Be the Real You Quotes

Are you being true to yourself? Have you ever thought about what kind of image you give to other people? Do your actions reflect exactly the person you are, or do they reflect something else? 

They say it’s better to be the real you, but no one really knows what that means. It sounds cliche but vague. Most of us try to be our best selves every day – our most authentic selves. Some people try to be a better version of themselves, while some give up on this idea.

Becoming the real you is a hard process; it takes time and constant fighting against your inner demons. We all have our self-doubts; we ask, “what if I fail,” or “what if they think I’m stupid.” We stress about being perfect or being less fortunate than others – these are insecurities that most people struggle with in one way or another.

You know, if you really want to be successful, you have to be the real you. Be honest; be straightforward. You need to let your personality shine through. People appreciate that. They want to know who you are and what you are about. That’s how they decide whether they want to do business with you or not.

We need to be reminded every now and then to be ourselves. Hence the compilation of be the real you quotes here. They are capable of encouraging and motivating anyone to be real.

Be the real you. Just be yourself, love yourself, and everything else will fall into place. You can’t change what you were born with. But you can be the person you want to be with your actions, choices and decisions. Be the real you.

1. The real you is the one who can make all your dreams come true. The real you is the one who can make the impossible happen. Be the real you. Be yourself, be authentic, be happy and full of joy.

2. Be the real you. Be bold and brave. Be noble, not vain; be humble, not arrogant; be wise, not foolish and invent new ways to be kind!

3. Be the real you. Be who you are and be the best version of yourself out there. You are always the only you in this world. Be real, love who you are and always tell the truth.

4. What you do reflects on me, not the other way around. Be the real you. You are the real you. There is no other you except this one.

5. Be the real you. You can’t fake a good joke; you don’t need to be someone else to be happy or successful. The only thing you have to worry about is being yourself and then letting the rest take care of themselves.

6. There’s only one you, and you’re awesome. You deserve the best of yourself, and no one else should get a say in what you do with your life.

7. You can’t be perfect, and that’s a good thing. You have to be yourself because no one else will do it.

8. Transform yourself into your happiest, most confident self. Here’s some inspiration: “Be the real you, and never apologize for it.”

9. Be the real you. Be who you are, and do what you love. At the end of the day, be proud of yourself.

10. Be yourself. Be the real you. It’s okay to be true to yourself. Be the real you, and don’t let society mould you into something it wants you to be.

11. Be the real you. Be true to yourself and your values, even if it means facing hard things. You are not what other people think you should be. You are so much more than that. Be the real you and trust yourself, even when others don’t.

12. Be the real you, don’t fake it till you make it. How do you want to be remembered? Be the person you were born to be because that person is the real you.

13. We all want to be loved and accepted, but we don’t want to be fake. Be you and leave the rest to chance.

14. The real you is strong, courageous, and powerful. You are capable of anything if you decide to put all your energy into it.

15. Your life is the result of what you choose to focus on. Focus on your dreams, and make them come true. You can’t change the world, but you can change your own perception of it. Be the real you. Be yourself, be authentic, be happy and full of joy.

16. Be the real you. Be bold and brave. Be noble, not vain; be humble, not arrogant; be wise, not foolish and invent new ways to be kind.

17. Be the real you. Be who you are and be the best version of yourself out there. You are always the only you in this world. Be the real you, love who you are and always tell the truth.

18. You are the real you. There is no other you except this one. You can’t fake a good joke; you don’t need to be someone else to be happy or successful. The only thing you have to worry about is being yourself and then letting the rest take care of themselves.

19. Be the real you, not a version of yourself that someone else wants you to be. Only the real you can make this life worth living. Be true to yourself, don’t be afraid to be different and stand out from the crowd.

20. You can’t be perfect, and that’s a good thing. You have to be yourself because no one else will do it.

21. Transform yourself into your happiest, most confident self. Here’s some inspiration: “Be the real you, and never apologize for it.”

22. Be the real you. Be who you are, and do what you love. At the end of the day, be proud of yourself.

23. You are not your job. You are not what other people think you should be. You are so much more than that. Be the real you and trust yourself, even when others don’t.

24. Be the real you, don’t fake it till you make it. How do you want to be remembered? Be the person you were born to be because that person is the real you.

25. The real you is strong, courageous, and powerful. You are capable of anything if you decide to put all your energy into it.

26. Don’t pretend to be what you are not. Be the real you, and stop pretending. Be true to yourself, and happiness will follow.

27. Be the real you, not a version of yourself that someone else wants. Be the best version of your authentic self, and life will be so much more joyful and fulfilling.

28. You are the reflection of your innermost self. Be the true you; be the real you. It’s not what you do—it’s who you are. Be the real you and make it count.

29. If you’re not careful, happiness can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Be yourself, and people will admire you.

30. Real is not the opposite of fake; it’s the opposite of default. You are who you are—no one else can make you be anything other than that.

31. Be real. Don’t pretend to be what you are not. Be yourself, and never let anyone tell you differently.

32. Be the real you. Be brave and bold, be positive and happy, be confident and don’t hide who you are because life is too short to waste it in a cage.

33. Be the real you. Don’t be a fake, try to do better, and don’t ever think that what you ‘think people want’ is actually the truth.

34. Be yourself. Be who you are. Don’t pretend to be someone else so that the outer world will accept you.

35. Keep the real you in sight, and always remember that there is only one person on this earth who can’t tell if you are lying or not.

36. Let me be your guiding light. Be real, be vulnerable, and be yourself. Don’t be afraid to be who you really are. The real you is the only one that matters.

37. Be the real you. Don’t try to be what others want you to be. Be yourself, your own person and true to your heart.

38. The world needs more of you than it does of me. Be the real you, live the life that you really want and make everything worth it.

39. Be the person you were meant to be. Be the truth of who you are, and don’t let anyone else change that.

40. The only person you can be truly authentic with is you. Take it to the next level and let the world know what makes you tick.

41. Be the real you. The one who turned things around in your life and brought you to where you are today.

42. Be the real you, not a copy of someone else. Be yourself and live life to the fullest. Be the best version of yourself you can be.

43. Be yourself; that way, others will love you. Be the real you. Be happy and make other people smile too.

44. You have to be the real you. Don’t try to be anyone else, or you’ll end up frustrated and unhappy.

45. Be the person you were meant to be. Be the person who comes alive when they’re doing what they love most.

46. You don’t have to be the best at everything in order to be great at anything. Be the real you, and don’t be afraid to let others see the real you.

47. Be the real you and be proud of it. Be proud of who you are, and don’t let anyone change that.

48. Sometimes, when you’re trying to be someone else, you come up short. The real you is somebody who’s your own person but also a part of you that makes you unique and exciting. Be that person!

49. There’s only one you, and you’re awesome. You deserve the best of yourself, and no one else should get a say in what you do with your life.

50. Be yourself, no matter what. You’ll be surprised at how this simple act can profoundly affect the rest of your life.

51. Don’t be afraid to be different out loud. Be the real you, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

52. The real you is a person who can be themselves and not be afraid to be different.

53. The real you is the one you were meant to be. Life is better when you are who you are and not someone else.

54. Don’t be afraid of your authentic self. Be the real you, and let other people see you for who you truly are.

55. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Be real and be yourself. That’s when you’ll shine the brightest.

56. The real you is perfect because it’s a combination of all the things you’ve learned and all the things that have pulled you through. It’s not a person, but it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of who you will become.

57. Be the real you. No one else can be you better than you. So, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

58. Be the real you, and don’t be afraid to say what you mean. Don’t worry about what others think, just go for it and be you!

59. The real you is the one who will always be carefree and happy, even though you might be going through the hardest times of your life.

60. Be the real you. Be yourself. Be free. Be strong and bold. Shine in all you do, not just because of how others see you but because of who you are inside.

61. Be the real you. It’s not good enough to be someone else. You’ll never be happy if you’re not yourself.

62. Be the real you. Be comfortable in your own skin, wear what you want and be free to be who you are.

63. Be yourself. Be proud of who you are. Be the real you because the world needs more of you.

64. Be the real you. Don’t act like someone else because you will lose who you are if you do. Don’t be afraid to be authentic and true to yourself. Be the real you, no matter what that looks like.

65. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Be brave and embrace your unique strengths, flaws, and all. The real you is a beautiful thing.

66. Be the real you. Be brave, bold, vulnerable and open. Be authentic and honest with yourself. Be true to your heart and soul.

67. Be the real you. Be a good person, be honest and genuine with those around you and always remember to appreciate the little things.

68. Be the real you. You don’t need anybody’s permission to live your life on your own terms.

69. Be the real you. Not someone that you think people want you to be. Be the person who’s been standing in the shadow of others for too long, and get out there.

70. Be the real you. There is no one better than you because you are so much more than you have been and never will be again.

71. Be You. Be a real person. Be yourself. Don’t try to be someone else because when you do, you simply don’t feel good about yourself.

72. Be the real you. You’re a different person today than you were yesterday, and that’s ok.

73. What you think is the reality, but the truth is your thoughts are only a reflection of yourself. Be the real you and show off what’s inside.

74. Don’t let society’s definition of beauty hold you back. Be who you want to be and do what you want to do because it doesn’t matter if people say you’re fat, ugly or not good enough. That’s just who you are.

75. I’m not saying you should let go of everything that makes you insecure. But I am saying that if you don’t like the real you, start letting go of the things holding you back from being your true self.

76. Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter won’t mind.

77. Be your own person. Be the one who matters to you. Don’t let others tell you what you should be; only time can do that.

78. Be the real you. The one thing you have control over is the person you are today. Do what makes you happy. Live your life with passion and purpose.

79. Make it a point to be the real you. You are like a tree, and the world is your garden. Let’s plant beautiful flowers and watch them bloom.

80. Be the real you. A more interesting person than you already are; a more inspiring person than you already know.

81. Be the real you; don’t try to be someone else. Embrace your imperfections and be proud of who you are.

82. Don’t let your past define your future. Be the person you want to be today and always remember who you are on the inside is what will really count in the end.

83. The real you is a treasure hidden deep within. Don’t wait for the world to give it to you. Be a warrior for your true self, and don’t let anyone take it from you.

84. Be the real you. Don’t dress up to impress others; dress up for yourself and be proud of who you are.

85. Be the real you. The one who loves yourself is healthy, and happy and loves others because you deserve to be loved and adored.

86. Be the real you. Not the version of you that everyone else thinks you should be. The real you will surprise and delight them!

87. When you’re at peace with yourself and the world, you’re free to be who you truly are. Be that real you today.

88. Be the real you. There is nothing more important than finding your authentic self, being true to yourself and living your best life.

89. No matter what life brings, you will always be the real you. You are not defined by your past or what others think of you. Be your own person and do what you want.

90. Be the real you, and don’t worry about what other people think. They’re always wrong anyway.

91. The only thing that can separate you is yourself. Be the real you, and stop letting fear control you.

92. Be yourself. Don’t try to fit in because if you do, you’ll be less authentic and more anxious about fitting in again.

93. Be yourself, and don’t let anyone stop you. When you’re in the doldrums, think of an actual snapshot of yourself. You’ll appreciate your true self more and feel better.

94. Be the real you. Not someone else’s idea of you. Be free, be bold, and keep moving forward with determination.

95. Be who you were meant to be, and don’t let anyone hold you back from being your best self.

96. Don’t be afraid to be your authentic self, no matter how your friends, family and the world may react.

97. Be the real you. Don’t be afraid to show your true colours because, as we all know, life is too beautiful to hide behind a mask that others have created for us.

98. Be the real you, not what people expect you to be. Be your own person. Be yourself, and then watch the world react.

99. Be the real you. Be the best version of yourself that you can be, and accept nothing but the best from yourself. You deserve it!

100. The real you is ready to be a better you, stronger than the fear, and take action. Remember: You will make it.

It is easy to be the real you if no one else is there to see you. But when other people are around and looking, it gets a little harder. You have to pretend to be the person they expect you to be, and you feel anxious because it is not really who you are. That’s a problem that many people have.

However, with the be the real you quotes you just read through, we can always be reminded to be ourselves and live freely and happily.

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