Best Personal Finance Blogs In 2022 – Top 30

Saving for the future, payment of debts, saving for retirement are some major reasons why improving personal finance is essential.

Today, there are thousands of finance blogs on the internet, with each of them providing varieties of insightful top-notch personal finance improvement tips and ideas for free.

Plenty of personal finance blogs with tons of free information that can take you to the next stage, entirely when it is improving your financial wellbeing and also strengthening your financial knowledge.

The Topics you’ll find include saving for retirements (retirement planning), saving money, budgeting, debt settlement and others.

The number of finance blogs and contents (anything you could ever think of) available online at your disposal is a superb development, but how do you get started when you get stuck in one of those sites? I’m sure you’ll be confused about out where to Strom. The sheer amount of content being published can make it challenging to know where to start.

Even with a large number of these blogs, a few of them were still able to stand out from the crowd. Based on the quality of content, we were able to come up with a list of the best personal finance blogs, suitable for both those with little or no Personal finance knowledge and the big boys in the game.

list of personal finance blogs

  1. Get Rich Slowly!

Founded by J. D Roth, a promoter of financial independence and early retirements. Get Rich Slowly has been existing since the number of finance blogs on the internet is very few. The blog was launched in 2006 and later sold out after. J. D Roth bought the site back a few years ago and continued with his content creation.

The contents you will find here are entirely different and unique. The Topics covered include planning, self-improvement, money mindset, and other financial topics.

  1. The Penny Hoarder.

When it comes to ideas on how to earn more, then The Penny Hoarder is the best place for you.

  1. Mr Money Mustache

Founded and launched in 2001, Mr Money Mustache has remained significant in the finance niche.

With the experience and knowledge gathered along the way, Mr Money can be regarded as a Pioneer Of Financial Freedom, Early Retirement, Debt Payment, etc. With his quirky points of view, he has published hundreds of articles, which still makes him unique and relevant in the sector.

  1. The Good Financial Cent.

Launched in 2008, The Good Financial Cent is owned by the renowned Certified Financial Planner Jeff Rose. Jeff is also the author of a book titled Soldier of Finance.

This is a perfect blog for many readers, as its contents are geared towards shaping everything that has to do with your finance.

  1. Afford Anything.

You can’t after everything, but you can afford anything, Is a blog owned by Paula Pant’s Mantra.

This blog focuses mainly on Real estate, income generation and other financial well-being related topics

  1. Money Under 30

Launched in 2006 David Deliver, who had paid off $80,000 of debt in three years! The site was founded by Web pals Finance, a company that also owns some other finance-related websites and blogs.

As the name implies, this blog is targeting mainly young adults below 30. But the contents are suitable for readers ages.
The kind of content you’ll find here are Budgeting Tips, Loan Advice, Improving Financial Wellbeing etc.

  1. The College Investor.

Founded by Robert Farrington in 2009. Over the past years, the blog has witnessed a tremendous increase in the number of visitors.

Going by the name, The College Investor is a blog that focuses on content that will help students get rid of students loan debt burden.

It also helps them is building a stream of passive income, improve their financial wellbeing, investing and also saving for the future.

  1. Elizabeth Willard Thames (Frugal wood)

Here on frugal wood, a book talking about young adults, documenting their path and also giving them guidelines to achieve their financial independence through simple living is the main topic of discussion here.

Elizabeth Willard Thames is also the writer of Frugal woods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living.

  1. Modest Money.

Want a reliable source for investment reports? Modest Money got you covered as they are always up-to-date with happenings in the stock market, currency trading reports, real-time investment reports and many more.

  1. Wise Bread.

Here is a very active community of bloggers dedicated to helping people with the best financial tips and helping them gain financial freedom.

  1. Mike Piper.

Mike Piper (Oblivious Investor) is another blog managed by an individual whose dream is to provide good content and help people with the best tips on investing savings…

  1. Cash And Kerry Podcast.

Cash And Kerry Podcast (squawk fox) was founded by a consumer expert, Kerry Taylor.

Kerry Taylor focuses on sharing the best money tips with her blog readers.

  1. Nerd Wallet.

When it comes to making the best money moves, then I guess you have to worry no more, as the NerdWallet is here to provide you with the best money moves you could ever dream of.

  1. Our Next Life.

This is the product of a real-life story of Tanja and Mark Bulge, How they retired in 2017 at The early ages of 38 and 41 respectively.

Based on their love for financial freedom, they started Our Next Life.
This is a blog that is centred around the goals of Early Retirement. Most contents you’ll find there are related to early retirements.

In addition to that, Tanja has also written a book titled Work Optional: Retire Early the Non-Penny-Pinching Way.

  1. Of Dollar and Data.

Founded By Nick, of dollar and Data is a blog that is determined to help its readers with their personal finance using data analysis.

Of Dollar and Data also provides you with valuable insightful analysis to enable you to make better financial decisions.

  1. Millennial Money.

Founded by Dave Ramsey, Millennial Money has wealth content that had helped millions of its readers achieve their financial freedom.

The blog discussed issues in readers to COVID-19, Millennial Spending, investing, and debt management.

  1. Broke Millennial.

Owned by Erin Lowry, Broke Millennial is a blog that is focused on getting your financial life together.

Erin Lowry is very passionate about helping millennials achieve their financial goals.

  1. Thrifty Car Rental.

Founded by Three Thrifty Guy, Aaron, Mark, and Charlie. They aim to use the blog to help its readers with their finance and enable them to save more money.

Saving, investing, budgeting and planning for your retirement.

  1. Frugal Rules.

Founded by John Schmoll in 2012. The blog has been up and running for close to 10 years now, and it has grown from being just a blog to an online community with quite a several experts covering core

The topics you’ll find here include Frugality, Debt Servicing, Financial Wellbeing, Retirement Planning, Investing and many more.

  1. Daily Worth.

One of the best personal finance blogs dedicated to helping women, and it’s currently doing its part to make a significant impact.

Daily Worth is an excellent place where you’ll get information related to financial planning, investment, management, and others.

  1. The Clever Girl, Finance.

A personal finance blog that is concerned and determined about helping women grow their confidence and financial literacy.

Clever Girl Finance was founded to provide women with top-notch financial education and equip them with the power and confidence to make informed financial decisions.

  1. The Balance.

Another yet rich finance blog you won’t afford to miss. Their wealth of content covers so many areas related to our financial wellbeing and early retirement.

  1. Think Save Retire.

If you’ve got unproductive thinking about money, and you want to change that, then Think, Save, Retire is the best place for you.

If you want to understand what real financial success looks like then you should stick to TSR as they are the Goal centred blog that will help you define that.

  1. Wallet Hacks.

Started by Jim Wang in 2015, Wallet Hack was established after Wang sold his previous site for seven figures.

Despite having a lot of finance-related topics, Wallet Hacks has super insightful content when it comes to investments related content.

  1. Personal Finance Club.

Founded by Jeremy Schneider. The founder retired at The early age of 36. He is now teaching and educating others on how to build a sustainable stream/source of wealth by investing in index funds.

The PFC now offers a personal finance masterclass for individuals who are ready to take control and improve their financial wellbeing.

The class is an online-based class with an 8 hours long self-explanatory video that will walk you through the process of building wealth with a step-by-step guide on how to invest.

Whether you are entirely new when it comes to investing, or an expert, PFC’s data-backed research provides the blueprint for becoming a millionaire in no time.

  1. Steve Adcock

Steve established Think Save Retire, and although he left the blog in another new capable hand, he continues to share his knowledge on the internet through his highly revered Twitter account.

Steve tweets daily about millionaire habits, and the strategies he used that helped him to retire at the early age of 35.

  1. The Budget Mom!

The original vision for TBM was not to create a business, but rather as a way for site founder Kumiko Love to connect with other single moms that were financially struggling.

As a single mom struggling with over $70,000 in debt while making just $24,000 a year, Kumiko was forced to get creative with her finance strategy. Not only did she pay off that debt, but she grabbed a hold of her finances and has built a small empire by helping others do the same.

  1. Money Crashers

Andrew Schrage and Gyutae Park In 2009 co-founded Money Crashers. On the site, you’ll find reviews of credit cards, details on banking accounts and bank promotions, mortgages, investing, and small business articles.

  1. Money Saving Mom.

In 2007, Crystal Paine founded the Money Saving Mom and at that time, She was focused mainly on sharing content on couponing and minimizing family living expenses.

Presently, The site has tons of information related to frugal living and making the most of your money, as well as some content related to business and blogging.

  1. Wallet Hacks.

One of the sites on the list, Wallet Hacks, was started by Jim Wang in 2015 after Jim sold a previous website for seven figures.

The site covers a lot of finance-related topics, but its investment contents are super insightful and very informative.

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