Best of Happy Birthday Husband Whatsapp Status

The husband is a very important part of a woman’s life, whether it is admitted or not. Often times, due to the demands and pressures of life, we allow our relationships settle into complacency.

Birthdays are opportunities to spice it up again. Show off your man to the world. Let him know how proud you are of him. Let him feel special on his special day. Birthdays come only once a year, maximize the opportunity by using of this happy birthday husband Whatsapp status.

Sweet collection of Short Happy Birthday Status you can send to your husband to make his day.

1. Mine is the best husband in the world. I’m indeed proud to stand beside him as we take on the world. Happy birthday, dearest.

2. I never knew life could be so sweet until I met my husband. He makes life much easier. I’ll never be afraid again because he’s always by my side. Cheers to the love of my life, happy birthday.

3. I would never miss an opportunity to appreciate my husband. For all his patient grooming, love and care, I am thankful. Happy birthday husband of my heart.

4. Every birthday presents a golden opportunity to showcase to the world how much this man means to me. Simply put, he’s the reason for the smile on my face. He is the radiance of my life. Happy birthday my sunshine.

5. I wish every day were his birthday so I could have a reason to always spoil him rotten. He deserves all the love he gets from me and much more. Join me in wishing the joy of my life a happy birthday.

6.Today is his special day. The one who completes me. The reason for my constant smile. The one who still gives me the butterflies, happy birthday.

7. This man encourages me to be better always. He challenges me not to rest on my oars. I’ll never stop loving you. Happy birthday.

8. No one understands as much as I do how hard he works. He is an epitome of diligence. A quintessential husband and father, happy birthday.

9. I’ll blow my husband’s trumpet. Of course, no one can do it better. He surpasses the best and I love him just the way he is. Happy birthday my sugar pie.

10. A beautiful heart, a compassionate soul. Always putting others first, that’s my husband. No better day to celebrate you than today. I love you inside-out. Happy birthday.

11. My heart is aglow… Lit by the fire of my husband’s love. He’s the music of my life… I’ll dance forever to his symphonies. Happy birthday my love.

12. They say ” marriage is not a bed of roses”. But with my husband, it’s been a bed of beautiful flowers. My husband knows how to love his woman. I appreciate all the special ways he makes me feel special. Happy birthday my crown.

13. I’m sorry if I can’t identify with women who feel the need to exert rights in their marriages. I’ve never been placed in a position where I need to. I’m so content in my husband’s selfless love for me. No better time to appreciate this man who makes me feel so special than now. Happy birthday, darling.

14. My husband! A rare and special breed indeed. This man has captured my heart. I’m forever imprisoned in his love. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

15. Help me celebrate this man who has chosen to grow old with me. The man who loves me despite my faults. The father of my children. The head of our home. Please celebrate with me God’s special gift to me. Happy birthday, darling.

16. Through thick and thin, we have survived together. Thriving, stronger, better. We have chosen to stick together despite all. Happy birthday, my husband.

17. My dearest friend. My greatest cheerleader. I always find comfort in his bosom. He supports me like no other. Happy birthday my sweetheart.

18. My husband is not perfect. I’m not either. Yet we’ve formed the most beautiful of relationships. He completes me and I, him. Here’s letting you know how truly I love and value you. Happy birthday.

19. To the one who makes me smile sweetly,
Who carries me and cares for me so tenderly
Who never lets me age by constantly treating me as his baby, I wish a truly splendid birthday.

20. Loving my husband has been a beautiful dream I never want to wake from. I see marriages around and I thank God for blessing me with this rare man. I celebrate you today and wish you a very happy birthday.

21. Everyone should have someone to call theirs. Someone to cherish, someone to hold. I’m glad to have someone to call mine and mine exclusively. Happy birthday, mine.

22. The world is not an easy place. But I’m glad to have someone travelling with me on this journey. My husband makes life beautiful. Happy birthday my darling.

23. My husband has been my partner on this journey of life. My shoulders to cry on. My advisor, a very wise one at that. His perspective always giving balance to mine. I appreciate him today and always and I wish him a truly fulfilling year ahead.

24. My husband is the funniest man I know. Never a dull moment around him. I see all you do my love and I appreciate all the thoughtful ways you make people around you happy. Here’s wishing you a happy birthday.

25. My husband lets me shine. He never feels the need to belittle me. He is never threatened by my success. Rather he is my greatest cheerleader. I bask in his confident love. Happy birthday my king.

26. My heartbeat. The reason I shine. There’s always a spring to my steps and it’s all because of a loving husband. Happy birthday.

27. Thank God I ended up with my husband. The best decision I ever made. I’m sure God was watching out for me when I chose him. My life has been better for it. Happy birthday my sunshine.

28. Two hearts beating as one. That’s my husband and I. I could never thank God enough for gifting me this man. Happy birthday to you, sweetheart.

29. Everything I wanted, everything I will ever want or need, that’s my husband. You complete me, darling. I’ll choose you over and again. Happy birthday.

30. His confident bearing always turns me on. The delight of my heart. I could never tire of my husband and on this special day of his, my heart rejoices as I wish him a happy birthday. Happy Birthday to You, my Love.

31. The man who balances my life. Who brings peace and calm to my world. Who has proved to me over and over what true love is! Happy birthday, my husband.

32. My super focused, determined, hardworking husband. Happy birthday to you. I’m ever so proud of you.

33. A father per excellence, a provider, wonderful lover, my dearest friend and husband, happy birthday.

34. A husband in every sense of the word, tending, caring, grooming. I see him labour on his knees and on his feet for our home. I am confident in your leadership. Happy birthday.

35. Through the good and bad times, He has shown exemplary leadership. First among equals. The delight of my heart. Happy birthday to you.

36. I admire his sincerity. His passion for excellence is an inspiration. I love his resilience. Each time he falls, he gets back up again. His courage is exceptional. Happy birthday, husband.

37. Marriage could easily become a boring monotony. Never so with you. You excel at turning everyday routine to rare pleasure. Thank you for your efforts. Happy birthday.

38. The pressures and demands of life try incessantly to push romance to the back burner. I want you to know that it won’t succeed. I love you too much to take you for granted. Happy birthday. May you have joy today and always.

39. I take you too many times for granted, yet you remain undaunted in your love. How can I ever appreciate God enough for giving me such a wonderful man like you? I’ll love you always. Happy birthday my husband.

40. This goes to the best husband in the world. My joy, my heart. I’ll cherish you today and always, happy birthday.

41. This one is untouched by the world’s decay. He loves unconditionally, excellently, perfectly. I’m so blessed to have him as my husband. Happy birthday to him.

43. I couldn’t wish for a better father for our children. I’m so proud of your exemplary leadership. Thank you for being the man that you are. May you never tire in your strive for excellence. Happy birthday.

44. I found a home when I married my husband. I am constantly reassured in his love. I couldn’t ask for a better man. I wish him a very fulfilling year ahead.

45. I thank my husband on this special day of his, for being the kind, peace-loving person that he is. Happy birthday to him. Here’s wishing him a victorious year ahead.

46. He is our point man, he watches out for us in ways unimaginable. He has excelled in making our home a beautiful one. Happy birthday my dear husband.

47. My husband is beautiful, on the inside and out. I’m so proud of his stellar qualities. My heart is confident in his leadership. I’m content to follow while he leads. Happy birthday to you my crown.

48. Some merely talk without corresponding action. I’m proud of this man who walks his talk. His discipline and enthusiasm are contagious. I’m always proud to be his wife. On this special day of his, I wish him success and joy all around.

49. His life is an amazing inspiration. Always hopeful. Always joyful, no matter the circumstance. He is always a joy to be around. Happy to my favourite person.

50. We fight, we make up. I’d still rather have him as my partner than any other. I enjoy his teasing. My husband satisfies my heart thoroughly. Happy birthday.

51. I can never tire of showing off my husband. He’s the best thing to have happened to me. May our love never die. Happy birthday.

52. My prince charming. The reason I wake with a smile daily. My one and only honey pot. Happy birthday.

53. Sweetheart, on this special day of yours, I have so many things to be thankful for. Your foresight, your love, your gentleness and much more. U bless the day I met you and wish you a happy birthday.

54. The sight of you always sparks my desire. I love your body, I love your mind much more. Always remain handsome for me. Happy birthday charming.

55. I’m drowned in the river of his love. I could never find any fault with you, my love. You’re the epitome of my desire. Happy birthday my love.

56. If you ever needed a perfect husband, that’s my husband. But sorry, I won’t share. He is exclusively mine, this wonderful husband. Happy birthday.

57. Birthdays exist to celebrate beautiful people. May you always know how beautiful your heart is and may you always find joy in the many thoughtful ways you bless others. Happy birthday my love.

58. Love is beautiful. I’m glad it was my husband I fell in love with. Always considerate, always thoughtful. Thank you for being the man you are. I appreciate you now and always. Happy birthday.

59. My confidante, my dearest friend. My joy, the centre of my world. My husband, my father. My priest, my lord. Happy birthday.

60. I wish I could be half as good to you as you are to me. I see the way you watch out for me. I see the way you support me. I’m ever grateful for your love my darling. Happy birthday.

61. My husband is my hero. My very own Knight in shiny armour. The depth of his love never ceases to amaze me. I celebrate him today and always. Happy birthday my darling.

62. My heart does a double flip every time I see this man. I’m so in awe of him. I’m proudly your wife sweetheart. Happy birthday.

63. Days have flown into years. Our love abides. Going stronger, getting better. I’ll always love you my heart. Happy birthday.

64. A token of my love, to this wonderful man who always thinks about me first. Thank you for being a great custodian of my heart. You’re the best and I love you with all my heart. Happy birthday.

65. You’re the reason I always want to be better. Your passion for excellence is always a challenge. Thank you for being a leader. Happy birthday my darling.

66. If the world were to start over, and all given the chance to love again. I’d still choose my husband. He has captured my heart for eternity. Happy birthday my heartbeat.

67. I’m thoroughly and totally enraptured in his love. He is the best thing to happen to me. I am totally satisfied with you my love. God bless you on this your special day and always. Happy birthday.

68. For he is a jolly good fellow. I say so from my heart. Happy birthday my husband.

69. My darling husband. My groom. My lover, my leader. My king in whom I am well pleased. Happy birthday.

70. To the man who gave me the most beautiful children ever. The love of my life. My very own dear husband.

71. I don’t get to say it often. But I hope perhaps you get to see it in my actions. This very special day of yours, I’ll say it not only to you but to the world. I love you with all my heart. Happy birthday, love.

72. Years after we first met, he still makes me blush and giggle. He is my joy and loving him has been pure bliss. Happy birthday my sugar.

73. I am proud of the man you have become. You keep evolving every beautiful year, getting better, getting stronger. I celebrate you today. Happy birthday my husband.

74. He never despise my little beginning. His love encouraged me to be better. I’m proud of the woman I have become and it’s all because of you. Happy birthday my darling husband.

75. My own guardian Angel. My very special man. A rare gift. A true gem. I celebrate you today my love. Happy birthday.

76. You’re writing on the sands of time. And you’re writing beautifully well. Leaving impressive, admirable prints. I’m very proud of you my husband. Happy birthday.

77. We see your sacrifice for the family. We see your sweat, we see your efforts. We see that you never compromise when it comes to excellence. We’re learning from you. Keep being an admirable example. Happy birthday my husband, my daddy.

78. If I had a thousand tongues, they couldn’t praise God enough for the blessing of you. You are a beautiful blessing to me. A blessing I could never deserve. Thanks for being here my husband. Happy birthday.

79. This is my reality. A reality I have only God to thank for. A loving husband. Lovely in every sense of the word. A beautiful, rare soul, I celebrate you today. Happy birthday.

80. He goes out daily, rain or shine. He braves all situations, challenges. He gives his time, his energy, just so we could have all we want. And he does all these with an ever ready smile. Never complaining, never grumbling. I don’t take all these for granted, cause I know this is rare, this is special, you are special. Thank you for all you do and happy birthday to you my darling.

81. He is the man of my dreams. The man of my illusions. My every day fantasy. I thank God for making him my reality. Happy birthday my husband.

82. On our wedding day, I could see in your eyes, promise of a beautiful future. So I told my father not to worry, for he was leaving me in good hands. Years later, you’re yet to disappoint me. You have kept your promise of love. I count myself favoured. Thank you for being true. Happy birthday my heartbeat.

83. Every day with you is filled with pleasant surprises. I am yet to figure you out. You keep evolving in many beautiful ways. I love you my sweetheart. Happy birthday.

84. We’ve seen the storms of marriage, yet we stood. We stood against the battering of the winds. We stood through the fiery furnace. I’m confident of better days ahead. We’ll hold hands and enjoy together with our love getting stronger. Happy birthday.

85. Thank you for keeping faith in us. For not giving up even when I did. Thank you for not breaking despite being stretched. Thank you for so much. Happy birthday my husband.

86. On this special day, you deserve all the beautiful accolades you get and so much more. You have been a rock, the unifying force of our home. I celebrate you today. Happy birthday.

87. We fall, we get back up again. We’re stronger, we’re better. We’ve learnt and are still learning. I’m confident God will see us through. Happy birthday my partner.

88. Through the good times, through the bad times, I’ll always be there for you. That’s the promise I made to you and I’m reminding you again on this your special that I’ll always love you. Happy birthday.

89. He didn’t lie, when he said he’ll always love me. With him, I’ve known nothing but care and pampering. Thank you for bringing me joy. You are bliss. I love you. Happy birthday.

90. Happy birthday husband of my youth. The man who chose me amongst many. Your love is the reason I shine daily. Have a very beautiful day.

91. Thank you for always sticking out your neck for me. Thank you for choosing me to walk with you on this life’s journey. Thank you for being a faithful partner. Happy birthday.

92. I’ll write your name in all the colours of love. I’ll engrave it in gold. I’ll tell the world how much I love you. I celebrate you this special day and always. Happy birthday.

93. You have kissed my heart with love. I don’t want to ever wake from this dream, where you’re king and me, your queen. You’re special my love. Happy birthday.

94. I’m so excited today. It’s my husband’s birthday. The man who lights up my world with his gentle, loving care. Happy birthday to you.

95. I won’t let this day pass without letting the world know how special you are. You are special. A beautiful rare human. Your soul is pure. Your heart is faultless. How could I not love you? Happy birthday my very special man.

96. My heart chose you. I never regretted the choice. Loving you is my best decision yet. You rank highest on the list of my favourite persons. I will always cherish you. Happy birthday my love.

97. Why do I love my husband? Countless reasons and no reason! He is the joy of my life. My very own treasure, to love and cherish. I celebrate you today. Happy birthday.

98. My hardworking husband. This man hustles with dignity. Never lacking in his responsibilities. I respect you. I admire you. Thank you for being a man. Happy birthday.

99. Like butter blends into bread. We have blended so beautifully together. We didn’t have a chance, but against all odds, we have remained. Here’s to a lifetime of joy together. Happy birthday my heart.

100. We are inseparable. Hearts entwined into one. My better half. My other self. I celebrate you especially today. You’re more important to me than anything. Happy birthday to you.

Lovely Collection of Long Happy Birthday Status you can send to your husband.

101. Ours wasn’t “Love at first sight,” No!
When I first met my husband, there were no butterflies
No reticent coyness
It was a meeting just like any other
But it was one that changed my life forever
Over time, his intelligence and unusual sincerity drew me in, and I found myself falling helplessly in love.
No better time like now, to let the world know how much you mean to me. Yes, you mean so much to me. So, here’s wishing the best of husbands a truly happy birthday.

102. I could describe my husband in a thousand words but I’ll just choose one that expresses the attribute I value most about him.
I cannot begin to explain how this man’s thoughtfulness encompasses so many beautiful attributes.
I know his decision to remain faithful to me, the way he cares so selflessly, his support for my work, could only have arisen from his thoughtfulness.
I don’t want you to ever change honey. I love you just the way you are. Hello world, please join me in celebrating my husband on this special day.

103. Your birthday is another beautiful reminder of God’s faithfulness to me. I remember the day like yesterday when I first met my husband, the humour in his eyes, his gentle mien and the calm assurance with which he said: “you’ll be my wife”. I couldn’t resist any of those. Years down the line, I still can’t resist you, you know it and I love the way you exploit it. We’ve been through thick and thin together, yet given another chance, I’d still choose my husband. I celebrate him today, Happy birthday dearest.

104. I couldn’t wish for a better husband. I’m counting my blessings today and he tops the list. Where should I begin? Is it the way he thoughtfully cares for me and our children? The way he understands me even when I find it difficult to understand myself. The way he finds words to express my most twisted thoughts. Who wouldn’t love a man who devotes himself to make you happy? I love you today and always my darling, happy birthday.

105. Tick, tock, tick, tock
Days have matured into years, with our love growing stronger. Loving my husband is the best thing to have happened to me. My husband helped me grow from an unsure young lady to the strong, confident woman I am today. You deserve the best now and always. Here’s wishing the world’s best husband a very happy birthday.

106. Sometimes the most beautiful gifts come in unattractive packages. My husband is a beautiful gift I unwrap every passing day and like old wine, he keeps getting better. I couldn’t ask for more in a husband. He’s the best thing to have happened to me. Happy birthday.

107. When your man is everything you ever wished for and more, then you’d live the happiest life ever. That has been my experience with my husband. He surpasses all expectations and I’m always so proud to stand beside him. Happy birthday my hero.

108. I’m ever so proud of this man’s grit and determination. I’ve watched in admiration, how he built a successful business out of nothing. When it comes to providing for his family, no one surpasses him. His love and care is an umbrella of protection for us. You’re the best darling, simply the best and I appreciate everything you do to make our marriage a success. Please celebrate this man with me. Happy birthday.

109. Here comes another opportunity to celebrate the man who makes me tick. He’s the reason I am the woman I am today. All the thoughtful little things he does are the spice of every woman’s dream. I’m the luckiest of women to have this man in my life. For all the joy you bring to me, I wish you a truly beautiful birthday.

110. God had me in mind when He made my husband for He placed in him everything I desire in a man. In all our imperfections, we fit so beautifully. We’ve been through the ups and downs of life with our love the better for it. I’d choose my husband over and over again. Here’s wishing my favourite human being a very happy birthday.

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