Be Your Own Motivation Quotes

One fact about life is that your loved ones aren’t always going to be there for you. These people will also face their share of obstacles and problems they’d need to overcome. In this sense, you can’t blame them if they don’t shower you with as much attention as you’d like.

Importantly, this should tell you that leaving your motivation in the hands of people, even your loved ones will put your happiness and desires at the dictation of their moods and times.

It should also point you to the fact that you should be your primary motivator and deliberately find ways to create your joy. You shouldn’t be anything other than the main character in your story.

To help you get started finding your unique strength and inspiration, these be your own motivation quotes have been specially written for you.

To be your own motivation is to learn to take a leap of faith. It is betting on yourself even when you can’t see the whole picture and believing that the best will always come for you.

1. To be your own motivation is to have complete control over what inspires and motivates you. Only you should get to set your standard for victories and validation.

2. To be your own motivation is to take complete charge of your happiness without leaving any to the determination of another person.

3. Motivation can come from various sources, but the most authentic form is the one that comes from within you. When you’re your own motivation, your life and joy aren’t at the mercy of people’s availability.

4. Be your own motivation because you’re the only one capable of birthing the kind of story you want for yourself.

5. When you’re reluctant to be your own motivation, it might help to remember where you’re coming from and why it’s important to keep pressing on.

6. Waiting for external validation and motivation will waste a lot of time for you. This is why it is essential to be your own motivation most of the time.

7. To be your own motivation is to not stand in the way of yourself. It is daring to dream bigger and finding the strength to execute your vision with patience and joy.

8. To be your own motivation is to take a stance regardless of the happenings around you. It is staying calm in whatever situation life throws at you with the hope that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

9. Being your own motivation affirms that you’re stronger than you think and that you have potential too inexhaustible to describe.

10. To be your own motivation is to stand in your power as a whole person. It reaffirms your confidence in yourself despite your past and even with the uncertainty of the future.

11. To be your own motivation is to choose confidence over your feelings of inadequacy, impostor syndrome, and weakness. It is a decision on hope and leveraging your unique strengths.

12. Be your own motivation and set about creating the life of your dreams. You’ll not only enjoy comfort but there’ll also be fulfilment and self-validation.

13. To be your own motivation doesn’t mean you’ll have things figured out all the time. It is choosing to find strength within and intentionally living each moment regardless.

14. To be your own motivation is to deliberate about creating your happiness and having a positive outlook about yourself and life despite how things may seem.

15. When you aim to be your own motivation, absolutely nothing can stop you from achieving your set goals. You can reach for the stars and get there!

16. To be your own motivation is not to say that you’ll be in big spirits all the time. It’s saying that you’ll never forget to be happy regardless.

17. By being your own motivation, you move closer to the aspirations that make you happy, comfortable, and fulfilled.

18. Constantly learning to be your own motivation will leave nothing in your way that stops you from achieving your goals, not even you, on your worst days.

19. There’s nothing as satisfying as
achieving the goals you set for yourself. This is why it is essential always to be your own motivation.

20. To be your own motivation is to constantly affirm yourself, whether you feel like it or not. It’s constantly reminding yourself that you’re the magic you’ve been waiting on.

21. When you remember to be your own motivation, you take the leading character in your own story. You stop playing in other people’s narratives, and you take charge of the direction of your life.

22. Be your own motivation, and you’ll find yourself chasing your dreams more fiercely and relentlessly. You’ll also see the grand vision start to come together in your mind.

23. To be your own motivation is to break away from the shackles holding you back from leading an excellent and intentional life.

24. When you practice how to be your own motivation, you’ll probably realize how you may have been the one holding yourself back from success all this time.

25. Be your own motivation, and you’ll discover that power on you inside that helps you improve the quality of your life and do the things you’ve always wanted to do.

26. Be your own motivation, believe in yourself and work hard, and you’ll see the big picture come together for you to see.

27. You can be your own motivation as the solution you seek is already within you. The strength you need to do big things and live intentionally is inside you.

28. Choosing to be your own motivation is the only way to build true happiness devoid of external validation and timelines.

29. Be your own motivation because you should be your greatest cheerleader. When the tides are low for your loved ones, and they will be, you’re all you’ve got.

30. When you choose to be your own motivation, you show your validation and believe in yourself and the credibility of your dreams.

31. To be your own motivation is to remind yourself of your unique difference from the rest of the world. It is affirming yourself even when you don’t feel like it.

32. To be your own motivation is always finding something to do that brings out the best in you and allows you to grow.

33. You must remember to be your own motivation because your happily-ever-after is your responsibility to create.

34. Be your own motivation by finding happiness in the tiny and significant details about you. It is the way to happiness and contentment with yourself.

35. Be your own motivation because difficult times and hardship will come, and you’ll only have yourself and your vision to hold on to.

36. To be your own motivation isn’t as difficult as people make it out to be. Look within and around for the tiny and big things that make you happy, keep you focused, and help you relax by yourself.

37. You must learn to be your own motivation because strength and positive vibes will significantly help you through your everyday life.

38. Remember to be your own motivation. It is how you’ll have total control to make the rest of your life as happy and fulfilling as possible.

39. Be your own motivation by only going after the things that keep you happy and focused. Those are the only things worthy of your strength and attention.

40. Be your own motivation and primary source of inspiration. This is so that nothing and no one will ever be able to control your happiness.

41. It’s easy to be your own motivation because all the strength and direction you need to make it in life is already on your inside.

42. To be your own motivation is to dig deep to discover the strength and abilities you wouldn’t think yourself capable of on a typical day.

43. Learn to be your own motivation, and you’ll reap the fruits eventually. You’ll encounter loneliness and tiredness, but you’ll enjoy the benefits of reaching within to find strength whenever you need it.

44. Sometimes, the only way to find and be your own motivation is to dig a little deeper and work a little harder on yourself.

45. To be your own motivation is to take back the keys to your happiness from the people undeserving of handling them.

46. Be your own motivation because the bulk of your happiness and success largely depends on you.

47. You can be your own motivation by finding the little and big things that make you happy. It’s also okay if the things that make you happy aren’t the same daily.

48. Be your own motivation because bad days don’t last forever. The good ones are ahead, and they’ll be far more than the bad ones.

49. Being your own motivation isn’t an external event you wait to happen. Rather, being your motivation is learning how to create your joy regularly.

50. To be your own motivation is to change your perspective about life, happiness, strength and determination.

51. When you learn how to be your own motivation, you automatically set yourself up to be strong, self-reliant, and deliberate about your life.

52. When you’re your own motivation, your happiness or goal-setting won’t be tied to the timelines and moods of other people.

53. Remember to be your own motivation today. Waiting for someone or something to happen before you’re happy is setting yourself up for a dull life.

54. Be your own motivation and make the best of what you have. Your situation may be challenging and unfair, but you can always rewrite your story.

55. Be your own motivation by acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses. Leverage on your strength, deliberately create your joy, and you’ll live a whole life.

56. Rather than wait for people, you can be your own motivation by doing the things that make you happy and feel fulfilled.

57. To be your own motivation is to choose yourself first all the time. It is a complete belief that you deserve nothing but the best all the time.

58. When you remember to be your own motivation constantly, you’ll continue to feel more inspired and empowered to create your joy.

59. To be your own motivation is to create your joy through the power of choice. It is ridding yourself of things and people that constantly reduce this joy.

60. It’s easy to learn how to be your own motivation. Start by noting the things or people that make you more positive, upbeat and happy.

61. Learn to be your own motivation because a life without deliberate joy is not a life worth living.

62. If you want to be successful and live a life full of happiness and freedom, think about how to be your own motivation.

63. When you believe that you deserve happiness entirely, it’ll become easier to become your own motivation.

64. Even when you don’t feel like it, try to be your own motivation. When you act like it, your emotions will eventually play catch up.

65. You can be your own daily motivation because the power to be so is in your hands and nobody else’s.

66. To be your own motivation means to take absolute control of your thoughts, emotions, and future.

67. Being your own motivation is also taking the time to understand the things that make you happy or sad.

68. Learn to be your own motivation because the life of your dreams is dependent on it.

69. Being your own motivation is like planting a garden. It takes time and continuous effort, but you’ll always reap the fruits.

70. Always be your own motivation, and don’t look to others to fill that role. The result of waiting for other people is a life spent not exploring yourself.

71. You do have the power to be your own motivation. So, if you have motivation problems, it is because you’ve refused to use your power.

72. You can be your own motivation because everything you’ll need is already inside you, buried deep in your soul.

73. You need to get a vision and remind yourself of the image every day. You’ll have no choice but to be your own motivation.

74. Learn to be your own motivation and not wait to act only when other people inspire you. Waiting to act will hold you back from success.

75. Ted talks and motivation from other people can only work for a while. You have to learn to be your own motivation.

76. To be your own motivation and get more out of life, all you need to do is tap into and release the strength you already carry inside.

77. To be your own motivation starts by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones in your heart and mouth.

78. Be your own motivation by quitting over-thinking and worrying about the things you can’t easily control.

79. To be your own motivation, first visualize your success; then tell yourself that you have all it takes to achieve it.

80. Be your own motivation, especially when you don’t feel like it. Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you’ve been through tough times like this before and came out on the other side.

81. Be your own motivation and take charge of your emotions and circumstances. You are more in control than you know, and you’re never without strength.

82. Being your own motivation begins with thinking only good things about yourself. You’re unique, intelligent, beautiful, and strong!

83. To be your own motivation is to learn how to stay put in situations. It’s learning not to run away or cower from ugly situations.

84. Being your own motivation starts with internalization. You’re not all the things that have happened in your past, and it can only get better from here on.

85. Be inspired by these facts of you today; you’re amazing, one of a kind, and no one can do things the way you can.

86. It takes strength to decide to be your own inspiration. Despite your fears and doubts, you still choose to put one leg in front of the other continuously.

87. Be your own inspiration and risk everything for yourself as you do for others. Pick yourself over and over again, and don’t be apologetic about it.

88. Be your own inspiration and start creating your happiness. There is no one else who can take charge of that for you, so you must be the one to do it.

89. To be your own inspiration, you must accept that the only person who can make changes in your life is you.

90. Be your own inspiration by deciding to no longer put your happiness and dreams in someone else’s hands. If you’ve thought about anything, you can get it done by yourself.

91. You must learn to be your own motivation because you’re the main character in your story. No one should have control over your happiness except you.

92. Be your own motivation and be willing to stand up for your happiness. Nobody else can make you happy if you don’t find happiness within yourself first.

93. Be your own motivation, and don’t wait for someone to make you happy. Finding happiness is first an inside job!

94. Being your own motivation is a lifetime journey. It takes time and commitment, but the effects are far-reaching.

95. You can be your own motivation and put a smile on your face whenever you want. You can make your mood go from zero to a hundred just by willing it.

96. Deciding to be your own motivation can be challenging and lonely, but living a happy and fulfilling life is worth the struggle.

97. You won’t always find reasons to be your own motivation or be happy. It’s then up to you to be deliberate about your joy.

98. The journey to being your own motivation is not just a promise of inspiration. It is also a record of your strengths and mistakes.

99. Be your own motivation because time flies fast. Embrace new things, and make yourself and your happiness a priority.

100. Being your own motivation and finding happiness is a lifetime journey and not a destination. You should get started now!

Hopefully, these be your own motivation quotes have raised your energy levels and optimism to start creating your happiness and standards.

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