Being a Side Chick Hurts Quotes

Are you in love with a man who has a stronger relationship with another woman? Are you hurting inside because you are not receiving all the attention and devotion you crave from your man? Then you must be a side chick.

A side chick understands that she has limited time with her man, and it won’t be long before she’s asked to leave and move on with her life. She can see the possibility of a long-term relationship with him but also has it in the back of her head that the relationship may not yield anything good in the future.

This fact alone can cause deep hurt to you as a side chick, and it hurts more knowing you may never get him to love you the way you want him to. You know deep down that it is almost impossible to accomplish. Watching someone else have full access to his life and personal space the way you desire is so painful.

You will end up being angry at yourself, wishing you never agreed to that relationship in the first place. Being a side chick is simply a bittersweet experience, and these being a side chick hurt quotes describe the misery that a woman experiences for being regarded as a substitute in a relationship.

Being a side chick hurts so much. Being with someone who doesn’t want to make a life with you in it but who sees you as an option when he is bored, tired, stressed out and lonely is very annoying.

1. Being a side chick hurts, you feel like a piece of garbage, and it hurts so much that you want to disappear because no matter how hard it is to watch yourself get treated like this, there is nothing to do about it. The pain will only increase if you try to fight back or run away from it.

2. Being a side chick hurts. They often feel like they have to put up with too much from their respective significant others because they know that if they don’t, their lovers will not keep seeing them. Indeed, the pain of feeling like you’re being used as a placeholder for someone who should be loving you is unlike anything else in this world.

3. Being a side chick hurts because the pain is not just physical but emotional. You feel like you’re somehow not good enough for the person you are with, so you try harder to make yourself likeable so that he’ll notice your efforts! But even then, when he finally notices, he’ll probably only care about his happiness at first. Then eventually, he’ll lose interest in you altogether because he doesn’t see how great your relationship would be if he gave it a better chance.

4. Being a side chick hurts. Being loved by someone ashamed of you is nothing short of the worst emotional pain. It’s like a constant reminder that you’re not good enough. You’ll never be good enough for them; they will always be better than you.

5. Being a side chick hurts. It hurts to have someone you love and care about love someone else. It hurts to know that he or she is not thinking of you at all or thinks about you when they are with their new lover. Being a side chick is like being in an abusive relationship, but without the abuse and the hope that things will change.

6. It’s hard to explain how much I hate it. It’s like being in a relationship with your worst enemy. Being a side chick hurts because they don’t care if you’re okay. They don’t care that your life is falling apart around them. They want to make sure their own needs are met first.

7. Being a side chick hurts, but the worst part about being a side chick is that you never get to be the one in control of your own emotions. You can’t choose how much you like the person using you. You have to take their word that they love you and trust them when they tell you they do.

8. Being a side chick hurts. Being the other woman in his life can be painful to deal with, and watching my man love another person while I stay hidden is heartbreaking. The pain of being ignored, or worse, disrespected by your partner, can make you feel like you don’t deserve to be loved.

9. Being a side chick hurts. It’s like one of the worst experiences of your life, except you don’t get to be in control of it. You’re stuck with someone who doesn’t treat you with respect and dignity and doesn’t understand that being in love with them hurts, too, because they have no idea what it’s like to be in love with someone else.

10. Being a side chick hurts. Secret love is a painful experience, and heartache follows when you fall in love with someone who isn’t yours. The person you’re with doesn’t feel the same way. They may be with you because they feel obligated to, think it’s what they should do, or fear being alone. But no matter why they’re with you, the fact remains: you are not their secret love.

11. Sometimes, it feels like you are the only one who knows how to give love and affection but never get the same from your partner. It’s unfair! Being a side chick hurts.

12. Being a side chick hurts because you feel like everyone knows that your significant other is in love with someone else. Still, no one will say anything about it because they don’t want to hurt their friend or ex-lover by saying anything negative about them or hurting their feelings or whatever.

13. Being a side chick hurts because you’re always wishing you could be open about your feelings and have them reciprocated.

14. Being a side chick hurts. It’s the feeling of being involved with someone in a serious relationship but knowing that you can’t be with them. The other person is your everything—your best friend, lover, soulmate—and you’re afraid to lose them. You’re afraid of what will happen if they discover your feelings for them and decide to leave their partner and commit to you instead.

15. Being a side chick hurts. You might feel like your love is being used for someone else’s gain—like your time is taken away from you and given to someone else with more power and control over your life than you do.

16. They might make fun of you or treat you like an object instead of a human with emotions—not because they dislike or hate you, but because they don’t see your value or importance in their life. Being a side chick hurts.

17. The thing about being a side chick is that it’s all about being in the background. You’re not supposed to take centre stage, and you’re not supposed to be the one getting all the attention and affection. Being a side chick hurts. You’re there for support and encouragement when their main babe goes out of town.

18. Being a side chick hurts. It’s hard to be the one who gets left behind when you know that your partner is unhappy and that there’s no way to fix it. You try to be supportive, but sometimes there are things you can’t fix—things like jealousy, a lack of communication, or just plain old resentment.

19. Being a side chick hurts because it makes people feel like they don’t matter to the person they’re dating. It also causes jealousy and incessant pain.

20. Being a side chick hurts. Not only are you not as close to your partner as you would like, but you also feel like you’re always doing something wrong.

21. Being a side chick hurts because loving someone in love with another is not as easy as it seems. You may feel guilty and hurt at the same time.

22. Being a side chick hurts. It’s not just that they are taken— but because it means being stuck between two people who are already together, and that’s never easy.

23. I wish things were different. I only want to be your first choice. I know that the world doesn’t revolve around me and that my feelings won’t change anything. But it still hurts knowing that you’re with someone else when we’re together. Being a side chick hurts!

24. You know, I used to think that it would just be a phase when you were dating someone, and you are their side chick. You’d both grow out of it. But the truth is it hurts. It’s not just a phase. It’s real. And it sucks. Being a side chick hurts.

25. I’m the one who’s always there, never causing any trouble, even when your other lover is in the next room. But guess what? Being a side chick hurts.

26. Being a side chick hurts. It hurts because they can be so mean to you! They make fun of your body, call you names behind your back, ignore your messages, or hang up on you when they don’t want to talk to you. It’s just not fair!

27. Being a side chick hurts. I’m not saying I’m bad or that I don’t think you’re bad. I know you have your own life and goals, and that’s cool! But seeing you with someone else always breaks my heart.

28. I know that sometimes being a side chick hurts because I love you and want what’s best for us. But there’s not much I can do about it—you’re just not ready for a serious relationship yet, so I’ll have to wait until then. Being a side chick hurts.

29. Being a side chick hurts. I want to have you to myself; I’m not used to being second best. I want to be your one and only.

30. Being a side chick hurts, but it’s not your fault. You’re just the other woman, and you deserve to be treated with the respect that comes with being someone’s partner.

31. As a side chick, you may feel like you’re not worthy of love or attention from the man you love. You may feel like your relationship was never really enough because it was always just an afterthought for him. Being a side chick hurts.

32. Being a side chick hurts. I want you to be mine, but I know that if I try, you’ll leave me. I wish I could have you, but I know we should be this way.

33. Being a side chick hurts so much. I feel like I am not enough.

34. If you want to be the one, don’t settle for second place. You deserve to be loved and respected by someone worthy of your love and respect. Being a side chick hurts a lot.

35. Being a side chick hurts because it makes you feel like you’re some disposable toy that your partner can play with whenever they want.

36. I’m tired of being the side chick. I want to be your first choice. Being a side chick hurts because they don’t notice how much you love and care for them.

37. It hurts when you’re the one who gets left out. It’s painful when you’re the one who isn’t chosen. Being a side chick hurts. It’s so painful. I can’t tell you how much it hurts.

38. Being a side chick hurts. It’s a terrible place to be. It’s not just that you’re used. It’s that everyone knows it too. You feel like you’re trapped in a bad situation, and right now, I don’t know how to get out of it.

39. Being a side chick hurts. It’s not a question of whether or not I feel like I’m enough; it’s a question of how much more can I take?

40. Being a side chick hurts because it means that every time your partner goes out on a date with someone else, there will be tears shed over

41. Being a side chick hurts. You’re always trying to be the best girlfriend you can be, but your boyfriend never seems to appreciate it.

42. They bring you in to be their side chick because they want to feel superior, but then they treat you like crap too! Being a side chick hurts.

43. Being a side chick hurts because of the emotional toll it takes on you and the people around you. When you see your partner with their main lover, it’s hard not to feel jealous.

44. Being a side chick hurts because you know that you’re not the one who gets to be in love, and you’re also not the one who gets to have all the fun.

45. Being a side chick hurts. You have to work twice as hard to get half as much.

46. Side chicks are used to being treated like garbage, and they have learned not to complain because they don’t want anyone else taking their spot on the team. Truly, being a side chick hurts.

47. Being a side chick hurts so much. It’s like living in a prison cell with only one phone line, but everyone has to share it.

48. You want to be the main chick. You want all the attention, love, affection, kisses, hugs, cuddles, and snuggles. But you can’t because you’re a side chick. Being a side chick hurts.

49. Being a side chick hurts. It’s stressful sometimes and can leave you depressed or, worse still, suicidal.

50. Being a side chick hurts. It does. Sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to walk away from this relationship and say I’m done.

Being a side chick always hurts in the long run. And this collection of being a side chick hurts quotes has gotten a lot of information to prove that. You can express yourself and the hurt you feel inside you with any of these being a side chick hurts quotes. Please, do not forget to leave comments below.

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