Being Used by a Man Quotes

Being used by a man is more like using a product and going to dump its pack in the trash. A woman without worth will be at the mercy of unworthy men who will use her and make her worthless.

A lot of people think that being used by a man is not a big deal at all. But actually, it’s very hurtful, it is much better to focus on your studies than get yourself into that kind of trouble.

A lot of women have been used by men. I know what you’re going through — the heartache, the betrayal and with these being used by a man quotes, I believe you will be strengthened to keep yourself and wise to prevent yourself from being used by men.

You are an awesome, kind and loving person. Don’t let your kind nature be taken advantage of by those who would use it to their benefit. Let them know that you are a strong person who will not tolerate abuse and that you deserve better. Being used by a man is not in any way worth it. Don’t allow it.

1. Don’t let your kindness be taken advantage of. Don’t allow yourself to be used by a man. You are worth more than that.

2. Don’t let your kind nature be taken advantage of. You deserve to feel safe, valued and respected. Don’t be a doormat.

3. If a man ever tries to use you, don’t be afraid to say no. Stand up for yourself and your wants, needs and desires. You are worth more than that.

4. There’s no greater feeling than learning to stand up for yourself and use your voice. You are worth more than being a doormat, or being used by a man.

5. You are worth so much more than what a man can offer. Don’t let anyone take advantage of your kindness, because you deserve better than that.

6. Don’t let others use your kindness against you. Stand up for yourself and don’t allow a man to take advantage of you. Never give in to be used by a man.

7. You are worth more than what they can give you, take a stand and be the woman you want to be.

8. You matter. You’re irreplaceable. And you have a lot to offer with your kindness and compassion. Don’t ever allow anyone to take advantage of that. Being used by a man is not worth it.

9. You are not the victim of your circumstances, you are the architect of your life. You have a choice to make. You can let this happen or you can decide to move forward. Don’t settle to be used by a man, brace yourself and get out of the shackles of bondage.

10. If a man makes you feel low, beat, or bad in any way then he is not right for you. Take a step back and evaluate your relationship with this special someone before it is too late. Being used by a man is worthless, never allow such to be.

11. Being used by a man is the one thing you can never recover from, no matter how much money or material things you get. Being used by a man, who gave you everything he had and all your friends were jealous of you because you were so lucky to be with him, leaves scars that will never heal.

12. Being used makes you feel terrible. It affects your self-esteem and self-worth. It makes you feel like nothing more than a tool to the one that is using you. Heal off and never give in to being used anymore.

13. There will always be someone who will use you if you let them. Guard yourself, don’t overlook the obvious, and know that no one can take away the joy of your life. Never give in to being used by a man.

14. Keep your guard up. Don’t overlook the obvious. Don’t let anyone use you if they have a chance. Protect your pride and don’t let any man use you without regard.

15. Don’t let anyone use you. Be careful. There will always be someone, somewhere who will see your soft side and push you to use all that you have in your possession. Don’t allow your simplicity to be taken for granted by any man.

16. Be careful of whom you let into your life because there will always be someone, somewhere, waiting to use you. Don’t let your guard down, keep yourself guarded. Tune out the noise and focus on your goals, don’t ignore your gut.

17. Don’t let people use you. Don’t be swayed by others’ opinions. If something doesn’t feel right, run from it.

18. Don’t get used. Stay strong and watch how others treat you. They’re just as weak as you are, so don’t be afraid to step up and keep your heart protected.

19. If you don’t like who you are, change. We all have the power to grow and learn. No matter how much life has knocked you down, you can always get back up. If someone is using you, it’s your fault for not seeing it! Don’t get used by a man.

20. You don’t have to put up with someone who is not worth it; you don’t owe them anything. Don’t let someone else’s negativity bring you down, and don’t allow yourself to be used by a man.

21. Being used by a man is like being dragged through a garden of sharp knives, and then watching him do push-ups on your face.

22. You are beautiful. You are intelligent. You are strong and capable. When you embrace those parts of yourself, you can shine brighter than any other woman. Never give in to be used by a man. You are worth more than that.

23. Being used by a man is like being in the middle of an earthquake—exciting at first, but then it’s over before you know it and you’re still standing on the ground while everyone else is lying crumpled up in a ball all around you.

24. I am used by a man. I am used by him to be better than the other women he’s seen, I am used for his pleasure, for his amusement and enjoyment. He doesn’t care about me, not really.

25. When a man loves you, the way he talks to you, changes. The way he looks at you, how he touches you. He becomes who he is when he’s with you. A different person. And it’s never a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just the man being used by another man.

26. You are used by a man because you have given yourself over to him. You have trimmed your sails to fit his desires. Your only hope is that he treats you well and will be generous with his love.

27. To be used by a man is like being a strawberry in the middle of an apple orchard.

28. Resist the urge to put yourself in a position where you’re being used as someone’s tool, rather than your own.

29. I’m not afraid to fall in love again, but I’m afraid of being used by a man.

30. The only thing you can’t forgive is a man who uses you, but you gotta forgive him.

31. To be used by a man is nothing to be proud of. If you want to be used, be honest and upfront about it. Be vulnerable and let him know your needs so he will feel better about it.

32. When you’re used by a man, it’s not about sex. It’s about when you need someone to touch you, and he doesn’t know how to do that.

33. I am not a product to be used by a man. I am a human being with my dreams, hopes and desires who deserves to be treated with respect. Being used by a man makes one vulnerable.

34. You’re not a toy to be used by anyone. You are a precious, unique individual, you deserve to be treated with love and respect.

35. Being used by a man is like being battered by the waves. The only difference is that you don’t know why it happens to you.

36. Being used by a man is like being hit by a truck. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, it will still happen to you.

37. Don’t be a doormat. Don’t allow yourself to be used by a man. You are worth more than that.

38. Don’t let yourself be used by a man. You are worth more than that. Stand up for yourself and don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of.

39. Don’t let a guy take advantage of your kindness. Stand up for yourself and don’t allow yourself to be used by someone who doesn’t respect you.

40. You’re worth more than being a foot mat. Don’t let yourself be used by a man. Take control of your life and stop allowing others to control it for you.

41. Don’t let your kind and generous nature be used against you. Don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of. Stand up for yourself and refuse to be a doormat for anyone, refuse to be used by a man. You deserve better than that.

42. Don’t let your kindness be used against you. You deserve better than that. Don’t allow yourself to be treated like a doormat because of your kindness and good nature. Never settle to be used by a man.

43. You are worth more than a man’s approval. Don’t let someone else treat you like an option or something they can just walk away from whenever they please. You’re worth so much more than that.

44. We live in a world where women are treated like objects. We are valued for our looks, bodies, and sexual appeal. But that’s not who you are at all. You’re more than a woman, you’re a whole person with worth and value beyond measure.

45. Don’t let somebody else’s kindness be mistaken for weakness. You don’t need to be strong, you just need to be smart about whom you let into your life. Don’t allow yourself to used unworthily by a man.

46. You are a beautiful human being that has been used by a man. You deserve the recognition and respect that comes with being a woman.

47. Be the person a man always asks for. Be the person he comes home to after work and has already changed into his pyjamas for. Be the one who makes him feel like he’s worth it—even when he feels like shit most of the time. Never be used by a man.

48. You are beautiful, smart, funny and kind. Although you may show it in different ways to other people, being used by a man is not so attractive.

49. You’re not trying to be used by a man. You’re not trying to be taken advantage of by him.

50. Being used by a man is like being in the middle of an earthquake—exciting at first, but then it’s over before you know it

51. Being used by a man is like being in an earthquake. You don’t feel it until afterwards, but then it’s over before you know it.

52. Being used by a man can be exciting at first, but the aftermath leaves you feeling hopeless and broken.

53. Being used by a man is not a compliment. It’s like being transferred to another planet, stuck there with no chance of returning home, and expected to be happy about it.

54. Being used by a man is like being in the middle of an earthquake—exciting at first, but then it’s over before you know it

55. Being used by a man is like being in an earthquake. You don’t feel it until afterwards, but then it’s over before you know it.

56. Being used by a man can be exciting at first, but the aftermath leaves you feeling hopeless and broken.

57. Being used by a man is not a compliment. It’s like being transferred to another planet, stuck there with no chance of returning home, and expected to be happy about it.

58. Being used by men can be very exciting but also very scary. Be careful what you wish for because it might just come true.

59. When a man uses you for what you can do for him, it’s not only annoying—it’s a violation.

60. You are a piece of art. You are valuable beyond measure and you shouldn’t let yourself be used by a man.

61. There’s always someone who wants to use you, but you have to keep yourself guarded. You can’t overlook the obvious and let someone walk all over you.

62. Let’s be honest. There is always a risk of getting used by a man. So guard yourself, keep looking and don’t overlook the obvious.

63. Keep your guard up, and stand your ground. There will always be someone using you if you let them.

64. Don’t let anyone use you. There will always be someone out there who wants to make you feel like you’re not good enough, so guard yourself and don’t take it for granted. Don’t get used by a man.

65. Don’t let anyone use you. Don’t get swept up in the moment with your guard down. Keep your head up and your eyes open, because everyone will try to tell you that there’s something better out there than what you have right now. Never allow yourself to be used by a man.

66. Don’t let anyone use you if you don’t want them to. Be aware of people who might take advantage of your kindness or vulnerability and don’t put yourself in that situation. Don’t be used by a man.

67. Remember that not everyone is out to use you. Be guarded, be firm, and don’t let people just walk all over you. Never give in to be used by a man.

68. The world is full of people who are just waiting to use you. They don’t know what they want, or where they’re going, but if you let them in, they’ll control your life until the day you die. Free yourself from being used by a man.

69. Keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings. Be cautious about whom you let into your life. Don’t allow a man who will only use you and dump you afterwards.

70. Comparing being used by a man to being in an abusive relationship is an interesting way of thinking about things.

71. Being used by a man is like being in an abusive relationship.

72. Being used by a man is like being stuck in traffic on the way to work. You just know that you’re going to be late, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

73. Be used by the man who appreciates your value, not the one who uses you. We’re not just something to be used, we are something to be cherished.

74. Don’t let someone else define who you are. Be true to yourself, even when it’s hard and never allow yourself to be used by a man.

75. Be kind to yourself. Every time you doubt your worth, remind yourself that you are the only one who can make a difference in your life and deny any man from using you.

I believe that these quotes on being used by a man will spur you to know that not every opportunity seems good at the apparent so you must not give in to being used by a man.

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