Best Jobs for Sociology Degree Majors with Career Guide

Sociology: If you’re fascinated by how and why people interact with others as they do, then possibly sociology is the major for you. Sociology majors learn to think critically about social problems and social phenomena. I will in this article present you with some common job possibilities to explore as you think of ways to apply your sociology major to the work world.

The discipline Sociology has a strong focus on finding solutions to complex questions through research, data analysis, and high-level critical thinking.

This means sociology graduates enter the job market with a considerable advantage because the degree hones an array of practical skills that are valuable to many industries and careers.

is the study of human social relationships and institutions.

Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in whole societies.

Unifying the study of these diverse subjects of study is sociology’s purpose of understanding how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures.

Sociology is an exciting and illuminating field of study that analyzes and explains important matters in our personal lives, our communities, and the world.
At the personal level, sociology investigates the social causes and consequences of such things as romantic love, racial and gender identity, family conflict, deviant behavior, aging, and religious faith.
Also, at the societal level, sociology examines and explains matters like crime and law, poverty and wealth, prejudice and discrimination, schools and education, business firms, urban community, and social movements.
At the global level, sociology studies such phenomena as population growth and migration, war and peace, and economic development.

Skills Sociology Majors Cultivate

Sociology majors learn to research the social world. They gather and analyze data using both qualitative research methods and statistical tools.

Students who major in sociology write reports to convey research findings and present their perspectives on social issues. They learn to think globally about issues and to attend to details.

Sociology majors refine their presentation skills by sharing findings with faculty and peers. All of these kinds of assignments help students to develop strong communication skills.

Sociology majors are taught to identify problems that exist in the world around them.

They apply problem-solving skills to these social and exercise their creative abilities to find remedies. Sociology majors learn to take a position on an issue and to construct a rationale to support their perspective.

What are the Best Skills for your CV

Studying sociology provides you with a wide range of skills that employers look for, including communication, interpersonal, problem-solving, and analytical skills. You learn to:

  • appreciate the complexity and diversity of social situations
  • develop a cross-cultural understanding of the world
  • apply sociological theory to society’s organizations, including schools, hospitals, and offices
  • research, judge and evaluate complex information
  • make reasoned arguments
  • apply different research methods, analysis, and statistical techniques
  • develop opinions and new ideas on societal issues
  • work collaboratively as part of a team on projects
  • think creatively and independently in order to understand, scrutinize and re-assess common of the social world
  • relate sociological knowledge to social, public, and civic policy
  • organize your work and meeting deadlines.

Career Options and Jobs for Sociology Degree Majors

To choose the best possible career, you will need to consider your other skills, interests, and values alongside the sociology major.

Here are some common job possibilities to explore as you think of ways to apply your sociology major to the work world.

1. Guidance Counselor

Guidance counselors use knowledge of the sociology of learning to help students navigate the academic world.

They also communicate with families to devise strategies to support student achievement.

Guidance counselors use interviews and counseling techniques to help students make academic and career choices.

Guidance counselors use problem-solving skills to mediate conflicts and resolve social problems within schools.

They facilitate group sessions and instruct students about social issues like bullying, substance abuse, and safer sex.

Salary: According to the (BLS), the median annual salary for school and college counselors was $57,040 as of May 2019.

The lowest 10% earned less than $34,380, and the highest 10% earned more than $96,090.1

2. Human Resources (HR) Representative

HR representatives need to be effective and show finesse in their interactions with a broad range of individuals and groups.

They must be able to analyze work roles and assess the suitability of candidates for jobs. Sociology majors learn interviewing skills, which are essential for such evaluation.

HR staff members use problem-solving skills to mediate conflicts and resolve personnel issues. HR representatives use analytical and decision-making skills to evaluate alternative structures for employee benefits.

Salary: The BLS indicated that the median annual salary for human resources representatives was $61,920 as of May 2019. The lowest 10% earned less than $37,180, and the highest 10% earned more than $105,930.2

3. Lawyer

Lawyers use critical thinking and analytical skills to research and litigate their cases.

Many areas of legal practice, such as divorce, child custody, adoption, criminal law, personal injury, worker , and employment law benefit, are related to sociology.

Lawyers draw on research and writing skills to conduct their work. They must gather facts and evidence to support a thesis, just as sociology majors do with their position papers.

Lawyers must compellingly present their findings in order to convince a judge, jury, or opposing attorney of their position. This is similar to presentations in sociology classes.

Salary: According to the BLS, lawyers earned a median annual income of $122,960 as of May 2019. The lowest 10% earned less than $59,670, and the highest 10% earned more than $208,000.

4. Management Consultant

Management consultants analyze business issues, research possible remedies or enhancements, and present solutions to clients.

New college graduates often start in positions like research analyst, research assistant, or junior consultant, where they support the work of more senior staff.

Sociology majors develop qualitative and quantitative research skills to understand a business problem.

Their problem-solving skills help them to generate viable solutions to these issues. Writing and public speaking skills are also critical when constructing reports and presenting analyses and solutions to clients.

Salary: The BLS estimated that the median annual income for management consultants was $85,260 as of May 2019. The lowest 10% earned less than $49,700 and the highest 10% earned more than $154,310.

5. Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts test products and services and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

They utilize social science research techniques, including interviews, surveys, and focus groups, to gather data. Market researchers employ methods mastered by sociology majors to analyze data.

Market researchers often track preferences for specific consumer groups. The sociologist’s knowledge of gender, youth, aging, race, ethnicity, and social class help to inform these assessments.

An understanding of group processes and advanced communication skills help sociology majors facilitate focus group interactions and conduct interviews with consumers.

Salary: According to the BLS, market research analysts earned a median annual salary of $63,790 as of May 2019. The lowest 10% earned less than $34,350, and the highest 10% earned more than $122,630.

6. Media Planner

Media planners assess the advertising needs of clients and design a media plan to enhance sales to various groups.

Like sociology majors, they must be able to interpret research and analyze the preferences of their target population.

Media planners are aided by sociological knowledge as they study the characteristics of various groups in order to select the best possible media to advertise their product.

Salary: According to , media planners earn an average salary of $49,905. The bottom 10% earned $38,000 or less and the top 10% earned $63,000 or more.

7. Policy Analyst

Policy analysts research issues that affect the public. They recommend legislation to address those problems. Knowledge of sociology helps analysts to assess the impact of legislation on social problems and various populations.

Sociology majors have the foundation to analyze issues like welfare, poverty, substance abuse, job training, education, healthcare, and gay marriage.

Policy analysts like sociology majors rely on strong writing skills to represent the findings of their research and convince legislators and the public of the viability of their recommendations.

Salary: According to PayScale, policy analysts earn an average annual salary of $59,312. The bottom 10% earned $42,000 or less and the top 10% earned $82,000 or more.

8. Public Relations (PR) Specialist

PR specialists need to be the ultimate communicators. As such, they must have the sociology major’s ability to understand an audience and its attitudes, needs, and preferences. Writing skills are critical for crafting high-impact press releases.

Public relations staff must have the interpersonal skills to talk to the media and convince them to cover stories about their client or organization.

They need to convey ideas clearly to staff and clients and engender support and consent for their ideas.

Salary: The BLS indicated in May 2019 that the median annual salary for public relations representatives was $61,150. The lowest 10% earned less than $34,590, and the highest 10% earned more than $115,430

9. Social Worker

Social workers apply the knowledge of social dynamics and social institutions learned as a sociology major to assess client issues and help to resolve problems.

They make referrals to appropriate community agencies to leverage resources on behalf of individuals and families.

Active listening and verbal communication skills are essential in assessing problems and advising clients about ways to improve their lives.

Salary: The BLS estimates that the median annual salary for social workers was $50,470 as of May 2019. The lowest 10% earned less than $31,790, and the highest 10% earned more than $82,540.

10. Survey Researcher/Pollster

Survey researchers and measure attitudes and opinions in areas familiar to the sociology major, like social and political issues, health, culture, and consumer products.

They carefully compose survey questions to elicit clear answers. Survey researchers use the data collection and statistical analysis techniques that sociology majors learn.

They write and present reports to share their findings with clients.

Survey researchers use knowledge of groups and sub-cultures as they assess the opinions of targeted demographics.

They must be curious about a social phenomenon in order to conduct background research about survey topics.

Salary: According to the BLS, the median annual salary for survey researchers in May 2019 was $59,170. The lowest 10% earned less than $32,150, and the highest 10% earned more than $108,860.

FAQs about Jobs for Sociology Degree Majors

Below are some faqs about Jobs for Sociology Degree Majors:

Q: Can I complete a sociology degree online?

A: Yes. There are a number of colleges and universities in the U.S. that offer sociology degrees via distance education. Some of these schools are highlighted in this ranking.

Q: Do I need a master’s degree to work in sociology?

A: No. Although a master’s degree is typically required to practice sociology in a clinical setting, there are many other entry-level occupations in sociology available for bachelor’s degree holders.

Q: Are jobs in sociology in demand?

A: Yes. Most of the high-paying sociology degree jobs in this ranking are growing faster than average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Q: What will I make after earning a degree in sociology?

A: reports that graduates of BA in Sociology programs make $59,000 per year on average. Still, your individual salary will depend on the terms of your employment as well as your experience in the field.

Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don’t restrict your thinking to the jobs listed above.

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