Be the Woman Every Man Wants to Marry Quotes

A lot of men fall in love with personality more than anything else. The man wants his woman to love and care for his wish more than anything else. Now, you’re a bright, beautiful person. Why wouldn’t you be the woman every man wants to marry?

If you aspire to be the woman every man wants to marry, be strong, sweet and honest. These are some of the words you can use when defining the kind of a lady you want to be, as a man starts taking interest in you. Because love isn’t just about being strong. It’s more about the things you can do for a man to make him fall in love with you and spend the rest of his life with you.

There are many interesting quotes to make every woman lovely. All the quotes right here can help you keep serving your life with happiness and be a very sweet woman that everyone wants to have. Looking for quotes about being the woman every man wants to marry? I have written a collection of quotes and sayings on being an ideal woman. This can also help you understand how to be a better wife.

Every man wants a wife who’s the embodiment of care, compassion, and understanding. A girl who accepts him for all his flaws and mistakes. Who believes in the goodness of people and their inner beauty. A lady who knows she could be his biggest ally yet never prone to jealousy or suspicion. That’s you. You’re the woman he wants to marry.

1. Don’t just be the girlfriend, Be the wife. Be the woman that a man wants to marry.

2. Don’t spend your life wondering “What if?” but spend your life creating a better future for you and your family.

3. Be the woman he can’t wait to come home to. The one that was worth waiting for.

4. Be the woman that a man wants to marry. Men don’t want to have to wait around for their girlfriends!

5. You already know you’re awesome, but why settle for being someone’s girlfriend? Be the woman that a man wants to marry.

6. Be the woman a man wants to marry. Be the woman he will love forever.

7. You can be the woman a man wants to marry. You can be the woman he will love forever.

8. You’re the woman that guys love to be around and want to be with. When you’re in a relationship, they will never feel neglected, they will never feel inadequate, they will be swept off their feet by how amazing you are. You’re the kind of woman a man wants to marry because he knows that you’ll support him and love him unconditionally.

9. To all women, be the woman he wants to marry and not just date. Be the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

10. Be the woman he wants to marry rather than the woman he wants to just date.

11. Be the kind of woman that makes a man want to be a better, humble and hardworking man.

12. Be the type of woman that every man needs, but the only one your man deserves

13. The woman every man wants to marry is a woman who has the grace of God in her life.

14. The woman every man wants to marry is the woman who can make his dreams come true.

15. The woman every man wants to marry is the one who can make him smile after a long day.

16. There’s just something about her, the way she moves, the way she smiles…that makes me want to marry her.

17. She’s a lovely, kind, sweet woman and every man wants to marry her.

18. Be the kind of woman that every man wants to marry, and every woman wants as a friend.

19. Enhance your life with love. Know how to be the woman he wants to marry.

20. Did you know, the best man doesn’t want to marry just any woman. He is looking for a woman who will be a blessing to his life and children. Learn how to be this kind of woman.

21. Did you know, the best man doesn’t want to marry just any woman. He is looking for a woman who will be a blessing to his life and children. Learn how to be this kind of woman and step into your role as the leader of your family.

22. The best man doesn’t want to marry just any woman, but to the best kind of woman; a woman who will be a blessing to his life and children. Learn how to be this kind of a woman

23. A man prefers to marry a woman who will be a blessing to his life and children. Learn how to be this kind of woman.

24. I adore calling you mine but I’m not ready to stop telling people that I have the best girlfriend in the world. A girl who will always be there when I need her and who knows my every smile and hug is an expression of how much you mean to me.

25. Every woman wants to find the man of her dreams who will love her unconditionally. Men want a caring, loving relationship with their lady. A girl who listens to them when they have troubles and cheers them on when things go right. A girl that believes in their good looks, wit and behaviour.

26. No other woman makes him feel the way you do. He sees your heart and soul in your eyes. He feels light as air when you’re by his side. And he can’t picture a life without you.

27. When he sees you, he smiles. When you speak, he’s captivated. You are on his mind all the time and he can’t wait to be with you. You are the love of his life, and he is going to make sure that you stay in his life forever. He’s going to marry you.

28. Don’t be the girl who gives up and settles for the things you think you deserve, be the woman who makes them want to treat you like their most treasured possession.

29. When I want to marry you, I will write you a love song so big, instead of words there’ll be verses, and instead of lines there’ll be rhymes, and instead of pages there’ll be meaning. And I will hold you close to me so tight that you won’t know how to breathe.

30. Be the woman he can’t wait to come home to. The one that was worth waiting for.

31. You’re strong, beautiful, intelligent, and successful. He should be honoured to have you by his side for the rest of his life. You’re a shining example of what it means to be a woman.

32. You have the power to attract a man worthy of your love. So you can begin living your best life.

33. Being the girlfriend is fun but being the wife is more exciting and incredible. The theme of your wedding day is supposed to reflect the theme and life of your marriage.

34. Men want a woman they can respect and it’s up to you to be the right kind of woman that men love and respect.

35. He needs a woman who will give him the love of a lifetime. A woman who will make him feel that he can conquer the world.

36. How to be the woman he wants to marry: Always remember that he fell in love with you at a time when he wasn’t even looking for a serious relationship. So always be yourself and avoid changing yourself for him; make sure you are still the person with who he fell in love and not someone new that you’re pretending to be.

37. Being a wife is like being a moon. You need to reflect your husband’s light and allow it to shine through you. You are on Earth to reflect someone else’s light, she said.

38. Be a strong woman and be kind. Don’t let bad or mean words affect you, let them be as water off a duck’s back.

39. You deserve someone that appreciates everything you do, every part of who you are. It is not wrong to want a man that makes you feel loved and cherished, a partner in life instead of just a lover in bed.

40. You shouldn’t settle. That’s the kind of girlfriend you’ll be. The woman that someone wants to marry won’t settle for just getting by. Be the type of woman that inspires a man to risk his heart again for her.

41. Are you the best woman for him? Most single men would want to marry a woman who will be a blessing to their lives and children. Will you be that woman?

42. The best man wants a wife who is more than just a wedding date. He wants someone who will be his partner through life and love. Learn how to become this type of woman.

43. You’re a woman who wants to make a big difference in your man’s life. You want to marry a man who will appreciate you for everything you do for him. Learn how to be the kind of woman that makes men fall in love with you and want to marry you.

44. This post will help women understand what their man needs from them in order to be able to trust that they are indeed the woman he wants to marry.

45. Be the kind of woman that when your future husband sees you for the first time thinks, “My Gosh! I’m so blessed and I’m so glad she is mine!”

46. True love is the one thing worth fighting for. Loving you is a choice I make every day. Sometimes we are tested, but if we love truly, what really matters isn’t out there in the world.

The woman every man wants to marry makes friends with your mother; she shows kindness to everyone you love; she wants the best for your family. She is your partner and holds equal value in the relationship. She compliments you, supports you and encourages you.

47. A woman who has the grace of God in her life is a humble and soft-spoken woman. She keeps her actions in line with His Word, and she knows that if it’s not of Him, it’s not worth having.

48. Come to know her and you’ll learn to love her. Trust her, and you’ll experience true joy. She’s the woman every man wants to marry because she is a woman living in the light of Christ.

49. The most beautiful woman in the world has God on her side. The best women are those who value Him over everything else.

50. She’s the woman who exudes allure and beauty, radiating kindness, hope, and happiness. A true picture of the grace and power of God.

51. A wife who depends on God will have guidance and a standard to live by.

52. Each of us desires a woman in our life who is loving, compassionate and giving. One who has that special girl-next-door quality.

53. God has given you a true treasure in your wife. One who will support and encourage you through every phase of your life. She is someone to be cherished, valued, esteemed and admired by you for the rest of your life.

54. The essence of a woman who is confident and smart, who knows in her heart that she is destined to be with a man that adores her. She sets the standards to which others strive.

55. What every man wants to marry is not a beautiful woman, but a lovely and gentle lady.

56. What every woman wants to marry is not a handsome man, but a caring and responsible man.

57. The most important thing to every man is not a beautiful woman; it is a lovely and gentle lady.

58. What every woman wants to find is not a handsome man, but a loving partner.

59. It’s said that everyone wants to marry a beautiful woman, but marrying a gentle lady is the true symbol of elegance.

60. What every woman really wants is not a great lover, but a sweet and caring gentleman.

61. A man will choose a sweet and gentle lady over any beautiful woman in the world.

62. The person whom everyone loves is not a person who has high achievements and a superman, but a woman who is gentle and elegant in her own way.

63. A beautiful face is lovely, but a gentle heart is more important.

64. The best things about her are her sense of humour, her spontaneity and her ability to sink herself into whatever she is doing. You love her flair for the dramatic but wish she would be more faithful to you.

65. A woman every man wants to marry is a woman who has the love of Jesus Christ in her heart, a woman with a spirit of kindness, and a woman full of compassion.

66. The best thing a woman can do to be the woman every man wants to marry is not to become the wife he wants but to become the woman he never thought he needed.

67. The best thing a woman can do to be the woman that every man wants to marry is to become the woman every man would never even think about leaving.

68. To be the lady every man wants is to not become the wife he wants but to become the woman he never expected.

69. The best thing a girl can do to be the woman every guy wants is to maintain her beauty and grow into an even better person.

70. My secret to a happy marriage and loving husband is to become the woman that he never thought he needed.

71. A woman should do her best to become the woman every man can’t live without before she even dates him.

72. The woman every man wants to marry is the type of woman that inspires him to be everything he can be.

73. The woman any man could love is the type of woman that inspires him to become everything he can be. She ignites his passion, encourages his dreams, and makes life worth living.

74. She’s charming and funny, but also sharp and witty. She’s the kind of woman that knows what she wants but doesn’t always get it. It’s her imperfections that make up her perfections, and when she smiles at you, you can feel it.

75. This woman has a smile that can brighten anyone’s day and eyes that make your knees weak. She’ll make your fantasies bloom into reality. She can make you a better man if you let her.

76. There’s this woman. She makes us feel like men and helps us to be the best men we can be.

77. Behind every great man is the most beautiful woman in the world.

78. The woman every man wants to marry is a woman who has the grace and compassion of God in her life.

79. There’s a woman you want to marry and build your future with. There’s certainly a lot of effort to be put into this. But first, let’s see if you are the woman he wants to marry.

80. In the end, his decision to marry you is your choice. And if he’s not sure, you need to make it clear – don’t just be the girlfriend, be the wife.

81. You are the embodiment of care, compassion and understanding. A girl who accepts him for all his flaws and mistakes. Who believes in the goodness of people, who takes the time to see their inner beauty. A lady who knows she could be someone’s biggest ally yet is never prone to jealousy or suspicion.

82. You are the woman of his dreams, a woman who cares as much as he does. You’re someone he can count on, someone he can look up to and admire. Someone who makes his heart flutter with each smile you share.

83. A woman who is willing to be the ideal wife will make her husband smile, feel loved and inspire him.

84. A woman who is so sweet that she can melt the heart of a man.

85. If you want to know if your man is serious about you, introduce him to your mother and see how he treats her.

86. Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.

87. Be the best woman he wants to marry, Not the best woman someone else wants him to marry.

88. Being a great wife is more than just doing your best in the relationship. Learn how to be the wife your man wants to marry.

89. There is never a wrong time to raise your standards. It doesn’t matter what your culture or religion has taught you. By being the best woman you can be, you will attract the best man for your life.

90. You deserve all of the best things in life. You can attract the best man for your life and never settle for anything less.

91. Rewrite your story. Understand why you are here today, follow God’s lead, and be the best woman you can be.

92. Don’t settle for anything less than the best. You owe it to yourself to live your best life—inside and outside of love. And the best man on this planet is out there waiting for you.

93. Being a woman is not easy. There are always going to be things that you want to change, but the best step is just to start.

94. If you want to live a happy, healthy life then it is important to take the right steps. Let the next few minutes change the way you think and feel about living an exceptional life.

95. Don’t settle for a relationship. Push yourself to be the best you can possibly be so you can find the best man for you

96. Life isn’t always easy so you need to be the best you can be. Success brings happiness and that is the key to attracting a man who deserves you.

97. If you can be the best you, no one can stop you from finding the best man possible.

98. Coupled with a cheerful disposition, good company and a strong personality will make you more likely to find the right man.

99. Becoming a better person will help you attract more positive relationships in your life.

100. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be better than the competition and stand out among other women.

Being a woman is a hard job, but being the woman he wants to marry can even be harder. It doesn’t have to be difficult and that’s why I have put up these be the woman a man wants to marry quotes for you.

I hope you’re inspired and less bothered about the woman you want to be? Let’s make it real by putting all you have read here to use. You can always tell me which is your favourite quote in the comments.

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