Best Congratulations on Your New Born Baby Boy or Girl Messages

The birth of a baby is one of the happiest happenings in the world… all parents deserve a medal for each child they give rise to. In the absence of medals, here are messages to lift the spirit of new parents:

Congratulations on Your New Born Baby Boy

Having a Male child is a great blessing which deserves congratulations. Here are Sweet Congratulations on your New Born Baby Boy you can send to your loved ones for giving birth a Baby Boy.

1. There are very few feelings that can compete with the feeling of having a bouncing baby boy! We look forward to seeing you scold and hold him simultaneously! Congratulations

2. Congratulations on your new job! I trust you’ll do your work diligently and enjoy the dividends when you’re older.
Happy parenting…

3. No word is befitting enough to describe the kind of beauty God has given you to nurture and care for. Best wishes

4. Someone said the way you know if it’s the one for you is if it’s both scary and exciting…Trust me, nothing in the world combines these feelings like having a baby! Congratulations

5. Everything about a baby that comes off as stress is made up for in other beautiful things like the baby’s smile and smell… May these beauties not elude you in the journey of parenting.

Congratulation Message for New Born Baby Boy

6. Sending you loads of love and unending happiness all because of the little cute boy you’re holding dearly.

7. You must have felt the most painful bliss pushing such an eye candy out of you. Be the best parents

8. The arrival of a baby is a sign of something beautiful that happened, a show of beauty and an assurance of a greater tomorrow. So glad to have a new baby around!

9. I congratulate the parents of new king amazing. May the rest of his years be as amazing as his birth.

10. People talk fondly of the joy that comes with holding a newborn. I’m so happy that you get to have this joy for the next few years!

11. I’m so happy to see that you’ve been used to bring a prince charming into a world filled with princesses in distress.
May this prince be a darling!

12. How does it feel to carry a nation who smiles, cries and kicks? A baby is the most emotional future catalyst, may yours catalyze nothing but greatness.

New Born Baby Boy Congratulation Wishes

13. I’ve heard once that parenting equals precious agony. My confusion about this statement did not last as I quickly agreed that though parenting can be difficult, it’s still the most rewarding job yet… you will be rewarded with lots of beautiful smiles and a role model tag. Congratulations!

14. Wishing you a future filled with laughter, joy and beginning of greater things with your new baby boy!

15. What a miracle to behold a tiny little boy and envision how big this little one will become…God bless this new life.

16. Know this; you’re representing God in the life of this little adorable boy because God cannot be everywhere, He’s entrusted one of his treasures in your care. May the work be absolutely amazing for you.

17. Babies are gifts from God. Consider your self extremely blessed for getting a cute boy like yours. Congratulations!

18. Wow! It feels like the end but it’s just the beginning of a journey with this new life. Enjoy it!

19. It feels good to know we have another Miracle in the world, feels even better to know this Miracle is in great hands! Congratulations

20. You’re welcome, baby boy! You’re so lucky to have your parents and they are so blessed to have you.

Congratulations on Your New Born Baby Boy

21. This world needs a Miracle like your bouncing baby boy. Congratulations dear!

22. A son will always be protective of his family. You’re so lucky to have a protector! Congratulations

23. Get ready for noise, dirt, unending laughter and unforgettable moments. Enjoy parenting

24. Congratulations on the birth of your new son! May his days with you be known for joy unspeakable and unrepentant happiness.

25. He’s here! The amazing boy with the most adorable smile and the cutest face has left the tummy to be with mummy! Best wishes

26. Little boys are daring and fun, bringing joy, little scare and many muddy footprints into the house. Congratulations on having one who’s really cute

27. I share in your joy and send my best wishes on the arrival of your newborn baby.

28. It’s time for a full-time job as a provider, guide and protector! Happy parenting.

29. Congratulations on having your first baby boy. He’s guaranteed to keep you both on your toes!

30. Whatever this little one desires to be later, I’m certain he’ll be successful.

Welcome Baby Boy Wishes

31. Boys are born too. It’s the number of hugs and the intensity of love they get that makes them into what they later become… I trust that you both will give this one your best. I wish you the best

32. Congratulations on the arrival of your dear son as he fills your world with everything boyish, fun and heart racing.

33. A baby boy is daddy’s junior and mummy’s protector! Congratulations to the both of you on the wonderful addition.

34. Welcome boy. Your parents and l can’t wait to watch you transform into the greatness you’re sure to be.

35. Now that your baby boy is here, expect to shout and smile more. May the shout of joy never cease.

36. Your eyes will continually behold the beauty that you just birthed as you experience his first everything. Enjoy!

37. You guys deserve the best things of the world..I’m so excited that you get to experience the greatest joy ever landing in your home. May this joy be forever.

Welcome Baby Boy Greetings

38. Parenthood is one of the most amazing phases in someone’s life. Enjoy this stage as you welcome your baby boy!

39. How great that your curiosity has been chuffed with a healthy baby boy. May you have the greater satisfaction of leading him to greatness

40. I am so happy for you! Parenthood is an interesting journey, enjoy yours!

41. A baby is a gift that never stops giving joy, experience, and laughter. You have a boy gift.

42. You must be special to have one of God’s angels as a baby boy. Congratulations!

43. A tip for the new parents: you’re going to laugh a lot but probably going to cry as much. Congratulations.

Congratulatory Message for New Baby Boy

44. You have a new life to care for now. It’s a beautiful addition that will forever bring smiles to your face. Best wishes!

45. A star boy has been born today. His parents are the most blessed of all. May he continually be a blessing and a source of joy!

46. How blissful to have a cute one who has your blood flowing in his vein. Congratulations on having a little you around.

47. Nothing exciting can beat the excitement of getting to know you now have a little one.
Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy.

Congrats Message for New Born Baby Boy

48. From today, people’s perception of you changes. It’s one of the things that come with beings parents. May you be wonderful ones to your baby boy.

49. The kick you had to enjoy for months is now lying beautifully in your lap with his adorable eyes and infectious smile. Hug him!

50. Cheers to you! You now have a boy in your family. How exhilarating!

Congratulations on Your New Born Baby Girl

Having a Female child is a great blessing which deserves congratulations. Here are Sweet Congratulations on your New Born Baby Girl you can send to your loved ones for giving birth a Baby Girl.

1. As the parents of a wonderful baby girl, your life will be filled with all things delicate, fun and jittery.

2. Congratulations on the birth of your girl. I see her being just as kind as her mother and as strong as her daddy! Perfect!

3. God has blessed you people with a beautiful baby girl. May she bring more blessings as she thrives gracefully.

4. Get ready to behave like a little princess’s parent because this baby of yours is a total princess!

5. She’s a lot like her father in looks, it won’t be bad at all if she grows to become an amazing woman like her mother. Best wishes to the parents

6. Cherish every moment you’ll have with this darling girl. soon to grow to be a Wonderful bride.

7. Congratulations on the birth of your darling daughter. Be sure to cherish every moment and never forget all the memories you’ll have with her.

Congratulation Message for New Born Baby Girl

8. We are extremely joyful to congratulate you on the birth of your darling princess. May your years with her be mind blowing

9. It’s so exciting to celebrate the birth of greatness. May the life of her parents be filled with all the good tidings that follow greatness

10. She’s a splitting image of her parents’ awesomeness, even at birth.

11. Congratulations to the proud mum and dad. Your little girl is bound to make you even more proud as the years go by

12. I wish your darling girl all shades of affection and poise as she finds a home today …

13. Warmest celebration on the little girl’s behalf. She deserves to have all the happiness in the world

14. I have no doubt she’s come bearing love, peace and joy because I can already feel the aura of these wonderful things.

15. Children are God’s heritage. May this little one grow into God’s idea of a virtuous woman.

New Born Baby Girl Congratulation Wishes

16. Congratulations to the cute and delicate girl now who’ll eventually become beautiful and strong as she’s destined to be.

17. Congratulations to both of you for getting God’s most resolute blessing. A child!
It’s more mind-blowing that you get to have a baby girl.

18. I am sure your life henceforth will be filled with wonderful moments and loads of pretty things as you now have a princess to share everything with

19. I am pretty glad that this baby gets to have the best parents to hug and hold for years to come

20. I heard the good news! It made my heart dance excitedly. Congratulations to you both on being the newest parents in town!

21. What a gorgeous addition to a beautiful family. Now, your family is a centre of everything sweet!

Congratulations on Your New Born Baby Girl

22. A baby is a blessing and a baby girl is the most blessed blessing. It must feel great to have this blessing as a family.

23. What a way to make an already wonderful family a complete one… Congratulations on the arrival of your baby

24. You now have a little girl to think of. May she feel your thoughts with bliss. Congratulations

25. I celebrate with you as you welcome your beautiful bundle of joy! Wish you happy moments with your little one.

26. The sound of joy is filling your home in the most continuous way, congratulations! I’m so happy for you

27. The most exciting part of being parents is that you get to see your little self in your little one. congratulations.

28. I welcome you and your little one to parenthood and childhood respectively. May you all be blessings to one another.

Welcome Baby Girl Wishes

29. Everyone deserves to witness the run around of a little adorable princess. I’m glad you get to experience this!

30. May you find fulfillment in your new job as parents to an amazing personality who’s still so fragile!

31. May you have the wisdom to guide and nurture this little one into greatness.

32. All couples pray to have the gift of children. You’re so lucky to have what many people pray for. Best wishes

33. Just like yesterday, your birth happened. Doesn’t it feel great to be a vessel through which another is birthed? I bet it is. Congratulations buddies!

34. It feels like Christmas, feels like the birth of a star. Your little girl is evoking so much sweetness at birth… I have no doubt that tomorrow is great.

35. I’m certain of one single fact; This baby is so blessed to have you both as her parents. Warm wishes.

Welcome Baby Girl Greetings

36. I’m so happy you get to experience the joy of parenting at this stage…

37. Your family is growing so beautifully. I wish you growth in sweetness and grace.

38. I wish you patience and temperance in your new role as parents. You’ll be needing them

39. Dear little one, You may not get to read this, but let it be known that somewhere in the record, someone said you’re destined for greatness. Welcome to the world…

40. From now on, you get a little girl to wake up to. Embrace the task! Best wishes.

Congratulatory Message for New Baby Girl

41. An opportunity to raise a woman who’ll make a dent in the world has now been presented to you. Don’t misuse it!

42. It’s a huge responsibility but I believe you’ll overcome the challenges gracefully. Congratulations!

43. Parenting is the most overlooked job. But, it is one of the jobs that can stretch you and make you the best version of yourself. May you find this stage of your life worthy of documenting.

44. She’s already a breath of fresh air. May the coming years not tamper with the awesome atmosphere.

45. This little one is here to give the world a reason to smile, laugh and be the best no matter what.

Congrats Message for New Born Baby Girl

46. Sending loads of blessings to the amazing parents of the adorable little girl

47. Congratulations on being at the receiving end of a wonderful wonder. May she never leave you to wander.

48. May she be an oasis of joy to everyone around especially her parents. So good to have a little princess around

49. Welcome home baby girl. We’re so glad that you’ve satisfied our expectation with your cuteness and aura of bliss.

50. I can hardly wait to see you running around shouting mommy. You’ve spent just a day with us and something tells me you’re going to be full of life! Welcome baby.

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