Best Retirement for Teacher Colleague

The joy of getting a job is different from retiring from a job. Getting a job comes with an exhilarating feeling and retirement sometimes comes with a nostalgic feeling. Being a teacher and retiring means you may not enter the class on a mandatory status again; though you may still volunteer but at this time. Special messages to appreciate our retired teachers become appropriate to these ones when they retire.

There are many tips to live through retirement years without getting tired and bored with life; reading magazines of the previous works and going through old pictures are a few examples but none of these is as beautiful as receiving messages of appreciation and gratitude from people and loved ones.

So, if you have a very close relative who is a teacher and the retirement is at hand, you will have to make use of these happy best retirement for teacher colleague wishes to celebrate the person. Sending them these messages gives them the best assurance that all their past labours have yielded good fruits. Let them know that you appreciate all the efforts they have put into their work and directly capable men and women. You need not wait again; get your social media status and handling filled with these wishes.

Dear colleague, I am happy to know that you have laboured in the past years as a teacher and have impacted the lives of many positively. Now that your retirement has come, I wish you all the best as you move on to other things and most especially for your deserved rest from active service.

1. Farewell to the most dedicated teacher in the college. You have been a wonderful colleague and as you hang up your pen to go for your deserved rest, I hope you enjoy all the beautiful memories this work provided you. Happy retirement to my teacher colleague.

2. No matter how much you faced while on this work, your time of retirement is a time to reflect on the beauty; they are all component of the work that makes it exciting and add to the memories we share. We will miss you. Happy retirement, my teacher colleague.

3. While on this job, there were happy moments, there were also sad moments. I hope you enjoy everything and have a fulfilled life as you go to retire from active service. My best wishes to you, my dear teacher. Farewell.

4. Dear teacher colleague, while in active service, you showcased to everyone that education is the best legacy. We hope that this legacy you are leaving behind will continue to prosper. I wish you all the best as you take on other things. Happy retirement.

5. You were employed as a Teacher, but you ended up being a mentor, Father and Counselor to many students. I hope you get the reward of all y=the years you have put into the service. Happy retirement to my colleague.

6. Formal education is one thing, but you gave more than just the formal education to all the lives that passed through you. You never left a single life pass by until it has been positively impacted by you. With inspiration, you shaped many lives and helped them rise and soar. Farewell and happy retirement to you.

7. You made the teaching profession a delight for everyone. We will definitely miss you, your sweet words and your beams of smiles. Enjoy your retirements and wishing you all the best, dear teacher colleague.

8. Without you, the walls of this school would feel cold, the classes would feel the space you will leave behind and the students will know that a rare is gone away. As you embark on this new phase of your life, we wish you every beautiful thing. Happy retirement to my teacher colleague.

9. You will forever remain our inspiration while on this job. Wishing you all the best as you begin your retirement. Cheers, dear colleague. We will feel the absence of a teacher like you.

10. Your retirement may seem like a big loss to us but it is perfect for you because you deserve to rest and take on other things. You will be forever in our hearts. Wishing you all the best.

11. It is not possible to do the things which you did effectively but we take solace in the fact that your encouragement and your words will continue to motivate us for greater things while we wish you peace, joy and much love. Best wishes on your retirement, my dear teacher colleague.

12. As you embark on this new phase of life, I just want you to know that teachers like you are the real assets who make ordinary children grow up into outstanding citizens. Happy retirement and best wishes.

13. You have played your part. You have developed the best mode of teaching for us and. Now it’s time to leave the stage. We wish you all the best and may you be favoured in your new endeavour. Happy retirement, my dear teacher colleague.

14. There can’t be another person like you in this teaching profession. You had a touch of gold to everything you do. I wish you abundant grace and love even as you retire from active service.

15. Your teachings will forever be treasured; they are nuggets. We can’t quantify your valuable contribution to our lives. Happy retirement to you, my dear teacher colleague.

16. I am very glad to have you as a colleague for these years. Your retirement is a celebration of the patience and tolerance which you have imbibed and transferred to others. I wish you all the best, my teacher colleague.

17. You were an example to many teachers in your perseverance in putting up with annoying students all your days as a teacher. We will all miss you but we wish you many beautiful things as you embark on your retirement. Congratulations.

18. As a teacher, you taught me diligence, patience and satisfaction in what we do. I wish you all the best as you end your years in active service. Congratulations to you, my teacher colleague.

19. Dear teacher colleague, as you spend your last few moments in school today, I want to thank you specially and commit you to the hands of God. Wishing you all the best in your retirement. Farewell.

20. For everything that has a beginning definitely has an end. Dear colleague, you have spent many years building many young ones up. It’s time for you to retire. We’ll miss you as our teacher. Wish you a happy retirement.

21. You are the beacon of light that we look up to. We wish we could keep you here for a little longer but it is compulsory for you to retire. I wish you all the very best, my dear teacher colleague. Farewell.

22. Dear teacher, as you retire, I want you to look back and see the impact you have made in many lives. I wish you many beautiful times ahead.

23. We will miss you definitely but above it all, we wish you peace, love and joy as you embark on your retirement. Congrats on being an example to many.

24. Your words will keep reverberating and echoing on the walls of these schools and in many schools where you have taught. I wish you a memorable life as you take on other bigger things. I wish you all the best in your retirement.

25. The words on the lips of many students will be the quotes formed out of your many words of encouragement and lifestyle for many years to come. Every single day, you worked hard to bring out the best in many people. You will be remembered, even after you retire. Goodbye.

On this glamorous day, I can celebrate you to the highest heavens but I am filled with many beautiful things to tell you on your retirement. This favourite quote of mine- there is a time for everything under heaven- is my own way of celebrating you as my teacher and wishing you a happy retirement.

26. Dear teacher, you will always see yourself as the image of a good and sound education. Your name, acts and character will remain in my life for a very long time. Happy retirement to you, my dear teacher.

27. A tree is most fragile at its highest point, dear teacher, I wish you more strength as you climb higher and retire. Congratulations on your retirement.

28. You are only retired but not tired. I hope to always get back to you when I need your words of advice. Congratulations on your retirement and wishing you the best.

29. Whatever a man sows, so he will reap. I am confident that you have sown beautiful seeds in the lives of many people, so I won’t be surprised to see you reaping joy and peace. Happy retirement to you, my dear teacher.

30. The stories of my life will never be complete until your name is mentioned. Your name will become gold in many people’s mouths. Happy retirement to you, my dear teacher and best wishes to you.

31. Dear teacher, you planted a seed in my life, I am very sure that that seed has germinated and is becoming a tree soonest. Thanks for your impact on my life. Happy retirement to you.

32. Wish you the best in your retirement, dear teacher. Many thanks for being the light to my life and thanks for showing me all without leaving out any. I wish you the best as you retire.

33. Dear teacher, were everything to be able to speak, even the walls of the schools will ooze out in emotion telling you that ‘we will miss you. Happy retirement to you, our dear teacher and best wishes to you.

34. There are many things better than gold; one is a good name… you had this and gave it as words of advice to many. Thanks to you, my dear teacher and wishing you all the best.

35. Love can leave you with space but it will never leave it empty; such is the way you are leaving this teaching profession. Farewell and happy retirement.

36. Dear teacher, we know that your retirement from active service. Yet, we will keep coming to you for advice because we can’t get enough of you. Happy retirement to you.

37. Even if you stop coming to school, I am confident that you will continue to do things that inspire kids like us every day. Happy retirement.

38. The value of a person is not rightly known until they depart. Dear teacher, you were valuable to us every day but with your retirement, your value just quadrupled. Happy retirement.

39. You made classes a delight to come to. You really had this teaching thing in you and you did it with every drop of blood in you. We will miss you as you commence your retirement today. Happy retirement to you, our dearest teacher.

40. You were the light that we all looked on to. You made stars out of every student. You made dull classes come alive. You were the best teacher we had. It’s really going to be difficult coping without you. Happy retirement to you.

41. Teachers are actually watching towers but with you, you have become a light and a star. I am happy to have been taught by you. Happy retirement to you.

42. Teachers are builders of nations because out of them come every other profession in the world. With you, that assertion is true. As you retire, I wish you more grace to do bigger and greater things. Happy retirement.

43. Teachers are the closest to the grassroots and the images depict humanity in the best way possible… they show the way forward, to the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. Farewell.

44. With every extraordinary dream of a student, a good teacher must be involved. You are the perfect example of a good teacher. Happy retirement to you, my teacher.

45. Teachers are given the biggest task in the world. They create the best students out of crude materials. Wish you a happy retirement, my dear teacher.

46. The words of a teacher are similar to the words of a deity because they are the guardian angels we see in a flash. Happy retirement to you, my dear teacher.

47. A teacher is a rare gem; you are one of a kind, my dear teacher. I wish you a happy retirement.

48. Every teacher is a potential inventor; they invent the best people in the world. Congratulations to you, my lovely teacher on spending the most part of your life creating beautiful people. Happy retirement. Congratulations.

49. You deserve all the fanfare and the love because you are a gem to the world. Happy retirement to you, my beautiful and awesome teacher. I wish you all the best. Farewell.

50. Wherever there are carcasses, there you will find vultures. Dear teacher, you were the reason why most of us came to school. Congratulations to you as you embark on your retirement.

Your retirement has come but I send to you my best wishes today knowing full well that you put in all your best in your work during your active service. Dear favourite teacher, congratulations on your retirement. Keep enjoying the best out of life.

51. You are not returning square one as it is said but you are going places into higher places. As you retire, may you continually have the best out of life? Congratulations.

52. As you are departing the school environment onto greater things, I hope that the best in life will always be yours just as you gave everything in you to the people you taught. My best wishes for your retirement, my dear teacher.

53. You may be leaving the corridors of school but you will always be in the heart of everyone you taught and mentored. Wishing you all the best as you take a bow out. Goodbye.

54. The change in a place is most times ignited by one person. Without you, this won’t remain the same place. You were the spark in our lives. Happy retirement to you, my dear teacher.

55. Congratulations to you, my dear teacher. Your absence will be felt even by the trees in the school compound because everything received your positive touch while you were here. We wish you all the best as you climb to the next phase of your life.

56. Your retirement will leave us all in a daze. As humans, we may be unwillingly, to let you go but it is mandatory for you to go because a higher call is calling. Happy retirement to you, our lovely teacher. Best wishes. Farewell.

57. Dear teacher, the teaching profession is right in you. Your peak has come in teaching in the classes but I know that you will forever impart lives. All the best wishes as you begin your retirement.

58. I am sending you peace, joy, and comfort. I wish that every time you look back at the years, you would find every reason to smile. Happy retirement to my best teacher.

59. A Teacher is one of the most prestigious people in the world. Retiring from it is not very easy because people like you have sown a lot in other people’s lives. I can only wish you the best from here as you enter a newer level of your life.

60. My wonderful teacher and mentor, you are not just retiring from teaching, you are climbing onto a higher level of imparting the lives of people positively. I hope this free space gives you the avenue to enlarge your coast. Best wishes.

61. The teaching profession is the most important job in the world because it helps develop young minds into the best they can be. You have a force in that field. We can’t have enough of you. As you embark on your retirement, I wish you all the best. Goodbye.

62. Retirement is with many privileges but none is as important as the privilege of impacting lives and changing lives. Happy retirement to my favourite teacher.

63. The payoff for your retirement is nothing compared to the benefits waiting for you in the future over these lives you have touched. The joy of seeing them successful satisfies more than even your pension. Happy retirement to you, my lovely teacher.

64. Teachers like you are very few and I am happy to know that you are retiring with the respect and love of all their students. Happy retirement, dearest teacher.

65. Dealing with hard students is a big task but you did it with ease. You were the perfect fit for the role of a Teacher. Good luck to you on your retirement.

66. I hope your grandkids do not give you the hardest job after retirement, my dear teacher. Happy retirement to you. I wish you all the best in love and rest.

67. Whatever you decide to do after retirement will become very easy for you because you just retired from the most difficult job in the world- teaching. Happy retirement to you, my teacher. Good luck.

68. You are just retiring from a job, no one can take away from you the right to teach because I know that you will continue to teach wherever, be it in a class or anywhere. It’s in you. Happy retirement and wish you satisfaction in all you do.

69. Once a Teacher, always a Teacher. Happy Retirement to you. Best wishes.

70. You can never stop imparting the lives of people and good enough, you don’t need a classroom to do it. Happy retirement to you, my lovely teacher and wishing you all the best.

71. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, my dear teacher. Good luck with your retirement.

72. I wish you all the beautiful things of life and great rewards as you start your retirement today. Greater joy awaits you, my dear teacher.

73. I would love to cancel your retirement, but you actually need to rest after putting in many of your active years in this task. Enjoy your retirement.

74. It’s time to go on that permanent vacation but never a time to leave teaching as a hobby. Happy retirement to you, my Teacher.

75. You are richer than the people that call themselves rich. Not because your pension fund is loaded but because you have many lives that passed through you to become great. Happy retirement to you, y dear teacher.

This is to wish my dear teacher all the best in her retirement. I am happy because you have lived an exemplary life while in service with all the discipline and good conduct of your life, many have been mentored into great men and women. Happy retirement.

76. You were not just a teacher, you were also a mother. Happy retirement to you. Go on and have time for your grandchildren.

77. Whatever that was good, you introduced to your students; you helped them both in class and within the class and outside. We wish you all the best as you embark on your retirement.

78. You are the teacher who endured all the idiosyncrasies of your students to make sure they got the best from you. You did everything you could to help your students shine. We will miss your motherly advice. Happy retirement.

79. It’s a beautiful thing to learn that your favourite teacher is retiring, I send my best wishes to her on her retirement. She was an example in teaching and nurturing.

80. Thanks for being a teacher so passionate and caring. The teaching profession takes a lot of sacrifices to do effectively; that you gave to the job. Farewell and best wishes.

81. You may be retiring but the values and knowledge you gave out remain there forever. Congratulation on your retirement, dear teacher.

82. Your words, your styles and your words of advice will never retire even though you are retiring. You will forever be in the heart of your students. Congrats to her on her retirement

83. Congratulation on crossing the bridge; you have laboured and now is the time for your reward. Happy retirement to you, dear teacher.

84. You now belong to the class of the elites in the city and in the nation. Welcome to a new phase of your life. Happy retirement to a senior citizen and my teacher.

85. You will o longer have to mark the booklets of your students or have to be monitored with the school bell but you will continue to be referenced as teacher who gave all to her students. Congratulations on your retirement.

86. You will definitely miss the nasty behaviours of your students after a while but I hope that you will look back and smile with joy that you accomplished the task of teaching effectively. Congratulations on your retirement.

87. Your heart is the purest and the warmest. You were an example to another teacher. Congratulations on your retirement.

88. You have increased in your age, so you have to be given the desired rest, lest, you can go on and on teaching. Happy retirement to you, my dear teacher.

89. Goodbye to the best teacher in the whole wide world. Your name will forever be imprinted on our hearts. We wish you the best in your retirement.

90. Today is your Retirement Day. May you look back with joy at the labours of the past. Happy retirement to you.

91. It’s another Independence Day for you because you will finally get freedom from the school bells. It’s been fun having you in our lives. Happy retirements to my teacher.

92. Dearest teacher, no matter how quarrelsome your students were, now is the time to miss them all. We will miss you more. Happy retirement.

93. Happy retirement to you, my dear teacher. Your soft word as a mother will forever ring in our memory. We love you and we will miss you.

94. We are happy for you on your retirement. Now, it’s time to shift attention to your grandkids. Enjoy every bit of it. Congratulations.

95. Dear teacher, now is the time to write a book on your teaching experience. Happy retirement to you, our mummy and mentor.

96. I envy your grandkids because it is their turn to get those great words you have in you. I wish I could be admitted to be one of them. I don’t ever want to miss your gentle words of encouragement. Happy retirement to you. Goodbye.

97. I wish I could have been your student earlier, yet, I am happy that I came across your teaching. Congrats on your retirement. Best of wishes.

98. There are many teachers out there but you stand out among the crowd. It’s painful to see you go but I am happy that you have paid your dues and you deserve this retirement. Enjoy yourself in your chapter of life.

99. We had fun while with you; though you were disciplined and never stopped giving us home works and assignments. We will miss everything. Happy retirement to you. We are blessed, to have you polish our abilities. Happy retirement.

100. Dear teacher, whatever party we throw today for you worths it and you even deserve more, though we know we will definitely miss you we are happy that it is for you deserved rest. Happy retirement and best of luck out there.

Happy retirement wishes and quotes for teachers will give your teachers a sense of belonging and make them know that all the years of their labour isn’t in vain when they get a message from you. It is a beautiful thing to make them feel appreciated and especially as they step down from active service, they can look back at the past years and smile. Be the reason for that smile. Please share with your friends.

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