Life is not easy for any woman. It comes with its own set of problems, responsibilities, and challenges. It’s a constant battle between the head and the heart.
The battle between what you want to do and what you should do is never-ending. You have to choose between your career or family, between your dreams and reality, and between your heart and mind. Being a woman is not easy at all!
Being a woman is hard work. It’s like being forced into having multiple personalities at once — sometimes even within the same day! I think most women will agree with me when I say that sometimes being female can feel like being schizophrenic at times.
Here below are some of the best and most touching being a woman is not easy quotes you can use or send to someone, enjoy.
Being a woman is not easy. Women have to deal with a lot of things that men don’t have to worry about, whether it be weight, hair or even the way they smell. It’s hard to be happy when you don’t fit into a box.
1. Being a woman is not easy. It’s more than just having periods, being emotional, and developing a deep relationship with Jesus. It’s being able to do all these things and still find time to live an abundant life with friends and family.
2. Being a woman is not easy, but it is worth it.
3. Don’t let anyone tell you that being a woman isn’t tough. You don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t even have to be perfect for yourself. But you do have to be there for yourself.
4. When you are a woman, it is not easy to be your best self. But that doesn’t mean you need to apologize for it.
5. Womanhood is not easy, but it’s worth it.
6. Women have to deal with so much pressure in their daily lives—from relationships, work and family. They do everything for everyone else and forget about themselves.
7. Being a woman is not easy. There are challenges, challenges and challenges. But you keep going! And I hope that this show will inspire you to go after your dreams, just like our fearless heroines.
8. Being a woman is not easy, but it is not impossible.
9. Being a woman is not easy. It’s hard and it takes strength – but the real struggle starts when you’re trying to convince everyone else that you are strong enough.
10. Being a woman is not easy. Women are tired, busy and overanalyzed but they still manage to shine.
11. The truth is: that being a woman is not easy. They go through so much to get their respect, and the things they do are overshadowed by how difficult they can be. Let’s take a moment to appreciate all that they have accomplished as women.
12. Being a woman is hard work. Being a woman means having the courage of knowing that you deserve the best in life and the strength of mind to fight for it no matter what anyone says or thinks.
13. Being a woman is hard. It’s even harder when the world tells you that being a woman means you have to look and behave a certain way.
14. Women, we all want to be loved. But sometimes, it can be hard being a woman. We’re not here to tell you that you’re doing anything wrong — rather, we want to remind you of how beautiful you are and just how powerful you are inside.
15. You’re a woman. You’re strong and independent and you don’t need anyone else telling you who you are or what you can do. It’s time for women to start being unapologetically themselves because it is not easy being one.
16. There’s a lot to be proud of. Women are incredible and they’re powerful. They are making their mark in every field of existence even when it is not easy.
17. Being a woman is not easy. It’s hard and messy, but we get to do it anyway.
18. Being a woman is not easy, but we’re fighting for a better balance between family and career.
19. Being a woman isn’t easy, but it’s so worth it. We’re more than just the sum of our parts.
20. Being a woman is not easy. It’s not easy to be strong, it’s not easy to be good, and it’s not easy to be kind. It’s not easy to be vulnerable, and it’s not easy to let go of control. It’s not easy to be confident, it’s not easy to be smart and it’s certainly not easy being a woman.
21. Being a woman isn’t always easy. Sometimes you need to lean on someone and let them help you through the hard times. Sometimes, it’s okay to just be yourself.
22. Being a woman today isn’t as easy as it used to be. But remember to keep your head up. You’re a woman!
23. It’s not easy being a woman. We make mistakes, we get dirty and we often have no idea what we’re doing. But it’s worth it in the end.
24. Being a woman means sacrificing your time, sleep, relationships and self-care in order to make sure that you’re doing everything right for those around you; even if they don’t even notice or care about the effort you put into their lives. It is not easy.
25. Being a woman is not easy. It’s a full-time job, with lots of funny and frustrating moments to go along with it.
26. We all know that being a woman is not easy. But, we can make it easier by doing our best each and every day. We are strong and independent. You go, girl!
27. Being a woman is not easy. It’s not easy to be female, but you can overcome it. You can stand up and fight back, you can be kind, you can be confident and strong. You can overcome what society expects of you and you can be the person you want to be.
28. Being a woman is not easy. But being yourself, regardless of what society tells you, is what makes you beautiful.
29. Being a woman is not easy. Women of all colours and races experience the same challenges and discrimination from society. We all need support to help us fight these forces which cause harm.
30. Being a woman is hard. In fact, it’s damn near impossible. But we don’t need to feel bad about it!
31. It’s not easy being a woman, but it’s pretty great. Women are beautiful, intelligent, fun, and awesome!
32. Being a woman is not easy. We all go through rough patches and negatives in life, but we can always find a way to smile and make light of it.
33. Be brave and strong. Be yourself, don’t change for anyone.
34. Being a woman is not easy. We’re strong, we’re independent, we’re capable and we still feel down sometimes.
35. Being a woman is not easy, but it’s beautiful. Be strong, be brave, and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
36. It’s not easy to be a woman. It’s not easy to be a woman in the world today. It’s never been easy, but today it’s even harder because there are more distractions than ever before.
37. Being a woman is like being a race car driver. You can do anything you want if you have the skill and the guts to push through the pain barrier.
38. Being a woman can be tough sometimes, but it’s an adventure nonetheless.
39. Take a minute to think about how hard it is being a woman. Almost as difficult as eating an entire pizza by yourself.
40. No matter what you do, be it as a CEO or a cleaner, a woman is always viewed as more of an object rather than a person. She may have the same set of skills but she will never get equal recognition for them. Being a woman is not easy.
41. We are not always logical. We are not always rational. We don’t think the same way, act the same way or make the same decisions as men. But we are capable of so much love, compassion and loyalty. It’s never being a woman.
42. Being a woman is not easy. Embrace it. Love it. Laugh at it. Hug your friends. And love yourself through all of it. Women, stay strong and never forget that you are a Queen.
43. We all know that being a woman isn’t easy. Men can be so sexist and misogynistic. But don’t let those who want to hurt you get in the way of your happiness.
44. Being a woman is not easy. We are constantly judged for our bodies, our choices and our personality. But despite all that, we still have to prove ourselves in the face of adversity. Let’s do this together!
45. Being a woman is not easy, but if you’re confident, fearless and strong enough to embrace it—you’ll be unstoppable.
46. Running a business is like being a woman. It’s not easy, but you do it because you believe in yourself and your vision.
47. Being a woman is not easy. It’s not easy to be strong, it’s not easy to be good, and it’s not easy to be kind. It’s not easy to be vulnerable, and it’s not easy to let go of control. Emancipated from traditional gender roles, a modern woman strives for independence. She is capable, in control and sure of what she wants.
48. It’s not easy being a woman, but it’s something we do every day. We wear all the masks and have so many different versions of ourselves to perform for the world. But in reality, we are all beautiful.
49. Sometimes, it’s hard to be a woman in this world. But don’t worry, because we have your back. We’re here for you.
50. Ladies, we know it’s hard but you are strong, beautiful and smart—don’t let anyone tell you differently.
51. Being a woman is not easy. It’s hard, sometimes it feels like you’re being pulled in every direction and you feel like you have no hold on your life at all, but you keep going back for more.
52. Being a woman is not easy. Even when you’ve got it all, it’s still hard to find your place in the world.
53. You’ve got to work hard to be a woman. But being a woman is not easy.
54. While there are many challenges for women, we have to keep our heads up and keep moving forward. Let’s face it: being a woman is not easy.
55. We all want to be strong and powerful but being a woman isn’t always easy. We are not perfect and we should be proud of that.
56. Being a woman is hard. Sometimes we don’t get the respect we deserve, but we keep fighting and working for that little bit of extra love in our lives.
57. It’s hard being a woman… but it’s worth it.
58. Being a woman can be tough, but also incredibly powerful.
59. It’s hard to be a woman, but don’t let it get you down, because it could be worse.
60. Being a woman is not easy. And it shouldn’t have to be.
61. Being a woman is not easy, it takes strength and courage. The world needs more strong women like you.
62. Being a woman is not easy. We have to put up with so much just for being who we are.
63. You deserve to be treated like royalty, not a princess in distress. Make it easier to enjoy being a woman by treating yourself like one.
64. It’s hard being a woman. But it’s even harder if you’re not one.
65. Life is hard. But being a woman is harder.
I do hope you enjoyed going through these being a woman is not easy quotes, if you do kindly comment below and share with others.
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