Best Poems for Nephew’s Birthday

Birthday is one of the special events in a man’s life. It reminds you how far you have come. It comes with joy, smiles, happiness and even expectations. Whether sad or happy, you can’t help but love your birthday.

When you celebrate your nephew’s birthday, it makes him see the extent of his aunt’s/ uncle’s love for him. This strengthens the bond even if you don’t get to see each other often.

You can celebrate him using heartfelt birthday poems. Birthday poems are also a gift that comes from within. It reflects on how far your love for him has come and still going.

Check out these beautiful poems for nephew’s birthday.

1. And then I move closely
So I can see clearly
The love which shines so bright
For the world to hold tight
It is my nephew’s day
So let’s all stand and pray
For long life and for joy
My wish for you my boy.

2. I remembered the day you were born
You made the world standstill
and behold the precious one
Whom is loved by one and all
Another year has come
To fest and check the menu
For you can’t be a crumb
Happy birthday, sweet nephew.

3. Let the world hear
Let the planets bear
Let people smear
I really do not care
All for you, my love
Common, let us groove
Let’s merry and shout yay
Cause it’s your day.

4. To my nephew of honour
Just like a rainbow colour
Nice, kind and ever bright
Shinning like the morning light
Happiness you have carved
A man with a pure heart
Never give up but still work hard
Enjoy the day my white Knight.

5. Hey, stop and see my nephew
Loved by all and liked by few
You are one in an uncountable
My strength who makes me able
So sing, dance and yes fart
I will gladly accept that part
Thank you for being you
Happy birthday, my lovely boo.

6. You are like a spark
Which I can play no prank
A sweetheart with a lovely face
Making everyone bridge the space
May this new day open doors
From the cardinal points, that’s four
May this day brings something new
Happy celebration, dear nephew.

7. Your smile is what I see
Sweet like honey from the bee
Heart as pure as the dew
A wonderful being, my dear nephew
Happiness filled my heart cause of you
How I cherish you, I have no clue
Celebrating you with all my heart
Happy birthday to one who is smart.

8. Woke up with a smile
Raise my hands ready to fly
Just to make you happy
Since it’s your day, my baby
On this day, oh nephew
Let the world come and view
The wonder created on this day
Live long and prosper I pray

9. You taught me, real love
With your cute daily smile
You taught me fast move
With your aim to walk a mile
Sweet darling nephew
From the first day I knew
That I’ll love you like mine
Happy birthday, now let’s dine.

10. I remembered when I held you
Looked into those lovely blue
eyes that are so innocent
And body filled with a lovely scent
Years gone by, you are still a grace
To be with us is a glorious praise
Here’s to wishing you long life
To be the best that’s plus five.

11. Just so you know
That aunt loves you
And she’s ready to show
Everyone that you’re her boo
So happy birthday darling nephew
Enjoy your day with your crew

12. To my dear nephew
Whose love is always new
You are a great example
With your two cute dimples
You smile even on trial
And never get tired
On your day, let’s celebrate
And hope you accelerate
Happy birthday my darling
Longlife and more earnings.

13. I search for the perfect words
Looks for the sweetest cord
Just to make today special
Because you are essential
And you are our morning dew
Here’s to my sweet nephew

14. The day I held you in my arms
I felt this love and calm
You make loving you so easy
Just like the ABC
So I say happy birthday
May God bless your ways

15. Oh! My darling nephew
On your day I hope you view
And see how precious you are
And how much I care
Enjoy your birthday my boy
Love, light and joy

16. A gift to his parents
To me, a God sent
On your day I want you to embrace
The joy and the resounding peace
Happy birthday my darling nephew

17. The winds blow
The trees bow
For my dearest nephew
Who is also an angel
I’m so happy for you
Happy birthday, my darling.

18. Birthdays are so special
But yours comes with an extra
For you are so sweet and plain
Groomed to be a fine man
I wish you good things
For you are a unique being

19. Happiness I have
It’s my nephew’s day
Joy I have carved
Celebrating today
Enjoy your day my darling
Don’t forget to go sailing

20. The air becomes fresh
When you are with me
I can’t see any trash
That’s are how it should be
You are never tired
Even when required
Happy birthday my dear nephew
Enjoy it with a box of toffee.

21. Make a wish, my nephew today
Since it is your birthday
Have faith you will receive
So don’t be deceive
More prosperity I pray
May you not go astray

22. To a nephew like a friend
Who loves aunt till the end
My nephew who is so gentle
Kind, lovely and always subtle
Happy celebration dear son
May you shine like the morning sun

23. We bond so well
Like the big church bell
I smile when I see your call
Or when you stand so tall
Have a nice birthday, I’ll say
Eat and merry all day.
24 With you I like to share
My laugh and my cheers
Oh my darling nephew dear
Who is so kind and also care
Today is all about you
Happy birthday dear nephew

25. To support you
To teach you
To defend you
To rescue you
These are my plans for you
Happy birthday sweet nephew.

26. I plan to make you smile
And look up the sky
To see how sweet you are
And the love-filled the heart
You are one cool boy
Happy birthday to you

27. Make a joyful sleigh
Keep your head up high
Make a joyful noise
And also toss a coins
For it is your day
Happy happy birthday

28. I’m proud of the man you’ve become
You’re a good result and better outcome
A wonderful nephew
Who makes the day new
On your birthday I’ll shout
It’s a good day no doubt

29. Birthdays are reminders
How we are getting older
Slowly gaining wisdom
And also kill boredom
So, nephew, I wish you a jolly day
Happy splendid birthday

30. So my darling nephew
May your days be renew
For things to celebrate
Oh yes! it’s your birthday
Cast all your fears away
Look for your dancing mate
And tango with your date

31. Fill your heart with joy
It’s your day my boy
Love and smile a lot
It takes away bad thought
Happy birthday to you, dear nephew
Enjoy the day with your lovely crew

32. I’m pleased to call you fam
So cool, nice and calm
My nephew and my son
For you shine like the sun
Here are my heartfelt words
Enjoy your day filled with love

33. To my nephew whose reserve
Whose birthday is well deserve
Who is never sluggish nor cunny
Rather hardworking and funny
On your day, which is May
Enjoy it that’s all I have to say

34. It’s happy day galore
Let celebrate and honour
My darling nephew
For he is special
I love you boy

35. I’ll bake the cake for you to take
I’ll look around and find a good cook
I’ll make today special for you are unique
You are my best nephew always
Here I wish you a Happy birthday
Feel amazing and enjoy today

36. You are my nephew and I’m your uncle
You are so real and run from fake
You love hard work and hate laziness
How can I now despise and not love you
Have a sweet birthday baby nephew

37. I see a friend in my nephew
Those that can understand are few
I see a confidant in my nephew
Because you share with me a positive view
Here I am wishing you long life
And success as you strive
Happy birthday my friend

38. I want to compliment you
For you are too unique
For you are so fresh and cool
For you are never weak
So I say happy birthday
Please accept this bouquet

39. With all of my heart
I wish to alert
With all of my soul
Also want to sow
A big fruit of joy
And a beautiful toy
To my dear nephew
Have fun with your crew

40. Today the cloud is blue
Happy day for my dear nephew
Today the sun shines
Happy birthday my fine wine
Stay woke and be jolly
And never be worry
Take this as my prayer
For you to stay higher

41. May your days be long
May you always stay strong
May you continue to feel loved
May your situation not be tough
Aunt truly, genuinely loves you
See your dreams come true

42. Everyone looks forward to this day
it’s the day my silly nephew came to this world
Block everyone’s ear with his sweet cry
Making all be eager to give him a cuddle
Now a big boy I see
Still marvel how you look like me
Have a great day I say
Live long I pray

43. All I have to say is Merry merry
For you makes me happy
Proud to be your lovely aunt
Eager to fulfil your want
Because you always obey
So nephew enjoy this day

44. Honoured to be your aunt
I accept you with your cunt
Your naughtiness I bolt
For I love you to a fault
So cheers to a new day
Happy birthday dear nephew

45. Happy birthday to you, nephew
You are always willing to rescue
Aunt’s heart from trouble
Here’s the blessing is double
So dear eat all the edibles
And drink all drinkable
Since it’s a day to prosper
Let me open the hamper
Happy birthday darling Bambi
Live long to become granny

46. Your life is an art
Create to be an impact
Your life’s like a song
So sweet and yet long
So I pray thee nephew
To be among the few
Mark for greatness
Happy birthday, nephew

47 Thou young you are
You live to inspire
I’m proud to be your aunt
For you are what people want
So here’s our own way
To celebrate today
Happy birthday sweet nephew
May the day brings something new

48. Think of calling the bands
Or we can use our hands
To dance and sing aloud
In and only one accord
Even in the curfew
We’ll celebrate my nephew

49. To my dear nephew
As you start anew
All I have to say
Is nothing but pray
To have all the best
And enjoy the feast

50. Birthdays are once a year
But yours will make the world hear
How precious you are to me
How proud I’m to be
Your aunt, sweet nephew
So let’s gather the menu
And jubilate all day.

51. Let me write this down
As I walk through the town
To wish you joy
My nephew, my boy
Long life, good health
And yes, more wealth

52. Years back, you were a boy
Now all I see is a big guy
Soonest, you will be a man
So, gather your fans
Enjoy and be happy
Eat and be merry

53. Darling nephew
Feel something new
See it beauty
And be merry
Happy birthday
Have fun today

54. I just want you to have fun
For today, it’s your own turn
You are a boy who I’m proud of
Who faces anything tough
Here is to a more peaceful life
Enjoy by taking a dive

55. It’s your birthday again
Darling nephew and son
I pray you never see pain
But light like the sun
Many more years, I say
Happy happy birthday

56. I have a wonderful nephew
He lights my day with something new
His smiles never withered
His love is unquestioned
Here are my prayers which are ten
Please wholeheartedly say Amen
Live long and have prosperity
And may you receive charity.

57. I remembered when I held you in my arms
I connected and loved you instantly
I never wanted anything called harm
I shield you wholeheartedly
Now that you are grown
Know the right and wrong
Today being your birthday
I will celebrate it in a special way
So keep calm and enjoy
My dear nephew and joy

58. I feel joy inside of me
You solve the toughest situation
How hard it can be
You have a great intension
To both old and young
So I’m singing you this song
Happy birthday my dear nephew
So relax and enjoy it with your crew

59. Even with the gap
I’ll still open the tap
Of blessings on you
For you are good
So dear nephew please see
The blessings like the sea
All these are yours forever
Happy birthday, my sugar

60. You are a rare gift from above
I have for you nothing but love
I am so proud to call you family
Even though sometimes you can be silly
Above all enjoy your day and sight
The blessings from above that’s bright.

61. You are the sun and stars
So plain with no scars
Loved by everyone
Hated by few ones
Dear nephew, happy birthday
May you have longer days

62. To hug you is what I’ve hoped for
To pray for you is number one
To dance with you is number four
The third is to check the menu
Happy birthday darling nephew

63. My nephew, my darling one
Bright my world like the sun
A very precious child
Who is so cool and mild
Happy birthday to you
My love for you is glue

64. With my happy face
Heading to your place
To give you a treat
And also a huge gift
Dear nephew, happy birthday
Do Enjoy this special day

65. To my nephew who is cute
Always smiling but keeps mute
Very energetic and kind
A man with a very strong mind
Permit me to make a wish
And pray for you to be rich
Happy birthday, sweet nephew
May all your days become new

66. My darling nephew
My greatest asset
My lucky charm
Wishing you long life
Know that aunty loves you
Enjoy and stay alive

67. Today is a happy day
Let every living soul shouts
Today we’re going to stay
Till it’s light out
All for your birthday nephew

68. Your birthdays might be yearly
My love for you is daily
For you my darling nephew
You are worth the huge menu
So I’m here to celebrate
Enjoy your day, it is worth the wait

69. Letter to my sweet nephew
Who has made my life new
Who is special to everyone
Even the moon and the sun
Hooray! It is your birthday
Smile and make a wish today

70. Happy birthday, my only dear
People like you are very rare
You are not just smart and kind
But also have a caring mind
Here is to more years on earth
Filled with love from your pure heart
Happy birthday sweet nephew
Eat freely and also chew

71. The day is perfect
To celebrate a nephew
The hour is perfect
To wish you long life
Here’s to wealth
That comes with sound health.

72. Your funny ways I like
Even when we hike
A cute nephew like you
So proud to have you
Happy birthday love
Never stop to make a move

73. Keep a smiling face
Let your day fill with grace
Order a meal and Eat
See the goodness in it
Happy birthday nephew
May your days be blissful

74. To me you are more than hold
I love how you are bold
For my nephew, I can do
Anything for you’re good
Have a joyful and nice day
That comes with your birthday

75. Yesterday I look forward
To see today and thank God
So nephew sing His praise
Loudly and see His grace
Happy birthday my dear
Enjoy and know I care

76. I know you can be silly
But you make my heart merry
I know you can be naughty
But you are so funny
So proud to be your aunty
Happy birthday, dear nephew

77. It’s a thing of joy
To see another year
But the greatest joy
Is to be celebrated by one
Who loves you so much
So darling nephew
I rejoice with you today
May you smile always
Have a great birthday

78. I might be your aunty
But I’m also your friend
The biggest blessing
That I can use to trend
Is having you as my nephew
So pure like the morning dew
Here’s to new doors
Happy birthday to you

79. My heart is filled with joy
For it’s my dearest nephew’s day
Don’t see this as being spoilt
Just accept it for it’s your birthday
For you deserve it and more
Enjoy your day as it comes

80. Thanks for making me your aunty
Can’t take it for granted
So proud to have a nephew like you
You are so generous and cool
Here’s to a life well deserved
Happy birthday most reserved

81. On this normal morning let me make it special
Because it is nephew’s birthday and not anyone’s
Be happy and take sadness away from you
Happy birthday celebration my boo

82. Let me take this one moment
To make a sweet long comment
Whether written or by mouth
I’ll make sure it gets to south
All for you my nephew sweet
So cut your cake and let’s eat
And wish you a birthday merry
My darling Choco berry

83. Dear nephew, close your cute eyes
Make a sweet wish
Open and look at the skies
See all the bliss
That falls on you this day
Grab them enjoy your birthday

84. You are my first nephew
Which makes everything new
I am your only aunty
I love you so truly
I adore you genuinely
Enjoy your birthday darling

85. Hey nephew, it’s your birthday
I know you know I love you silly
Even with your naughty attitude
To me, you are my pulchritude

86. What can I say to you
Dear nephew and dude
A huge blessing to me
Bigger than the sea
You’re not here by chance
On your birthday please dance

87. The bond we share will always stay
Even when we are far away
Being your aunt and you, my nephew
We will still chat more and stay glue
So let’s make a toast to long life
And yes a beautiful wife.

88. When you are around, you come with good sight
When you are far, you still shine so brightly
Dear nephew, thank you for the light
You have shown to me on dark nights
On your birthday, fly like the kite
Even the thunder will not strike

89. You are my wow
From day one till now
My dear nephew
Makes me delightful
Birthday gift from uncle
Enjoy, know I love you

90. A nephew so clean
Hardworking and keen
Glad to be your uncle
Even when I’m far from you.
Take this birthday gift
Pray and be uplift

91. I woke up with a smile
Juggle for a while
Prepare a beautiful cake
For my nephew’s sake
Here’s to many more years
You know that uncle cares

92. Clothes can be torn
People can betray
But we share a strong bond
Which has come to stay
Know that I’ll be your rescue
Happy birthday dear nephew

93. Today the cloud is blue
It is a beautiful view
Just like my nephew
Who is less loved by few
So raise your glasses of wine
To my nephew and let’s dine

94. Whenever you are scared
Call me, I am so near
I’ll go east, south and west
Just to make you the best
You’re precious to me yes
Happy birthday nephew dear

95. Wait and look how times fly
Like the birds in the sky
Dear nephew is a year older
And very much younger
I’m so happy in my heart
Happy birthday, sweetheart

96. No matter the hard times
I’ll still celebrate my nephew
Even if it is a curfew
I’m ready to commit the crime
You mean so much to me
Happy birthday, my mini-me

97. Oh! Oh! Happy day
Memorable day
Unforgettable day
My nephew’s birthday
Many happy returns
My prayer dear son

98. You and me
So unique
A strong bond
Like the pond
Dear nephew
Feel the view
Stay happy
It’s your day

99. Happy birthday handsome
My only cute nephew
Love Him like his mom
If it’s to be great, please continue
May your height be greater
Take these as my prayer

100. A gentleman to the core
That’s my nephew
A lovable man and more
That’s my nephew
Happy birthday dear one
Many happy returns

Awe-mazing with these poems? Send as many as you wish to your nephew on his birthday. Your comment and share are always welcome.

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