Be Happy Quotes for Girlfriend

If loving yourself is the cornerstone of happiness, then having someone you love in your life will indirectly add to the quality of your life. So why not share some happiness with the one you love? And who better for that than your girlfriend? If there’s anyone in this world who deserves to be happy, it’s her. Your girlfriend is always there for you, and she never lets you down. She knows how to cheer you up when you’re sad, how to cheer you on when you’re feeling down, and how to forgive you when it all goes south. 

Cheer your girlfriend up with these be happy quotes for girlfriend. If you want to make her smile, you should send one of these cute quotes to your girlfriend. These be happy quotes for girlfriend will help you cheer up any sad girl, as long as you send them to the right person! Maybe your girlfriend just had a bad day at work or is feeling down in the dumps. No matter what happens, you can ensure that she knows how much you care by sending her one of these quotes.

Below you will find the perfect happiness quote for your special girl. Send these quotes to your girlfriend, so she’ll feel how special she is to you and how much you love her. Remember how important communication with her is! If you value and cherish your relationship with your girlfriend, then these be happy quotes for girlfriend will surely bring a smile to her pretty face to make her feel warm about you. So don’t wait anymore; begin browsing these lovely quotes, and pick out a quote for her every day from here.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing you smile. I love when I see that smile on your face. You light up the room. When you’re happy, I am happy. No matter how big or small, each of your smiles makes me glow. I’m here to make sure you’re having a good time.

1. It’s not about me. It’s about you. All that matters to me is your happiness. You mean the world to me, and I will forever cherish you. I love you, my girlfriend. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Cherish yourself and know that you are worthy of your dreams. Be happy, my girlfriend. 

2. I want you to be happy. I want you to be free. I want you to love yourself and know that you are enough, even when others don’t. I want you to experience the freedom of being true to yourself and knowing your self-worth. I want you to be confident in yourself and the decisions you make. I want you to see your value. Be happy, my girlfriend. 

3. I want you to be happy! I don’t want that happiness to be a fleeting experience waiting for something better to come along. I want you to love and accept yourself for exactly who you are. I want you to find peace with who you are and who you’re becoming. Your happiness means everything to me. 

4. I am here to tell you that it’s okay. You are not broken, unlovable, or incapable.  I am here to help you understand that you have the power to be stronger than pain, more resilient than despair, and more courageous than your fears. I’m so much happier when you’re happy. I love you, babe. Be happy! 

5. I wish you happiness and contentment. I hope you are surrounded by people who make you smile, laugh, and feel loved. Every day is a gift, every minute of it. I hope that you are happy with me and my life. Life is too short not to be happy! Spread the happiness, and make it smile. Be happy, my girlfriend. 

6. Happiness is being surrounded by the people who love you, not because it’s easy but because it’s worth fighting for. My heart is as big as the universe, and you are part of it. I love you so much. Happiness can be contagious. Be the Happiness surgeon and help spread happiness. Be happy, my girlfriend. 

7. Let’s shake things up and have fun. Enjoy yourself and spread happiness. Make it smile; it’s okay to smile. I want you to be happy, babe, no matter what. You’re the best thing in my life.

8. Smile it. Dance it. Sing it. Whatever you do, give happiness a chance to spread its wings and take flight. I think of life as a garden filled with beautiful flowers and colorful birds. Sometimes, though, it’s a little overgrown—full of weeds and thorns that can be hard to eliminate. But that’s when love comes along and pulls at our hearts, ensuring we don’t get lost in the weeds.

9. I want you to be happy; I do. But if you need me, I’ll be here for you. That’s the one thing I will always give you: my heart and my love. You are not just my girlfriend; you are my happiness.
You make me happier than anyone I know. And I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

10. I want you to be happy, so I will always try to laugh, smile, and laugh more. I’m here to share laughter and hug you when you need one. Happiness is the best thing in life; you never know when it will happen, but when it does, it makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. Be happy, my love. 

11. Happiness is not exclusively about having fun but also about being able to laugh at yourself. Happiness is a choice, not an accident. Be the architect of your own life. Be happy my girlfriend. 

12. All that glitters is not gold. But if you look closely enough, there’s a reason to believe and many reasons to be happy. I want you to be happy because that matters to me. Your happiness is all that matters to me. Be happy, sweetheart. 

13. I am committed to your happiness. I want you to be satisfied. I want to make you happy. It doesn’t matter where you come from, what you look like, or where you’re headed. I’ll be right there beside you because all that matters is your happiness. Be happy, my girlfriend. 

14. Let me help make your dreams be reality. I promise you my full dedication to your goals. I am always here for you, so don’t worry about me. Always remember that your happiness is all that matters to me.

15. I want you to be happy, my love. I want you to smile when you think about me and feel that sparkle in your eyes again. I want to see the same sparkle in your eyes every day, lying in bed with you at night. My happiness is based on your happiness. I don’t worry about anything but making you happy, and I promise to do everything I can to make that happen.

16. I want you to be happy. I’ll always be by your side, as long as you need me. I want you to be the happiest person in the world. When you are with me, I feel happy. I am happier when you’re around. You are the most important person in my life. I love you, and I’m so happy we’re together

17. Stay the course and be happy, my love, no matter what. Happiness is like a smile; it goes with everything and everyone. Happiness is about being yourself and accepting who you are.
The greatest happiness is the daily, unseen, and unplanned by us. We all need a reason to be happy, and I want to be your reason for being happy, my amazing girlfriend.

18. Reach for your goals; reach for the stars. If you don’t fail, you can’t win.
Be happy and make someone else happy. That’s the way to go! There’s nothing better than a smile from my girl. I’m in a much happier place when I look at you. Thank you for being my day, every day. I love you.

19. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me when your smile lights up my day, and you make it seem like anything is possible. Happiness is not a destination. It’s a journey, and it starts with you. Nothing gladdens my heart more than seeing you happy. Your happiness is all that matters to me.

20. When you look in the mirror, who do you want to see? What do you want the future to look like It’s up to you. If you are searching for happiness, you will always find it within yourself first. Happy moments mean life is worth living Happiness is a choice. Make the right one.

21. Did you know? You are responsible for your happiness. If we all learn to be a little happier, the world will be a better place. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old. Be happy, my girlfriend, because life is made up of small moments and big ones simultaneously.

22. It’s not always easy to find the right words to show someone you care, but it doesn’t have to be. You can make a difference and help someone feel valued and appreciated. The best thing you can do for me is to be happy. That’s all I want.

23. Happiness is not something you’re going to find. Happiness is a choice that you’re going to make. Your happiness makes me happy. It always makes me smile to hear your voice.

24. Your happiness means a lot to me, and I love you! I care about your happiness, so don’t worry too much. Be happy with me and our future. I love you when you smile; I love you when you frown; I love you when you have no idea how much I care about you.

25. I’m so happy when you smile at me and make me feel good. I love you, babe! Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your actions. So make it happen, and do something daily that makes you happier. Your happiness is my fuel. Be happy, my love. 

26. Happiness is when you feel good about yourself, everything else just details. You are the most important person in my life. I will always support, love, and cherish you. You are my sunshine. I hope you’re happy, I hope you’re smiling, and I hope your day is filled with joy and gladness. I want you to be happy, my girlfriend. 

27. I see you are happy. I love that smile on your face, and I can’t help but feel fulfilled when I see it. You motivate me to keep living my best life, and if that means making your happiness a priority, then so be it!

28. I’m so happy to see you smile. It’s my favorite thing in the world. Your smile is contagious. I love seeing it and know other people do too. I love it when you smile. It makes my day. There’s no better feeling than seeing a loved one smile.

29. You see a smile, and you know it’s genuine. It gives you hope, inspires you to be better than you were yesterday, and makes life worth living. You light up any room with your amazing smile. I love to see that. It’s a beautiful day, and I’m glad you’re here to share it with me. Happiness is a choice, and you can choose it today.

30. Fueled by your happiness, our passion pushes us to be the best. I love to make you smile. And I won’t stop until you do. I promise to keep your car running like new. I will solve problems for you to focus on the good things. I know what you need before you do. My goal is to make your life easier and stress-free.

31. Happiness is a choice. Let it be yours today! Happy people are the nicest people to be around. A smile makes them feel better, think more clearly, and give them energy.
See, you smile, and I’m smiling too.

32. Happiness is a state of mind, not something you’ve got. It’s something that you make by deciding what you want and then making it happen. Happiness is the best antidote.
I want you to be happy and find someone who will make you smile. I want you to find that one special person in your life who knows just how to turn off the lights, put on some good music, and make everything better.

33. I want you to be happy. I want you to smile with me, laugh when we’re together, and make me proud. I love you. I want to do little things with you, hold hands, and kiss you if that’s something we have time for.

34. What makes me happy is having someone to share with—having a person to care for and to be there for someone special and important. If you need a friend, I’ll be there. If you need a listener, I can do that too. I want you to be happy because we’re happy together. Happy girlfriend, happy life.

35. I want you to be happy. I want you to smile more. I want you to feel like there is a sun in your heart. I want to be your friend, your lover. I want to make you feel special and wonderful. I want you to feel like the sun shines just for you. Life is short. Be happy every day. And I want to be your smile supplier because everyone needs somebody to smile for.

36. I’m here for you, and I want to show you what life can be like when you’re happy, excited, and ready to achieve your health goals together; I’m here for you. I want you to be happy because I want to be happy for you.

37. I’m here for you. I’m here to support you no matter what. Even if it’s just a conversation about how to spend some extra time together, maybe it’s our first date, or you need help deciding what movie to watch or plan some fun weekend getaway. Your happiness is my inspiration; I want to be the source of your happiness as well.

38. If you’re not 100% happy, I’ll do everything I can to make you happy. I will provide a warm and friendly environment to welcome you home. I’m someone who will surprise you with something nice now and then. My goal is to make you feel comfortable, happy, and appreciated.

39. You’re my happiness; you’re my strength. You and I are a team, and we need each other to succeed. Nothing feels better than putting a smile on someone’s face. If you want someone to hold you while you sleep, I am here for you, babe.

40. I want you to be happy. I want to be there when you are. That’s why I’m here. I want us to grow together and do great things together. I want your heart to feel lighter, your mind to be brighter, and your soul to soar.

41. I’m happy because I’ve found the perfect person and want to spend the rest of my life with them. I want you to be happy and excited every day.
You make me feel so much better than I am. You’re the best friend, partner, and lover I could’ve wished for.

42. Life is too short not to smile, laugh, and enjoy every moment with the people you care about. I hope my presence brightens your day and makes you smile! Happiness is a choice. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

43. I wish my girlfriend all the happiness in the world, and I hope she knows how much she means to me.
I hope she’s happy. I hope she’s free. I hope she never lacks—but if she does, I hope she turns to me.

44. They say the greatest thing you can do is make someone else happy, so if you see me walking around with a pouty face, know that it’s because I’m thinking about how happy I am that you have me
I would do anything to see you smile. Thank you for brightening up my world.

45. You were the first person I wanted to give the world to, and you are still my favorite. With you, my world is so much brighter. I can see the stars, smell the flowers, and taste the sun on my lips. Seeing you happy brightens my world. No matter the challenges you pass through, i will always be here for you

46. I love how you smile so much and how happy you seem without even trying.
There’s no happiness like the happiness of your true love. Happy anniversary to the love of my life. I’m so glad you’re in my life, and I hope we have many more to come.

47. A truly happy woman makes others happy. Life is about the moments you share with someone special, so don’t miss out on them. Life is short. Be happy. Live for today and enjoy life with me, my love.

48. You are the wind that makes my sails, the water that bathes my shores. Be happy today and in everything you do.
I am always with you and in your heart.
You always surprise me with your beauty, I’ve been touched by the sun and I’m all warm inside. Call me butterfly and you’ll hit the head.

50. Being happy is what it all comes down to. When you’re happy, you can accomplish anything. Always remember that. If you want to accomplish something, just be happy and enjoy what you’re doing. You are the source of my inspiration, the standard by which I measure myself. Life is an adventure and you’re always by my side. You are what I need to get better every day. I pray your happiness never turn to sadness.

51. Living life isn’t easy. Sometimes it’s hard, but it happens to everyone at one point or another. If you ever feel like you’re on a bad track, just remember that no matter what choice you make, someone has made it before you, and they were able to overcome it. The only thing that matters is how we live our life, so be sure to make the best of it. Wishing you a day full of joy and laughter.

52. If you feel alone and lost, close your eyes and picture the person you miss. Trust me, life is better with them here beside you. Happiness isn’t something you achieve, it is something you deserve.

53. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
You are the sunshine in my life, the moon and stars. Happy is the person who can be happy with what they have, no matter how small. You can make it through anything, as long as you have a smile on your face.

54. No matter how hard life may get, remember that you are the only person who has the power to make it better.
You can’t control how you feel, but you can control how you respond. Have a positive attitude and things will turn out for the best. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s learning to dance in the rain but never let the storm bring you sorrow.

55. I love you, sweetheart, and I never want to let you go. You will forever have my heart, and I’ll love you until time has no end. Know that I am here always and forever, so in your sorrows and pains, please remember that you have someone who loves you dearly and wishes you nothing but happiness. If life is a marathon, I will run it with you by my side and finish together.

56. Don’t let the stress get to you. Take time for yourself, do what makes YOU happy! Don’t hold yourself up to high expectations. Enjoy your life as it is. I’m sure things will work out no matter what happens; just be patient. Take time out of your day to enjoy yourself, find some humor in all your stress,s and don’t forget to breathe! Love is where you find it, whenever you find it. A smile or kind word can change someone

57. I want you to be happy. I know I am good for you and your life, but if you aren’t happy,y it will tear me apart. You deserve the best,t but if the best for you is not m,e then tell me so that I can still watch out for you from a distance. Just find what makes you happy and hold on to it. Don’t forget about m,e though! I’ll always be here for you, you love.

58. Sweetheart, be happy, be positive. If you want something, go out and get it. Please don’t wait for it to come to you by chance. Even if it takes a little while, you will eventually find what you are looking for. It will take some time, but in the end, I promise it will be worth it. You deserve the perfect life, and everyone deserves the perfect person to share that with.

59. Remember always to be happy. Enjoy yourself because life is too short to be unhappy. Laugh a lot and smile; it’s contagious and soo relaxing. Laughing isn’t a bad thing; sometimes, we need to reevaluate what’s going on around us. Learn to embrace the life experience with open arms no matter how it presents itself, and learn to laugh again when you’re sad; when you laugh, you aren’t as sad.

60. Finding your happiness is the most important thing in my life. I will do everything I can to help you be happy because that is how I fell so in love with you. You are the most important thing to me in my life…. I will always love you, forever and ever.

You are a special gift from the heavens who came down to this earth to spread joy and happiness. Never doubt your value because they say every flower radiates its fragrance; it depends on how much you communicate with it. 

I trust you have selected your choice from these wonderful be happy quotes for girlfriend. Please, don’t hesitate to share them with friends. Thanks.

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