Be careful of the intentions of people whose words don’t match their actions.

90. A person who is not aware of his/her own intentions and emotions can never understand the intentions and emotions of other people.

91. Be careful of the people who pretend to be your friend and then stab you in the back when something better comes your way.

92. Be careful of the intentions of people. Some want to make you feel less, in order to make themselves feel better.

93. Be careful of the intentions of people. Their words will tell you that their actions are fake.

94. Be careful of the intentions of people, but be even more careful of their intention when you know who they are.

95. Be careful of the intentions of people who are self-appointed “experts”

96. Be careful of the intentions of people whose actions don’t match their words.

97. Be careful who you trust and share your ideas with. Some people can’t handle your light.

98. Be careful of the intentions of people. Most wear a mask, pretend and don’t practice what they preach.

99. Be careful of the intentions of people. They don’t always mean what they say, but they always show who they are.

100. Be careful of the intentions of people who don’t ask about your life.

These be careful of people’s intentions quotes are essential. You shouldn’t hesitate to share them. They can also be used in speeches that talk about the downfall of human nature and how even our own friends and family members can entangle us in their vicious plans.

I hope you find the ones that really meet your need. And if you have a quote to share with me too, It would be great to hear from you. You can use the comments section. Thanks.

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