Best Birthday Messages for Son from Mom and Dad

Sons can be amazing and also a blessing to their parents. As parents, having a son you’re proud of is one of God’s blessings. A son who puts you first in everything he does. A son who looks out for you and does everything to make sure all is well with you.

A son like this deserves all he can get on his birthday, and trust me, there’s no limit to what you can do to make him happy on his special day. You just have to do something more unique than the ordinary; something he never would’ve been able to figure out.

Getting him presents is cool, but penning down exactly how you feel about him is cooler. You might be having difficulty in thinking of what exactly to write, that’s why I have these best birthday messages for son from mom and dad below.

They are well put together to suit your needs perfectly. Just make sure you go through them one after the other so you can pick the most relatable one.

This message is straight from my heart. Right from the beginning, you have never stopped making us happy. We are proud of you, to say the least. While we wish you the best, we hope you continue to be a wonderful son. Happy birthday to you. With love from your mom.

1. My dear son, I want you to know that I’m so elated to be celebrating your birthday with you this year. I am grateful for all the great times and memories you’ve brought me. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best in life. Have a happy birthday.

2. Sons like you are very rare to come by. The fact that we’re close seems so weird to others, but no one makes me as happy as you do. Thank you for being my everything and making me a proud mother. I hope our love never has an ending. Happy birthday to you.

3. It’s with great joy and happiness I welcome you into this beautiful year of your life. Your life is a great testimony of God’s signs and wonders. I’m thankful that I have such a wonderful son as you. I hope your plans always come out perfectly without having to go through much stress. Happy birthday.

4. You are always great at everything you do. I have never seen a greater son than you. You’re the wisest and the most brilliant of them all. The blessings you keep bringing into my life are unquantifiable. I wish you a happy birthday and a great year ahead.

5. I honestly don’t know what it is that I have done right for God to look at me and bless me with a great son like you. The fact that God made me the beneficiary of this great blessing, is one of the reasons I won’t stop praising Him. Happy birthday, son. You’re a blessing, even to generations yet unborn.

6. Whenever I look at you, I can’t but thank God for making you mine. You’ve been the highlight of my life for all these years. The fact that my name comes up when people talk about you is one of my greatest blessings. Happy birthday, my darling. I wish you good luck.

7. Life can be really hard, but with a son like you, almost all my problems are gone even before they start showing up. I’m very happy that you’re mine, and I’m ready to do all it takes for you to be a happy and successful man in life. Maybe God help me. Happy birthday to you.

8. I have regretted doing so many things in life, but birthing you is definitely not one of them; instead, it’s my greatest blessing. I just can’t stop thanking God for bringing you into my life. With you, things are much more beautiful than they were. Happy birthday, wonderful son.

9. You take after me in so many ways, but the one I love most is how compassionate you are towards your fellow human beings. Sometimes, I can’t but feel you’re too good for this world. But I guess the world needs people like you. Happy birthday, my dear. I love you.

10. You’re the only reason I keep doing the things I do because I want you to have a bright future; I sincerely want you to be greater than me. You’ve laid a very solid foundation already, all you need do is keep believing in yourself. I’m proud of how far you’ve come. Happy birthday.

I hope my message meets you well. Having a son who takes after me in everything is a blessing. You make me a great dad, and I love you for that. Thank you for choosing me to be your dad. Happy birthday, son. With love from your dad.

11. You are one of the greatest sons ever, and the fact that you take after me in so many things makes me a proud father. No wonder they say, an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Thank you for choosing me to be your father. I can’t wait to see more of your greatness. Happy birthday to you.

12. You’ve brought me so much joy than my heart can contain, and you still haven’t stopped. You have my best interest at heart, even though I can be an annoying dad. Thank you for looking past all these and making sure you’re always at your best. Happy birthday, son.

13. Out of all my children, you’re the best. I’m not saying this to flatter you, but I’m sure your mom will say the same. Despite being an only son, you keep making us happy and proud, even more than we ever thought. The sky is your starting point, son. Happy birthday to you.

14. You’re one of the best decisions I have ever made. Even though I never planned for it to be like this, you understand everything and you keep doing things that will make me happy and not overthink. I’m grateful for such an amazing son as you. I wish you a perfect year. Happy birthday.

15. You’re more than just a son to me; you’re my heir. I thank God for giving me a son who knows how to grasp things easily. You don’t wait till you’re told things before you know what to do. Your growth amazes me, but I’m all for that. Happy birthday, my son. Greater shall you be.

16. If anyone asks that I name my blessings one by one, then you will be appearing uncountable times. The fact is that you’re my greatest blessing. You’re a son I can’t do without, and that’s why I keep showing you how things should be done. Happy birthday, dear son. Enjoy your day.

17. Everyone knows you mean so much to me. You’re not just one of my blessings, but the greatest of them all. I’m thankful for your growth and how far you’ve come. If God tarries, I will be here to celebrate more of your wins. I hope you have a very happy birthday.

18. Your heart is so pure like that of a baby. You’re wonderful in every sense of it. Having a son like you makes me believe there are better days to come. I hope that you keep living life as it comes, without having to blame yourself for anything. Happy birthday to you.

19. Having a son like you isn’t a coincidence, but God’s divine plan. You’ve brought so many wonderful moments into our lives. This family is literally boring without your presence. We hope that you keep making us happy with your liveliness. Happy birthday to you. With love from your proud father.

20. I do not doubt that you are headed to the top. You know exactly what you’re doing, and you give no room for distractions. How focused can you be? Thank you for making me a proud father. I hope to see more of what you’ve got to offer. Happy birthday, son. I love you much.

Sending you this message so it could brighten your day. May this special day bring peace, harmony, and prosperity in your life and may God always keep your spirits high. Thank you for being such a special son. I love you. Happy birthday.

21. The future ahead of you is very bright. As your parents, we are thankful for how far God has helped us in training you. We hope that you continue to get things right. And if there’s any problem at all, kindly let us know, as we’d gladly offer to help. Happy birthday, son. We love you.

22. You have been our son for so many years, and there has never been a time we regretted having you. God knows that we have your best interest at heart, and we can’t wait to see you do great things. We hope you have a happy birthday today while you have fun with your friends.

23. We are both proud parents because we have you as our son. Honestly, you have swept us off our feet with how wonderful you’ve been. So many of your mates chose the wrong way, but you made us proud by following the right path. You will always have our support. Happy birthday to you.

24. We honestly didn’t think you will turn out great like this. Thinking of how rough the beginning of your life was, we thought you were going to end up being one of those regular sons. We were wrong after all, but we’re grateful that you chose to turn a new leaf. Cheers to the greater years ahead.

25. While other people might find solace in investing in material things, training our children the right and best way is the only investment we can venture into. You’re a wonderful son. Thank you for not bringing us shame, despite all we’ve done. Happy birthday to you.

26. You have no idea how much we love and appreciate your presence in our lives. You have been so consistent with making us happy, even though it sometimes takes going out of your way. We are grateful for that and we hope you don’t stop. Happy birthday, our son.

27. I’m glad you don’t just do things the way you want it; you do things with the intention that you have younger ones coming behind you. You are a great example, not just to your siblings, but to every other person. We really hope that you continue this way. Happy birthday.

28. Things don’t always go as we’ve planned, but there are days when it’s all wins. If there was any point we ever won in our lives, you were one of the reasons we did. You keep amazing us with your great personality. We love and appreciate all you do. Happy birthday to you.

29. Having a son is one thing; having a wonderful son is another. We are thankful that we don’t just have a son in you. We have a great son. Your presence in our lives makes everything better. We are hoping that God blesses you with more beautiful years, so we keep enjoying your company.

30. We are aware that we’re very strict parents, but it’s all for the best. We want you and your siblings to have great lives, and that’s why that method is being implemented. Thank you for always taking heed to warnings and not trespassing. We can’t wait to celebrate more of you. Happy birthday.

Here’s a text message to remind you of how much blessings you’ve brought me. I’m thankful to be your parent because you keep giving me reasons to. Here’s wishing you a happy birthday, son.

31. You are the smartest and most resourceful son ever. We wonder how you got the brains to really think the way you do. If only we had this kind of opportunity you have, we could have been more comfortable than this. In everything, we give God the glory. Happy birthday, great son.

32. You’re everything that makes us happy. You’re all that matters to us. You’re the reason there’s still love in this union and family at large. We are grateful to have such an amazing son like you. We consider it a privilege to be your parents. Happy birthday to you. We anticipate more of you.

33. Being parents to a respectful son like you makes things easier. There’s nothing the girl child can do, that you can’t do better. All the house chores are done by you because you don’t even consider it much work. Thank you for helping in your own little way. We wish you the best. Have a happy birthday.

34. Your birthday is about to be a movie. We’re going to make sure that you enjoy every second of this beautiful day. You have been a wonderful son, so you’re worth more than this. We hope that this year ushers you into the future that you desire. Have a happy birthday.

35. Being happy parents all depends on the kind of children in parents’ lives. You being our son has made everything beautiful. Things are easier than they used to be. We hope that your life is one we will always be proud of. Have a wonderful birthday celebration.

36. It’s going to be celebrations galore because it’s your birthday. You have been a real son and huge support from day one. Saying that we are happy to be your parents is an understatement. We just hope God keeps providing all you will ever need in life. Happy birthday, our son.

37. Even though it seems like we always have something to quarrel about, the love we have for you is out of this world. This family wasn’t as lively as this until you came through. Now, other families will kill to have a family as beautiful as ours. Happy birthday darling son. We love you.

38. We are so thrilled by the things you do. You constantly make us proud by winning all the time. Our love is all yours, and we hope you never find a reason to stop winning. Happy birthday to you. We wish you a great year followed by an even more joyous future. Love.

39. You are phenomenal in every sense of it. You keep achieving all you set your mind to do. You’re a goal-getter and that just shows that you take after us. Being your parents is the greatest achievement ever, and we can’t wait to enjoy more of the bliss it brings. Happy birthday to you.

40. You are our best friend. We talk to you about everything you need to know about life, success, family, career and every single thing. You have never felt like we’re imposing our views about life on you. Instead, you keep willing to learn. You’re the best son ever. Happy birthday.

A great son is who you are. Your life is a blessing to the world. As your mother, I hope that things keep going on smoothly with you. May each of our prayers be answered with speed. Happy birthday, son.

41. You have never brought anything short of happiness into my life. You keep making me bless the day I had you. Thank you for making it easy to be a mother. I hope that you keep enjoying all that life has to offer you. Happy birthday, my darling son. I love you forever and a day more.

42. I’m the only person who will love you unconditionally. Not just because you’re my son, but because that’s what you deserve. I want you to know that you can achieve anything you want to in life because you are a genuinely phenomenal son. I wish you the best. Have a happy birthday.

43. Whoever doesn’t like you have a very obvious problem. You’re a lovable guy. I’m grateful that such a blessing came out of me. On your birthday, I’m wishing you healthy friendships, long life, prosperity and excellence in all you do. Make sure you enjoy your day. Happy birthday to you.

44. Having you as my son is and will continue to be a blessing to me. You’re the kindest person ever; always looking out for other people. You’re so selfless, and I’m grateful that you’re my son. Here’s wishing you all your heart desires in life. Happy birthday to you.

45. Counting my blessings will only make me keep repeating the same thing because you’re the only blessing that exists in my life. Being your mother has been a pleasure. I hope that you keep making me a happy and proud mother. It’s your year of great blessings. All the best.

46. Wishing you well will never be a problem to me, because you’re my son and you deserve the best. Thank you for always honouring me in and out of our home. You’re a wonderful person, and I hope you get the right people in your circle. Happy birthday to you.

47. I don’t say this enough, but you’re my greatest blessing. There’s nothing I’d ever do behind you because telling you things makes my plans go smoothly. I don’t have to have any other son before I know that the Lord is good to me. I love you so much, son. I wish you a happy birthday.

48. You’re all I have ever wanted in this life. Sometimes, I can’t stop thinking about the blessings that come with being your mother. I know that you’re going to bring me more blessings as you grow. Today, I just want to wish you a happy birthday. Cheers to the greatness ahead.

49. I have watched you fight for so many things in life. The one I admire most is fighting for what you believe in. You never retreat nor surrender. That’s the exact spirit you need to forge ahead in life. Keep keeping the same energy. Happy birthday, my boy. I love you.

50. I’m not sure you’re ready for what’s about to hit you. What is coming is much more than whatever has happened in the past. You’re a wonderful guy. Even though the world doesn’t know what you have to offer yet, they will celebrate you when you eventually start being recognized. Happy birthday to you.

I know I have sent you a lot of messages, but this is very special and I’m sure you will love it. Your heart is the most beautiful part of you. I wish you become a better person in life. Happy birthday, my son.

51. My greatest blessing is you, and I can’t stand sharing you with any other person. You’re literally my life and all I live for. I just want to keep making sure that everything is well with you. Thank you for being a great son to me. Happy birthday. You’re loved forever.

52. I have nothing bad to say about you, neither does anyone. You’re an all-round amazing and sweet person. I’m always very happy when people talk about you without knowing that I’m your parent. The proud moments are much, but I’m obsessed already. Happy birthday, son.

53. I would be lying if I said you aren’t a good son. Generally, you’re a good person and I love everything people say about you. Thank you for living the life of your dreams without having to hurt anyone. I will choose you over and over again. Happy birthday, my son.

54. You’re the sweetest some, and any parent would feel lucky and blessed to have you. As it stands, you’re my greatest blessing, and I don’t ever want to lose you. I hope that you keep doing things that matter, while you shun the ones that don’t. Happy birthday to you.

55. Even though you’re such a trouble maker, I can’t stop loving you because you are my son. No matter what the world does to pull you down, I will continue to be a wonderful and supportive mother to you. Happy birthday, my son. I love you so much.

56. Like I always say, your dreams are valid. Once you know what you want and you believe you can have it, go ahead and get it. There’s no limit to what you can achieve because you’re a hardworking man. Keep pushing even in the face of adversity. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Happy birthday to you.

57. Life dealt with me before I eventually had you. Trust me when I say things weren’t easy at all. But look where we are now. It can only be your presence and God’s grace. Here’s wishing you the best of everything, because that’s exactly what you deserve. Happy birthday, son.

58. You’re my happiness and my reason for living. Life got more beautiful when you came through. My vision got clearer when you became my son. I am ready to do whatever it takes to make you a great man in life because that’s all I have always wanted. Happy birthday to you.

59. I’m grateful that I did all I did, back then. There was so much unsolicited advice from so many people when I was pregnant with you. Some advised that I have an abortion, while some told me I was never going to enjoy having a baby. I’m glad everything didn’t turn out as they planned. God’s plan happened. Happy birthday, my son.

60. You’re the one I always want to hear from. You’re the one I’d always want to have. You’re the only one I’d do anything for. You haven’t stopped doing things that make me happy, so I have no reason to stop being a great parent to you. Here’s wishing you all you’ve ever wanted. Happy birthday.

I could’ve made this physical, but I am short of words. I’m sending this message so I can tell you how I feel. Your birthday makes me very proud of you. I hope you will be loved and respected everywhere you go. Happy birthday, son.

61. I am so fortunate to have a son as fantastic as you. You embody honesty, strength, and greatness. Your life is full of so much positivity as well. I hope you have an incredible birthday filled with lots of wonderful surprises. Do enjoy your day. I love you, son.

62. You are an extraordinary son, and I’m blessed to have you in my life. Your presence is all I have always wanted, and I’m glad to be enjoying it now. I hope that you keep being a wonderful man. May your birthday be as sweet as the joy you bring everyone. Happy birthday, son.

63. Life is nothing without a son like you. I have always wanted to have a child-like you in my life. You’re the only one I discuss my high and low times with. I hope you keep giving me reasons to confide in you. I hope this year brings you nothing but happiness. Happy birthday.

64. Your birthday is one of the celebrations I always anticipate because it’s always full of great memories. The times I spent with you are the ones I cherish the most. I can’t wait to spend more time with you, as the years go by. Happy birthday, my son.

65. If only you know how much of a blessing you are to the world, you will start valuing yourself more. You have great potentials and I’m very happy that your dreams are finally coming true. Now is the time to put in more work. Happy birthday to you. I wish you the best.

66. With a son like you, every time is always the right time. Apart from being a very funny individual, you’re always happy and optimistic about everything. I’m very sure that this is just the beginning of greater things to come. Happy birthday to you. Enjoy all that this year has to offer.

67. This is no coincidence at all, but God’s plan. I have always wanted to have a son whom I will be able to tell everything. It was really hard in the beginning, but God saw me through it all. I’m glad sad times are over. We can now enjoy happy times without any iota of fear. Happy birthday, son.

68. God is the greatest, and I will always serve and worship Him. At a point in my life when things were really tough, He came through for me by giving me the most adorable gift ever. You are the gift God gave me, and I will always be grateful for you. Happy birthday, my son.

69. You are my favourite person in the whole wide world. I’m glad that you’re my son. I’m happy that you bring me so much joy and happiness. I want you to know that nothing’s ever going to come between us. Happy birthday, my son. This year, make sure every single day counts.

70. You are not one of the people who love to shift the blame on other people. You love being accountable for your mistakes, and you quickly learn from them. This is just one of the reasons I love you. As bad as the world can be, I hope it doesn’t change who you truly are. Happy birthday, son.

People who think we are nice definitely haven’t met you. You are the nicest person ever, and we’re grateful to be your parents. Thank you for making each day on this earth a precious gift for us. We hope you have a happy birthday.

71. You are the most wonderful son in the whole world. You also happen to be our best friend and confidant. We hope that you keep living by the morals and values we’ve imparted in you. We hope you have a wonderful birthday filled with loads of compassion and love. What do you want for your birthday?

72. With our last breath, we will satisfy you. We never want you to lack anything in life. You’re the only one who constantly makes us happy, so you deserve to have all your heart desires. It’s going to be a very great year. Here’s wishing you all the best. With love from your loving parents.

73. God knows the best time for everything, and that’s why He made you come at His own appointed time. We are glad that you have never been a wayward or troublesome son. You are always at your best behaviour. Thank you for always keeping it cool. Happy birthday to you.

74. We feel very proud to have such a classy and sophisticated son like you. Everything about you is spectacular. There’s no better son anywhere, so we are cherishing and loving you forever. Happy birthday, our son. We hope that you keep being an amazing person.

75. One of the things we will never do, is watching you go through hard times. That will never happen because we will keep being with you every step of the way. You’re our son and your well being and success matters to us. Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right. Happy birthday, our son.

76. No one is as orderly as you. You make sure things go exactly the way they should. You surprise us with how maturely you handle certain things too. We are very sure that you will make a very wonderful husband. We both can’t wait for that time. Happy birthday to you.

77. We talk about you everywhere we go. You’re the only person who gives our lives a beautiful meaning. Having you as our son is indeed a great blessing. We hope that things keep working just as you’ve planned. We love and wish you the very best. Have a happy birthday, son.

78. No one in this world makes us happy like you do, our son. You’re all we’ve always wanted to have. We feel very proud today, looking at how far you’ve come. It can only get better, son. On your birthday, we hope that you enjoy each memory as they come. We love you.

79. You won’t believe how things were before we had you. How we went from zero to hero is what we can’t explain. God really loves us, hence, the great things happening in our lives. It’s safe to say your presence made all these possible. Happy birthday, son.

80. A son like you will always be close to our hearts. Your presence is deeply felt even when you don’t talk. We are glad to be your parents and we hope to enjoy more proud moments from you. Happy birthday, son. We wish you the best life has to offer. Enjoy the best of birthdays.

Here’s a sweet message to brighten your mood on your birthday. I’m the luckiest woman to have you. Being my son is a blessing to me. Happy birthday, son. May God keep you in His blessings forever.

Things to look out for on your son’s birthday.

81. There’s so much to learn from you. Even as your parent, I learn from you every day. I really love how you’re getting wiser every year. Your goals are much, but I hope you achieve time very quickly. If I have to help, I will. Just make sure you have a happy birthday. I love you.

82. I used to be just like you when I was your age, and that’s one of the reasons it seems I have everything figured out. I’m happy that you keep advancing. I hope you have more ideas and the needed resources to execute them. Keep soaring higher. Happy birthday to you.

83. You are a blessing to me and the world at large. On your birthday, I want to thank you for always holding it down for me. Not all sons do what you do for me. Thank you for making it easy to be a parent. Happy birthday, dear son. I love you.

84. You stole my heart the moment I first set my eyes on you. When the doctors proceeded to tell me that you were my son, I shouted and screamed on top of my voice. I can never forget that day. I hope your special day is filled with light, laughter, and unending joy this year. Happy birthday, son.

85. I am the happiest parent on earth because I have you. I have no idea what I have done to deserve such a gentleman like you, but I know that I will never stop being a good parent to you. Thank you for always being the kind of person I could call my son. I wish you a wonderful birthday.

86. You have become such a gentleman. Your growth is something that still amazes me. I must have done a really good job in raising you. Thank you for bringing sunshine into my life and laughter into my heart. You will always be my loving son and best friend. Happy birthday.

87. I am the happiest person in the world because I have a son as wonderful as you. The world rejoices because it enjoys your presence. On your birthday, I wish you the very best until the end of your days. May everything you wish to accomplish come to pass. I love you, son.

88. No matter how many birthdays come and go, you alone will continue to be my joy and happiness. You complete me in so many ways, and I hope it continues to be like that forever. Happy birthday, my son. Here’s wishing you a year full of answers to your prayers. Enjoy yourself.

89. You’re such a wonderful son who deserves nothing less than the best. I’m thankful that I have never run out of the required necessities to get you good training. You bring me pride and joy. No other could ever take your place in my heart. Happy birthday, son.

90. You are the apple of my eye. Nothing makes sense if it doesn’t have to do with you. I’m thankful that God placed you in my life to bless me with all I have always wanted. You bring me everlasting joy and affection, and I’m ready to keep you close to me forever. Happy birthday to you, son.

I’m sending you this beautiful message because you’re the most beautiful part of our lives. Our story is incomplete without you. Thank you for choosing us as your parents. Here’s wishing that you have a wonderful birthday, son.

91. We have never given you lesser than you deserve. We understand that you’re a boy and your needs will be higher, so we do everything to make sure you have the necessary things at your disposal. You also have never given us a reason to ever stop loving you. Being your parents is the best. Happy birthday, son.

92. You have made parenthood the best experience of our lives. We are truly blessed to have a son like you who enriches our lives with his endless love and affection. We hope you know that you are truly loved and treasured. Here’s wishing you the happiest birthday possible.

93. You are the only reason we feel like good parents. You always manage to make us happy, no matter what you’re going through. We are thankful for your presence at every point of our lives, and we hope that this is a great year for you. Do have a happy birthday.

94. We are glad to see that you’re not just a great son, but a great father as well. We are very sure that your son is enjoying as much as you did while we were with us. It’s our hope that you keep being a wonderful son and father. Happy birthday to you.

95. You are more than our pride and joy. You are the main reason we strive to be the best that we can be. We are glad that you’re far from who you used to be. We will keep working hard and setting good examples for you so that you can be proud of us as well. Happy birthday.

96. Dear son, it’s with great joy that we are sending our heartfelt wishes to you on your special day. You have been a good one from day one. Here’s wishing you a wonderful happy birthday, because you deserve everything good. May you always be in everyone’s good wishes.

97. You are the kindest person ever. Even though the world seems not to notice how much you do, it doesn’t rule out the fact that you’re a wonderful person. Those who know you are very proud of you. We hope that you continue the good work you’ve started. Happy birthday. Bless you.

98. We are thankful to God for blessing us with such an amazing son like you. No matter how comfortable you get with life, you will always be in our hearts. You mean so much to us, and we love you forever. We hope you have a happy birthday and a fantastic year to come.

99. Your role in this family can never be ruled out. You’re an all-round sweet and wonderful person. Having you as our son is a great addition to us. We hope that we never fall short of giving you the best. Happy birthday, son.

100. We feel so delighted to have you in our lives. You have been a huge blessing to us. On your birthday, we hope that God continues to shower His blessings on you. Here’s wishing you a very happy birthday and a wonderful year ahead.

Hello there. I hope you found something relatable to your son out of the best birthday messages for son from mom and dad up there. Please, don’t forget to drop your comment(s), so I can know how you feel. Kindly share with others as well. Thank you.

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