Being Nice to the Wrong Person Quotes

Everyone knows that being nice is a good thing to be. Being kind and helping other people will always give you the ability to put your best foot forward. You’re a nice person and treat others as such. Which is great in most cases. But there’s someone you deal with that is constantly on the offensive and treating people like crap. Being nice to the wrong person can be a bad thing. The wrong person may not deserve your kindness, but you have a choice in the matter: You can either be nice or not. If you choose to be nice, then you need to accept that it might not pay off.

It may even hurt your feelings when they don’t reciprocate your niceness. But you do have a choice in this situation — you can stop being nice if it’s causing more harm than good. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that we should always be kind and polite, especially when we’re dealing with people who are rude or mean-spirited toward us first.

But being nice isn’t always the best way to handle these situations because it often leads us into situations where we feel obligated to continue being kind even when it’s clear that the other person doesn’t appreciate our efforts or lacks enough respect for us to reciprocate them. Below are being nice to the wrong person quotes. Feel free to make use of them.

Being nice to the wrong person is a good way to end up with a headache. You can’t pick your friends, but you can pick your enemies, and when it comes to dealing with people who make life difficult for you, being polite is not always the best approach.

1. Being nice to the wrong person can be very frustrating. Being nice to the right person is rewarding, and that’s why we do it.

2. Being nice to the wrong person can be a very expensive proposition. Make sure that you know who you’re talking to and give your best effort.

3. Sometimes, being nice to the wrong person can create a lot of pain in your life.

4. There’s a certain kind of person who will always make you feel good. It’s unrequited love, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop being nice to them.

5. If we don’t say something, they might be right. So say something nice to that person who isn’t quite right for you.

6. When you’re nice to the wrong person, they take your kindness for granted. Be nice to the right one.

7. You don’t have to put up with someone who is being mean. Be nice to the right person and show them that you are kind, loving, and respectful.

8. Being nice to the wrong people is like trying to eat your way through a honeycomb.

9. Being nice to someone who doesn’t deserve it is just as bad as being unkind to someone who does.

10. There are always people who don’t deserve a kind word from you. Just remember that some of the scariest things in life have happened to the nicest people.

11. Being nice to the wrong person can be hell on earth. But being nice to the right people can change the world.

12. You may be nice to the wrong person, but don’t say that you’re not responsible for your actions.

13. You can be nice to someone who means to you, but you can’t be mean to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

14. Being nice to the people who don’t deserve it is the quickest way to lose your sanity.

15. You don’t want to be the nicest person alive. You want to be the person that everyone wants to be nice to.

16. We hate it when people are mean to us, but we’re so much more kind and forgiving to those who treat us poorly.

17. Being nice to the wrong person isn’t nice. It’s a road sign that says “I’m out of touch with my values, and therefore I have no idea what is best for me, nor anyone else.”

18. Sometimes, you need a reminder that being nice to the wrong person can get you in trouble.

19. Sometimes, it’s better to be nice to the wrong people. The ones you love, you have to know from the beginning.

20. If you’re nice to the wrong people, don’t be afraid to speak up if someone is being mean or rude, even if they have a big title and are wearing fancy clothes. You might just save someone’s life.

21. Being nice to someone doesn’t mean you’ll always get what you want. It means that you’ll never have to say “I told you so” when they don’t listen.

22. You don’t have to agree with or like everyone you meet, but it’s always nice to be nice to the wrong people.

23. Being nice to someone who doesn’t deserve it isn’t kindness. It’s a waste of your time and energy.

24. Some days, it feels like you’re walking through a minefield of people who want to push your buttons. Someone needs to tell you that being nice to someone doesn’t mean you have to accept their trashy behaviour.

25. Life is a great teacher. We tend to learn the hard way, but it’s important to be nice to the people around us who are willing to help us do better.

26. Being nice to the wrong person can have disastrous consequences. Be careful who you trust, and don’t be afraid to speak up if you feel uncomfortable.

27. Sometimes in life, you might find yourself in a situation that seems impossible to get out of. But remember: it’s never too late to be nice to the wrong person.

28. It’s okay to be nice to the wrong people. It’s okay for you not to find them attractive, but just be nice anyway.

29. One day, you will realize that there are people out there who don’t like you; and they’re always going to be around. Being nice to them will only make things worse.

30. If you’re nice to someone you dislike, that’s always a mistake. It’s probably the single worst thing you can do.

31. You can’t change the way someone acts, but you can change the way you act around them.

32. Being nice to the wrong person can hurt your career, health, and even your personal life.

33. Being nice to the wrong person can end up costing you in more ways than one.

34. Sometimes, when you’re nice to the wrong person, they’ll take advantage of you. Trust no one.

35. We all make mistakes, but being nice to the wrong people can hurt you more than anything.

36. When you’re nice to the wrong people, they’ll be nasty to you. When you’re nice to the right people, they’ll be nice to you.

37. You can be nice to someone, but if you’re not careful, it can come back to bite you. Trust your gut and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself.

38. It’s easy to be nice and polite to the people who deserve it. But if you want to see a friend’s world change, start with yourself and make sure that you treat others as you’d like to be treated.

39. Don’t be nice to the wrong person. Even if they claim to like you, they are still wrong.

40. We all have our flaws. But as human beings, we should be kind, never judge others and make sure that we are nice to the wrong person because it will come back to us later on.

41. You never know who you will meet, or how your life will change. Be nice to the right people, not just the ones who smile back.

42. Be nice to the wrong people and you’ll always regret it. Be nice to the right people, and there’s always something you can learn from them.

43. Love is blind. Be nice to the people who hate you because when they start to love you, they become the ones who matter.

44. You can’t always be nice to everyone, but it’s important to be nice to people who are worth it.

45. The world is full of people who aren’t nice to you, don’t worry about them. Work hard every day, and treat everyone the way you want to be treated.

46. Being nice to the wrong person can lead you on a journey of self-destruction. Stay away from toxic people, who will only bring you down.

47. Being nice to the wrong person can get you in trouble. A little kindness goes a long way.

48. It’s not always easy to be nice, but it’s worth it. Being nice to the wrong person might make your day a little better and your day a little worse.

49. Every once in a while, remember to be nice to the wrong people because it’s just good karma.

50. Sometimes, we read the wrong things about people. Sometimes, we’re too nice to the wrong people and they turn on us. And sometimes, we’re too harsh and they leave.

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