Best Jobs for Communications Majors And Career Advice

– Best Jobs for Communication Majors –

The communications major covers many disciplines including advertising, marketing, public relations, journalism, broadcasting, media, and film.

Keep reading this article for career advice regarding communication majors as well as the best jobs for you to think of in the field of communication.

Good communication is essential in all industries, helping to sell products to the public, maintain strong relationships with investors, clients, and customers, and to make sure everyone within and outside the business is operating on the same page.

Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don’t restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here.

Tips That Will Help You Land On Your Feet

1. Relationships Matter

Making and maintaining strong relationships can jumpstart your career in communications.

Get to know your professors, network with other college students, attend student events that could help you to connect with someone in a field that you’re interested in, and don’t be afraid to follow up.

Stay connected with people even after you move on from a class, campus, or career. LinkedIn and Facebook are both great ways to stay connected to your peers.

2. Don’t Ever Stop Learning

Your degree will give you a strong foundation in the elements of communications. You’ll carry these with you for the rest of your career, but your education shouldn’t stop there.

The communications industry is constantly changing. New technologies can alter the landscape of communications, marketing, and advertising quickly, so you need to be willing and able to adapt.

One of the best ways to continue your education is through online courses and certificates. As the industry changes, stay up to speed.

Be willing to invest your time and energy into learning the newest trends in the communications field. Develop a mindset of growth and adaptability.

3. Choose Electives That Interest You

As I shared in the story of my untraditional communications career path, having many interests can be used to your advantage.

If you’re interested in working with children, take a Human Growth & Development course. If you want to pursue ministry, register for theological coursework.

When it comes time to apply to jobs, you may land your dream gig because of the tools you learned in your electives.

4. Don’t Limit Yourself to a Typical Career Path

All companies need a communications specialist in some form or another—whether it’s a storyteller for a nonprofit, social media manager for a startup, public relations for a major corporation, or community outreach for a ministry.

The opportunities for a communications major are endless.

Do your homework, research careers, ask your parents’ friends what they do, peruse job boards, and keep thinking outside of the box.

(If you want a place to get started, check out these awesome interviews from top Communications and Public Relations industry leaders and this list of careers for communications majors.)

5. Pursue Internships and Make Them Count!

I had several internships throughout my college experience. They included handling public relations for an author, interning with a top designer in a major city, and working as a fashion intern at QVC.

The biggest takeaway from my various college internships was figuring out what I did and didn’t want in a career.

I was able to get real-life exposure to the careers that I had once idealized, like fashion. I was quickly able to learn that I didn’t want to work in retail, and I didn’t enjoy working for large corporate companies.

Check and check. This allowed me to free up more space to find the right career path while I was still in college, rather than waiting until I graduated and choosing a job that wasn’t a great fit.

6. Get a Mentor

As a communications major, having strong connections can make or break you. Be courageous and reach out to someone in a field that you’re interested in. Ask this person to mentor and guide you as you take steps toward launching your career.

Mentors have a lot of valuable knowledge and experience in their designated fields, and they can use their life and career lessons to give you a head start!

Best Jobs for Communications Majors

Review below some of the best job opportunities for communications majors, along with the skills you will need to get hired.

1. Event Coordinator

Average Base Pay: $50,700
Number of Open Jobs: 5,000
Description: This is a great fit for anyone who loves planning and management. Event coordination collaborates and organizes everything from catering to decorations, music to venue and more.
It takes a strong communicator and manager to be a successful event planner.

2. Public Relations Specialist

Average Base Pay: $59,000
Number of Open Jobs: 7,000
Description: Public relations gets a bad rap for being “spin doctors.” However, PR is an ethical, values-based profession that takes real skill to perform well.
Public relations is a delicate balance of effectively communicating with both internal and external audiences while working to get both qualitative and quantitative media coverage.
The duties include writing press releases, pitching, working with reporters, monitoring media, and more. This is a great path if you love writing and working with others.
As Bill Gates once said, “If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on public relations.”

3. Media Planner

Average Base Pay: $54,014
Number of Open Jobs: 7,000
Description: Media planners, like most communications roles, have to be masters of both creativity and strategy. In this role, you would create campaigns through detailed research and analysis.
You would be responsible for identifying target audiences, creating messaging, and deciding channels through which you will disseminate that message to beneficially maintain the newsworthiness of your organization.

4. Social Media Manager

Average Base Pay: $55,200
Number of Open Jobs: 20,000
Description: This is one of the hottest jobs for Millennials and Gen Z-ers. Social media managers are responsible for creating and relaying content in a fun, brand-consistent, digestible way, which takes skill and mastering of communications principles.
It requires creativity, strategy, and precision to engage and mobilize your target audiences and elevate the organization for which you work!

5. Reporter

Average Base Pay: $48,000
Number of Open Jobs: 2,000
Description: Talk about adrenaline. Reporters have one of the most exciting gigs in the league. As a reporter, you would proactively seek out newsworthy stories, interview relevant people, function under deadlines, oh, and write…allot.
This is the ideal career for the communications major who dreads the idea of being chained to his or her desk for eight hours a day and wants hands-on, world experience with interesting people.

6. Human Resources Specialist

Average Base Pay: $54,000
Number of Open Jobs: 15,000
Description: Human Resources Specialists get a bad rep (see: Toby Flenderson from The Office). In reality, HR is an essential function of a company or business.
Recruiting, benefit plans, employee data, and personnel administration fall under the umbrella of Human Resources. If you have a knack for interpersonal relationships, organization, and planning, check out some of the openings in HR!

7. Brand Manager

Average Base Pay: $96,000
Number of Open Jobs: 35,000
Description: As a brand manager, you would develop business and communications objectives to build brand equity while furthering corporate goals. This is a highly collaborative role, requiring a high degree of competence and leadership.
However, I hope this was helpful. Don’t wait to be told, share the information with your loved ones.
StudentsandScholarship Team.

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