Best Friend Hurts Your Feelings Quotes

However, life happens, especially from the people we least expect – and all we must do at every turn is to keep moving. It is unfair that you wore your feelings on your sleeves and still got hurt and betrayed, but you can also choose to look at the experience as adding to your wealth of knowledge.

So, feel free to indulge in the best friend hurts your feelings quotes below. They’ll provide relatability, comfort, and a safe space to be vulnerable. Importantly, the quotes will boost your optimism to look forward to the better and brighter days you deserve.

When a best friend hurts your feelings, betrays your loyalty and devotion, and tramples on your heart, it usually indicates that it is a time to let them and the relationship go for brighter days to shine through for you.

1. When a best friend hurts your feelings, it’s easy to see how love and pain can mean the same thing sometimes

2. If a best friend hurts your feelings, the companionship and safety that come with the relationship are also badly affected.

3. When a best friend hurts your feelings, it is a painful reminder that not everyone will remain in your life forever. 

4. It takes considerable time to build a solid friendship, so it should hurt a lot when a best friend hurts your feelings. 

5. When a best friend hurts your feelings, the pain goes beyond any emotional pain one can feel.

6. It is painful when a best friend hurts your feelings, and all the memories you both shared become things of the past.

7. When your best friend hurts your feelings and stops fighting for the relationship, the pain is usually nerve-racking.

8. A best friend hurts your feelings more because of the power they wield over your heart and emotions.

9. A best friend hurting your feelings can make hundreds of memories together painfully insignificant.

10. If a best friend hurts your feelings repeatedly, it’s usually a sign that they’ve replaced you with something or someone else. 

11. A best friend hurts your feelings and indirectly teaches you how to accept and handle betrayal.

12. When a best friend hurts your feelings, it’s time to move on and find sincere and deeper bonds. 

13. A best friend hurting your feelings and betraying your trust shouldn’t be enough reason to give up on life and friendship. 

14. If a best friend hurts your feelings, they break the cardinal rule of friendship – ‘never cause a friend hurt or harm’. 

15. When a best friend hurts your feelings, it’s hard to find reasons to smile and be excited by the things around you.

16. If a best friend hurts your feelings repeatedly, they don’t deserve to see or enjoy the best of you. 

17. When a best friend hurts your feelings, it can indicate that they take you and your feelings for granted.

18. A best friend hurts your feelings repeatedly when the friendship doesn’t mean a lot to them. 

19. When a best friend hurts your feelings, they change from being the nicest person to the worst.

20. If a best friend hurts your feelings and the pain is unbearable, it is time to walk away and forge a new path.

21. One painful thing about a best friend hurting your feelings is how the silence moves from comfortable to unbearable.

22. When a best friend constantly hurts your feelings, maybe the friendship never existed for them from the start.

23. When a best friend hurts your feelings, they take away the rhythm and energy from your soul.

24. Rosy thorns take on literal meanings when a best friend hurts your heart and feelings.

25. It takes great bravery to stand tall with the pain of a best friend’s hurt and betrayal.

26. The true character of a best friend is sometimes revealed in how consistent they are in hurting your feelings.

27. When a best friend hurts your feelings, they leave a mark on your heart and soul that only a long time can erase. 

28. A best friend isn’t about who you’ve known the longest but someone who always respects and honours your feelings.

29. When a best friend that should be a refuge hurts your feelings, the pain is often hard to endure.

30. When having a best friend and relationship hurts, it indicates seeking a higher and more deserving love.

31. The best fix for when a best friend hurts your feelings is to embrace the pain while still making daily moves. 

32. Hurting from a best friend’s hurt shows how much you loved them and were the bigger person in the relationship. 

33. Sometimes, when a best friend hurts your feelings, the mask falls off to reveal their true identity.

34. It doesn’t have to mean the end of life and friendships when a trusted friend breaks your heart.

35. It hurts when a best friend who made you feel special yesterday readily bruises your feelings today.

36. A best friend can hurt your feelings because your heart now considers them to be family.

37. When your best friend hurts your feelings, they damage the trust and affection in the friendship forever.

38. Disappointment and bitterness are telltale signs of a heart hurt by a close friend.

39. A best friend hurts your feelings when they act as if they held you on a low pedestal than you did them.

40. When a best friend and favourite person in the world hurts your feelings, the pain is bound to come in multiple waves.

41. Your best friend hurting your feelings should teach you that you can have someone in your heart and not physically in your life.

42. One of the most painful things is losing yourself while loving a best friend that easily hurts you.

43. If a best friend hurts your feelings, responding in love, patience, and forgiveness may be how you find closure. 

44. Following a best friend’s hurt, it is necessary for your sanity to distance yourself and your feelings from them.

45. A best friend should be someone you feel safe with, not someone who hurts and damages your feelings.

46. A best friend is worth fighting for until they regularly hurt your feelings and trample on your love and devotion.

47. The best friend that hurt your feelings has added to your wealth of knowledge and experience for tomorrow.

48. A best friend’s hurt can help you set priorities and a template for the kind of love you deserve.

49. It’s not shameful to cry from a best friend’s betrayal – it’s how you’ll heal fast and move on to better experiences.

50. If a best friend hurts your feelings, the blame is on them for being someone undeserving of your attention.

Hopefully, our best friend hurts your feelings quotes have comforted and boosted your optimism to look forward to better and brighter days. Thank you for reading, and do check out other interesting titles on our site too!

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