Best Friend Achievement Quotes – Motivation and Love

In many cases, life is said to be full of failures and disappointments, so when achievements and success stories come, for yourself and your friends, be sure to celebrate them.

Many of your best friends have achieved heroic feats, some have overcome incredible odds, while others have achieved what may seem impossible. When such happens, the best thing is to celebrate them and let them know you’re proud of them.

By so doing, you will inspire and motivate your best friend to keep at whatever they are doing. Below are the most inspiring friend achievement quotes to celebrate your friend’s achievement.

I’m so proud of my friend who has just landed a new job. She is such an inspiration to me, and I know she will do great things in her new role at the company. She has a dogged attitude and that’s what got her this great new job. Congratulations on your achievement, baby.

1. I’m so proud of my friend for crossing this huge milestone. She deserves happiness and success. This is a big achievement in her life.

2. Working hard behind the scenes, my best friend got a promotion today. I’m so proud of her for this major achievement.

3. My friend had a big exam today and she passed with flying colours. That is such an achievement and I’m so happy for her. Congrats, my dear.

4. My friend just got certified to teach yoga, that’s such an achievement and I’m so proud of her for following her passion.

5. My friend just graduated from law school, I’m so happy for her and proud of what she’s achieved.

6. Congratulations on your 10 years with the company, my friend. You’ve come a long way and have achieved so much.

7. You go, girl —and shine bright like an NYC sunset. Congratulations on your new business, it’s a great achievement and I wish you all the best.

8. You’re a rare breed. A person who has found success where many have failed, who is eager to help others find their way. You are an achiever by nature.

9. The first step to success is believing you can. Also, credit where it’s due. You did it, my friend, you’ve achieved your goals in your career. It’s time to cash out.

10. Congratulations to my friend on the achievement of her business launch, looking forward to the great things that she brings to the table.

11. My friend just got a new job. I’m so proud of her. What a wonderful achievement. Congratulations to my friend.

12. I’m so thrilled to share that my dear friend has just been promoted to a new position at work! I couldn’t be more proud of this achievement—congratulations, friend.

13. Congratulations on the success my dearest friend. Happiness and prosperity to you on your new career track! Keep being awesome.

14. Congratulations on your new job and title, I know you will succeed in this new journey. You are amazing.

15. I’m excited for you, you won the competition and have gotten a free vacation trip outside the country. That is such an achievement, you’ve got this darling friend.

16. Congratulations to my dear friend, who just got into a prestigious university. I’m so proud of you for this achievement.

17. My friend just got engaged. If you love her as much as I do, please share this with all of your friends so they can be inspired.

18. I’m proud of you for all that you have accomplished. This year, you’ve come into your own, and I am so happy to see you blossom into the woman that I know you are capable of

19. Congratulations to my friend, who just started working at a very cool company and will soon start earning very cool money.

20. Your heart has a beautiful strength that enables you to be the strongest person in any situation – your best friend and my hero.

21. I can’t wait for you to achieve everything you have worked for, you always push me to be the best version of myself. I trust that very soon, I’ll also hear good stories of your achievements.

22. Congratulations on your Master’s Degree, dear friend. I’m so proud of you. Always do your best, and keep up the good work.

23. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. Congratulations, baby.

24. Rising above your expectations is all about determination and perseverance. When you set your mind to something, nothing can stop you and that’s how you got this great new job. Congratulations, my friend.

25. I may not have been there to say congratulations, yet I am here to celebrate your moment and happiness. Happy graduation.

26. Congratulations on getting that promotion, man. More wins and more cool cash.

27. Congrats on the successful publishing of your first book—you’ve always been so dedicated to your work, and it shows. Cheers to this achievement.

28. Your best is still ahead of you. You’ve got this, girl. Good things happen to those who hustle and believe in themselves. Congratulations.

29. After years of showing his work in four corners of the earth, my friend is now a published children’s book author. Congratulations.

30. I’m so proud of you, my friend. You’ve always been a fierce and talented hustler – so awesome to see you earn this from years of hard work. Keep on doing what you’re doing – I know it’s not easy, but it’s so worth it!

31. I’m proud of you for doing so well in your internship. It’s amazing to see you succeed at work as so many others support you. Go, girl.

32. I cannot believe it’s already been a year since the launch of your small but ambitious project. Looking forward to what’s next. Congratulations, my friend.

33. Congrats to my friend, she got a new job. It was her lifelong dream to be on the podcast, and it finally happened!

34. Congrats to my friend, she got a new job. It was her lifelong dream to be on the podcast, and it finally happened!

35. I’m proud of my amazing friend for winning an award for design. It’s been a long road for her but she deserved the honour.

36. Nice work, my friend. Always keep grinding and pushing on and achieving greater things. I’m proud of you.

37. Congratulations to my friend on landing a new gig at a new company. I’ll always remember your hustle and the way you supported me back when I was fresh out of college. I’m so proud of you, dude.

38. Your hard work and determination have paid off. I’m so proud of you for this achievement.

39. She has done it. She has achieved her goal to run a half marathon. She is one of the fittest people I know. Here’s to all the things we’ve set for ourselves and achieved. Great job, girl!

40. Your biggest fan is a person who just wants you to be your best self so that you can shine as brightly as possible. I’m your biggest fan, and I’m saying congratulations on your new achievement.

41. My friend reached 100,000 followers on Instagram. I’m so proud of her.

42. My friend just crossed the high wire. Congratulations to her.

43. I may not have been there for the beginning, but I’m here for the ending — my best friend’s graduation.

44. I’m so proud of my friend, who joined a great company as a staff editor. Congratulations to you, my friend.

45. My friend just published her first cookbook, and I’m so proud of her.

46. Congratulations on that degree, bro. And don’t let anyone keep you from walking at graduation ’cause there’s always another degree that might be a better match.

47. In this life, you’re either an extra in everyone’s lives or you’re a star in someone’s. Congratulations to my friend on her graduation. After years of hard work, she’s finally earned her degree.

48. I remember when I was young and there was no one to impress. You played for the love of the game; you played for the love of your brothers on the field. Congratulations on this new win.

49. I’m so proud of my friend for creating this beautiful garden with all the colours of fall. It’s so peaceful out here.

50. Congratulations to my friend on achieving national-level recognition in swimming. I’m so proud of him.

51. My friend is an incredible artist and has won first place in a national competition. If you’re going to win, you’ve got to think you’re going to win.

52. Our friend has been working for a long time on a book about her life, and now the book is out. She is super excited and we are too. Big congratulations to our good friend.

53. The most beautiful thing in the world is to watch someone accomplish a dream they set for themselves. Proud of you, dear friend.

54. She’s been working so hard and her persistence has paid off. It’s a great story to tell in our resumes.

55. Guess who’s the newest member of the medical school program? congratulations, my friend and sister on such a beautiful achievement.

56. Congratulations to my friend on her new cookbook! I can’t wait to try the recipes and read the stories. That’s a great achievement.

57. With the determination you have and the goals you’ve set, there’s no doubt your life will be filled with happiness, success, and love. Work hard.

57. Congratulations on your new job, best friend. I know you will do amazing things.

58. Congratulations to one of my best friends on a huge achievement; giving birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday.

59. Congrats to my friend, she got a new job in her favourite studio! I’m so proud of her, and I’m looking forward to tuning in on her new podcast.

60. I’m so proud of my friend, he finally got a job in his dream corporation! Congrats on this achievement dear.

61. My best friend just completed her first triathlon, such an achievement. I’m so proud of her.

62. Amazing what you can do with a laptop, free WI-FI, and an egg flip. Congratulations on your first cookbook, my friend.

63. My best friend finally reached her goal weight, and finished her first half marathon. I’m in shock but so incredibly proud of her.

64. My best friend is an inspiration to me and everyone else who knows her. Thank you for being my bestie, my running buddy, and my shoulder to cry on when times get tough. Congratulations.

65. I’m so proud of my best friend for winning prestigious certifications in the medical industry. Keep pushing through those challenges, and never give up on your dreams.

66. My best friend just got a new job, and I couldn’t be happier for her. Congratulations on your achievement.

67. Huge congratulations to my best friend who just booked her first movie role, that’s a great achievement. It’s so exciting.

68. My friend just graduated college. I am so proud of her and wanted to share her story with all of you.

69. Congratulations to the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. She just opened her restaurant. What a remarkable feat and I’m so proud of her and excited to support her new spot.

70. You are the reason why I’m proud to be a friend. Here’s celebrating you for adding another title to your belt.

71. Excitement, pride, and friendship; all are intertwined in the text messages I was receiving while watching my best friend play this past weekend. It was a momentous achievement that I’ll never forget.

72. Sending warm congratulations to my best friend for winning the big game. I’m so proud and excited for you. You did such a great job.

73. When your best friend becomes president of her own company, you have to make a little sign for her. I’m so proud of her.

74. I could not be more proud of my best friend. She has always been a great person, but today, I’m even more proud to call her my friend because she achieved something that will influence the world.

75. I’m so proud of my best friend for finishing her first ever half marathon. I never wanted to do this alone but now I have to. Just hearing this makes me smile.

76. You go, girl. My bestie just landed her dream job in New York City. I’m so proud of her.

77. Today, we celebrate your achievements. Congratulation, dear friend.

78. Congratulations to my friend. She was able to achieve her dream, and now it’s time for mine.

79. Today, a friend of mine stood at the podium and received her PhD, to the applause of all who were present. Her courage and determination have been astounding, and it was an honour to watch her journey unfold. I’m so proud to call her my friend.

80. My best friend just won the gold medal at the track and field games. Here’s to your achievement, babe.

81. My best friend started his own business. I am so proud of him, and all his hard work. He’s such a hard worker and a great friend.

82. She’s the person I laugh with, learn with, and do pretty much everything with. I’m proud of all her accomplishments and excited to see what she’ll do next.

83. I’ve never seen someone so proud and happy to get an A on a math test. Cheers to my mathematician bestie.

84. You are made to be the best you can be–not to waste your time or live for others, but to follow your dreams. Congratulations, once again.

85. Congratulations to my girl on her first big win on the pro tour. I’m so proud of you—you’re an inspiration to us all.

86. I was there when you found out you were going to see your baby for the first time, and when you got home and you held him in your arms. It’s love, and it’s amazing. Congratulations.

87. Your hustle and determination are inspiring. Here’s to the next big thing, my friend.

88. From a leaf, to the tree, to a lesson; I’m so proud of making it to the last leaf on our family tree. Congratulations, my love.

89. My best friend just graduated med school, and I’m so proud of her. She’s the definition of a true overachiever.

90. My best friend just won a bronze medal in the Olympics. I’m so proud of her, she worked her butt off for this. I love you, girl.

91. My best friend just got the job of a lifetime. I’m so proud of her. So many emotions are running through me right now, I can’t even explain them. Good luck, babe. You’re going to be great.

92. Many are called, but few are chosen. Congratulations to my best friend, who was the first one in our group to get promoted at work.

93. She told me she always wanted to be a writer, and I always wanted to be an author. Kudos, babe.

94. While everyone has their path, some friends will make the journey better. Congratulations on your graduation, babe.

95. Congrats on your viral fame and newfound followers. You’re one of the funniest bloggers I’ve ever met and it’s a great achievement. Keep being awesome, girl.

96. She’s a girl who loves adventure, travel and inspiring others. Now, she gets to inspire with her business. Congratulations, love.

97. My best friend’s mark in high school is finally better than my college GPA. I’m so proud of her achievement.

98. My best friend finally achieved the class valedictorian. I’m so proud of him.

99. To my best friend, who is always there for me, who has always believed in me, and to whom I owe my success; congratulations on this great achievement.

100. I am proud of her, she kept trying until she achieved her goals. It’s her time to shine. Congratulations on your graduation, my friend.

I hope that you will find the friend achievement quotes I have here helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments about the quotes you like, you can say the greatest achievements your friend has accomplished. Thank you.

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