Best Study Abroad Programs In Vietnam for Global Student 2022 Updates

– Study Abroad Programs In Vietnam –

Study Abroad Programs in Vietnam provides an individual with a rare opportunity to explore a unique, historic, exciting, and rapidly developing country. With a deep history and a rich culture, Vietnam is full of intriguing stories.

Best Study Abroad Programs In Vietnam for Global Student

Your study abroad Vietnam program will provide a global experience in a beautiful country that has one of Asia’s strongest and fastest-growing economies.

It is best you set for a study abroad experience that will enrich your life both academically and personally.

Read on to see the study abroad programs in Vietnam for global students below.

1. ISA Study Abroad in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

The ISA Ho Chi Minh City semester and summer programs allow students to select courses from a wide variety of fields of study, allowing their study abroad experience to fit their individual academic needs.

They conducted the Ho Chi Minh City study abroad program through RMIT University Vietnam, with options to choose from over a hundred courses taught in English by host university professors.

Students in the semester and long-term summer programs will enroll in courses alongside Vietnamese and international students.

The short-term summer program allows students to focus on fashion, art, photography, or business while taking a class with international students.

2. Loyola University of Chicago

Loyola University Chicago’s semester program in Vietnam provides students with the unique opportunity to experience and learn about the social, cultural, political, and economic dynamics currently shaping contemporary Vietnam.

The Vietnam Center offers a range of courses taught in English by experts in their respective fields and designed to help you make the most out of your stay in Vietnam.

With offerings in business, history, political science, sociology, literature, environmental science, and theology, there’s something for everyone.

Students taking part in this program will immerse themselves in Ho Chi Minh City through a service-learning or internship placement, while also exploring many other cities and landscapes in Vietnam.


3. The Brockport Vietnam Program

The Brockport Vietnam Program in Danang provides participants an international adventure in an exciting, safe, friendly, and historically rich community with fascinating political and social traditions.

Students learn about a unique and rich 4,000-year-old culture while providing service-learning for the poor, disabled, children, and elderly in the exotic city of Danang.

Students take classes in language, culture, politics, and history from professors that also teach at Danang University (the state university), Duy Tan University (a private university), and The School of Politics (a state political education institute).

Each institution will expose students to different philosophies and teaching approaches in Vietnam.

Students also perform community service at a variety of locations, including working at a group home for disabled children and at a nursing home, teaching English to local students, etc.

4. Design for Change

The program begins with a TESOL course through TEFL International, the world’s largest TESOL course provider with over 30 worldwide locations.

The next step is learning about Design for Change and how to run the contest at the school. They spent the remainder of the time volunteering at a local government school where you will organize Design for Change and teach English 20 hours per week.

5. Let’s Vietnam – 3 Weeks Study Tour

Let’s Vietnam is designed for international students and Vietnamese ones to understand more about Vietnam’s culture, economy and nature.

How its culture affects people on the way of doing business, How culture is reflected in the local people’s life and behavior?

What is the economic trend in Vietnam, and how it is important to the world, what nature has been changed, what we have gained from nature but how it affects our life?

All those questions will be answered based on your points of views, via lectures, site visits and be immersed in the local life through all the program activities.

6. Vietnam Community Service Project

The project aims to provide international student volunteers an opportunity to do community service in a property-stricken community of Ben Tre.

This is where they will learn the value of hard work, experience living in a third-world country, and challenge themselves to make a difference that will have a lasting impact.

The duration of the program requires 12 days, in which the first five days, the student volunteers will work on the community project and during the last seven days of the program. They will travel to sightsee some of the beautiful places in the south region of Vietnam.


7. Asian Cultural History Program – Eastern Michigan University

The Asian Cultural History Program offers an interdisciplinary approach to a university study abroad, with experiential learning in major cultural and historical sites in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and China.

Instructional delivery is designed to integrate teaching with site visits. Class sessions are usually scheduled around or during the program activities.

8.  GEI Vietnam: Global Health

The 3-week Global Health field course in Vietnam introduces concepts of global health from a unique Asian perspective.

You will learn about thehealthcare system in Vietnam and study a major public health concern – infection prevention and control (IPC) in healthcare settings.

This topic also allows you to explore various important community healthcare services, such as nutrition programs for mothers and children, health education and promotion, and community health workers and their role.

Here, you will work hand in hand with service providers to help assess and discuss different ways to minimize public health risks.

9. Winter Southeast Asia

Winter Southeast Asia provides unique opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students looking to expand their international business education outside of the traditional classroom.

While traveling abroad, students will learn about Thai and Vietnamese culture, history, customs, politics, and international business practices.

Students will observe how these business practices differentiate from the United States.

10. Volunteer Opportunities in Vietnam

Volunteering Solutions offers safe and affordable Volunteering Opportunities in Vietnam in different volunteering projects, such as Orphanage Childcare Volunteer Programs.

Also, NGO Support Volunteering, and Teaching Volunteer Programs in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

11. Vietnam: Brockport in Vietnam (13-week session for semester or summer)

This program provides participants an international adventure in an exciting, safe, friendly, and historically rich community with a political system and social traditions that are fascinating.

Participants will take classes in language, culture, politics, and history from professors that also teach at Danang University (the state university). Duy Tan University (a private university), and The School of Politics (a state political education institute).

Each institution will expose students to different philosophies and teaching approaches in Vietnam.

Students also perform community service at a variety of locations, including a group home for disabled children, a nursing home, teaching English to local students, etc.

12. Microfinance and Community Development Institute Study Tours

The Microfinance and Community Development Study Tours offers students interested in learning about economic development.

This is a unique perspective on the development of Vietnam, and the social work being done to support the rural communities of Vietnam, helping establish small businesses through micro-finance loans.

Students will get to integrate with communities, attend workshops on economic development, and get a first-hand look at how micro-finance loans are impacting the rural communities of Vietnam.

Throughout this adventure, students will get to see the different lifestyles encompassing Vietnam and experience the different cultures that come along with it.

13. IHP Climate Change: The Politics of Food, Water, and Energy

This newly launched study abroad program examines the interconnections between the economics, politics, geography, and science of climate change and its effects on human society.

The program takes place in the US, Vietnam, Morocco, and Bolivia.

Students will learn about the varied impacts of climate change: extreme weather, desertification, ocean acidification, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, loss of biodiversity, and dangerous social upheavals.

They will also encourage students to think seriously about realistic solutions. Examine the concepts of adaptation and mitigation.

The program focuses on two key concepts that involve physical and technological changes and social and political transformations.


14. Global Politics: Through the Lens of Vietnam

This course provides an opportunity for students to get practical hands-on experience with post-conflict recovery programs in the field, specifically Vietnam, where most of the war’s fighting occurred.

15. VIETNAM SUMMER – Critical Studies on Food Systems and Sustainability Program

This program extensively uses the whole country as a site. Students will encounter and visit more of the country and its features than most travelers, and certainly more than most Vietnamese.

Students study at museums, historic and religious sites, markets, restaurants, and farms as part of regular site visits.

Students will learn sufficient Vietnamese to travel independently and to converse on food-related topics.

These are the best-researched Study Abroad Programs in Vietnam for Global Student.

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