Best Wishes for Congratulations to My Daughter on Her Graduation

Graduation is the most anticipated and important part of education. On this day, there will be so many emotions running through the graduand’s head. From thinking about how it all started to think about the stress and all she/he had to go through, to thinking about everything generally.

Truth is, it’s not easy. So, a graduate needs all the accolades she/he can get, whether from mom, dad, sister, brother, cousin, or anyone at all. And most importantly, he/she needs all the encouragement to forge ahead, no matter how uneasy the previous achievement was.

As a parent, this is where you come in. Your daughter needs you like never before, on her graduation day. She needs you to be around her and to shower her with some love and accolades. And this is where I come in.

In case you want the best wishes to express how you feel on her big day, the best wishes for congratulations to my daughter on her graduation below are what to use. It isn’t compulsory that you do something very big. Something as simple as this could go a very long way. So please, go ahead and send the best to your lovely daughter.

I can’t believe it’s your graduation already. You were a very serious person, throughout your in school, and that makes me so proud. I’m so sad that I couldn’t make it there, and that’s why I am sending this message. I promise to make it up to you. Happy graduation!

1. Dear daughter, you have made us proud yet again. I’m thankful for how dedicated you were to your studies. I am sure you will do, even more, moving on. I hope it’s the beginning of greater things to happen to you. Congratulations on your graduation. May God keep blessing you forever and always.

2. You were focused all through. I never knew you could pull off such grades. Now, I’m super proud of you. I honestly hope you never get tired of making me proud. I promise to always make things easy for you, as well. Now, let’s go for MBA. Happy graduation to you. I love you, dear daughter.

3. It has always been like this. You have always been so focused and determined on the things that matter. I’m grateful that you know exactly what you want and how to go about getting them. Whatever support you may need from now on, I will always give. Congratulations, once again.

4. Someone should pinch me because I still can’t believe I now have a graduate for a daughter. You have never stopped doing the things that put the family’s name in good books. Today, I’m appreciative of how far you went in getting here. And I hope that you have more strength to pull through what’s to come. Happy graduation, my love.

5. You have always been a very hardworking girl, and it’s so good to see that your hard work finally paid off. I (we) feel so proud of everything you’ve managed to achieve, dear daughter, and we all hope that it’s just the beginning of greater heights for you. Congratulations, sweetheart.

6. You have no idea how much you make me proud. I feel proud to the extent of always talking about you, wherever I go. Today, another feather has been added to your badge. I can’t thank you enough. God bless you for always putting in the works. Congratulations to you.

7. I have never seen anyone who loves to always be around their books as you. I mean, I have seen other children, but none of them is like you. You’re so comfortable with reading, that you can be with your books for 24hrs straight. I’m super proud of you. Thank you for making me a great mom. Congratulations to you, again.

8. For a very long time, I have known that you will be the one to make me proud. It takes nothing away from you when you do good things. I’m glad that all my guidance to you, didn’t go to waste. Today, it’s your graduation, and we celebrate your awesomeness. Cheers to the good life, daughter.

9. Indeed, it’s brand new dawn. I’m grateful for how far you’ve come, my daughter. You have done very well. Things weren’t easy along the line, but you pulled through, eventually. Look how full the place is, just to celebrate you. Happy graduation, my darling daughter.

10. You always put in the works, when it comes to making your parents proud. Everything always feels effortless to you, even when it requires too much effort. I still don’t know how you do these things. I’m glad that you made it through, despite all that happened along the lines. Congratulations, baby.

You’re better than the best daughter, my love. You have made your way to the top, and you deserve so many beautiful wishes for that. Happy graduation to you. This is just the beginning of greater things to come.

11. You’ve given us yet another reason to be happy. It’s your graduation day, and we’re all happy to be around you, today. You’ve made it this far, because of your dedication and hard work. It’s so good to see that it eventually paid off. Congratulations, my dear.

12. What more can I say? You’ve always proven to be the best daughter. You do things that make us happy with you, and that eventually make us pray for you. It’s good to see that our prayers are working. I hope for more great moments like this. Happy graduation, sweetie.

13. I’m so happy to have a daughter who is brilliant and versatile like you. I never knew God had great plans for me. I’m glad to see how they are all manifesting. Before anything, I want to celebrate you on your latest achievement of being a graduate. Happy graduation to the sweetest daughter ever.

14. It’s a wonderful thing to see that we have a sexy and beautiful graduate in this family. There are so many graduates already, but you’re the most beautiful. Truth be told, I’m super proud of you, and so is everyone. I can’t wait till you eventually bring your man home. Congratulations, my baby.

15. I have never had any reason to be sad, ever since you gained admission. I know how my friends’ children always pestered them for things, but you had to work, just so I can have something to myself. You’re a wonderful daughter, and I feel very proud. Congratulations.

16. I can’t believe that you’re a graduate already. It feels like yesterday when you gained admission into College. You’ve never stopped doing well, ever since. It’s so good to know that it all ends, today; and it ends well. It’s all a big congratulations to every one of us. Happy graduation, daughter.

17. You’re my best friend, and I’m glad to have been there, all through. I almost told you to quit, when it became unbearable, but you had to push forward because you’re a strong lady. Glad to know that it all paid off. I wish you many more of this moment. Congratulations, my dear daughter.

18. Dear daughter, I have never seen anyone as brilliant as you are. You’ve got beauty and brains. I’m happy to see that you’re getting the acknowledgement you deserve. Cheers to a new chapter and the chance for you to get it right. Congratulations again, on your graduation.

19. It’s been such a long journey, but I’m glad that it’s worth it, at the end of the day. I must commend you for being so strong and determined, through it all. I almost told you to quit, but your optimism made a way for you. I wish you very happy graduation, my love.

You believe so much in yourself, and this is why you always go for the things you want. My daughter, even though I am going to be with you throughout today, I just needed to send this message. Happy graduation, my love. Enjoy.

20. I have never been so interested in anyone’s progress, like yours. You made me stay glued to everything until you eventually graduated. I’m glad to have been there, like the great mom I am. Thank you for making me laugh at last. Congratulations, my baby.

21. It’s a win for everyone in this family. I’m glad that you made it, my daughter. You did all that, all by yourself. You made sure that you put the devil to shame, by graduating with such beautiful grades. Cheers to many more wins. Congratulations, sweetheart.

22. You’ve always made me proud, but this time, you made me way too proud. I wasn’t even present like I should, but you saw beyond that and focused on what took you to school. You did it all by yourself. Thank you for not putting me to shame. Congratulations, my baby.

23. I’m the happiest and proudest mom alive, trust me. I’m very happy that all my years of labouring over you, didn’t go in vain. You made me proud, at the end of the day. What more can I ask for? You have your dream job already; it’s a done deal. Trust me on that. Congratulations, my dear.

24. I have always known you to be a very focused person. When your mates are busy with frivolities, you’re always in the library, reading your books. I’m glad to see that all the years of hard work finally paid off. I can’t wait for more testimonies that are coming your way. Happy graduation, my girl.

25. It officially comes to an end, today! I’m super happy and grateful to God for how far He’s helped you. I can’t believe I am now a mom to a graduate. I have another bragging right, and I’m not going to keep calm. Today, the world celebrates you. Happy graduation, my baby.

26. No, it doesn’t end here. In fact, you’re just getting started. You’ve done very well, don’t get me wrong. But, now is the time to do even more. I will make sure you get all the love and support you need, so you have nothing to fear. Congratulations, my daughter. Are you ready?

27. Your brilliance is just one of the numerous reasons I love you. You always have a solution to every problem. I wonder how you managed to do all those, even with the fact that you were working while at it. I’m so happy to congratulate you, my baby. I love you.

28. There were times I didn’t sleep because I wasn’t sure how you were faring in school. There were times I showed up unannounced, just to make sure you haven’t joined the bandwagon. I’m very happy with everything I saw, all those times. It all ends today, and I’m happy. Congratulations on your graduation.

This is the day we’ve all been waiting for. Now that it’s here, we can celebrate and rejoice with you like we’ve been planning. Here’s sending you special greetings on this special day. Happy graduation to the best daughter. I love you!

29. You have never stopped being intentional about things that are worth your time and energy. You gained admission and made sure you did very well until you graduated. What more can I ask for? Right now, you’re all that matters, and I just want to make you happy. Happy graduation, sweetheart.

30. I know I wasn’t really present through the whole process, but it was all for the best. This is the greatest news I have heard in a long while. I’m very happy that good things keep happening to you. Congratulations on your graduation, dear daughter. Now, go and take over.

31. Tears of joy won’t stop rolling down my face. I can’t possibly forget how hard it was, to get you to this level. I’m thankful to you, for never deeming it fit to disappoint or disgrace me, by joining the bandwagon. This is the least you’d ever be. Congratulations, my baby.

32. This is yet another beautiful reason to thank God. God has really been faithful and good to us. I never knew good things like this will ever come near my family, but God kept proving Himself. Congratulations on your graduation, my darling daughter. All the best.

33. You have always aimed higher, so I am not surprised that the best of everything keeps happening to you. You paid your dues in full, so you deserve every single thing that follows. I’m so happy for you, my baby. Now, let’s go get that Master’s degree. Happy graduation, my baby.

34. You did that, my love. You did everything all by yourself. I still don’t understand how you managed to pull it off, but I’m glad you did. Thank you for not coming home with the news of a spillover. I can’t wait to celebrate you even more. Congratulations, once again.

35. This is yet another win for everyone in this family. We now have a great addition of a graduate. I’m very happy to see you do well. I’m grateful for all the works you put in, just to make us all proud. I hope you’re just getting started. Keep being better. Happy graduation, my baby.

36. My daughter, you’re now a big girl. I can’t believe you’re a graduate already. Why does it feel like you gained admission just yesterday? You have done very well, and even if you weren’t the best of your mates, I’m still very proud of you. Congratulations, my baby.

37. I will never let this day pass by without sending you a congratulatory message. You have done very well for yourself, with just a little help from me. I’m glad that you were able to manage the little stuff made available to you, in the course of your study. Congratulations, my love. Cheers to many more achievements.

God had the intention to make us happy forever, and that’s why He gave us the best daughter. It feels so great and lovely to welcome you into the league of successful graduates. You have done very well, by making us, proud parents. Happy graduation, daughter.

38. We can’t even begin to mention how amazing you’ve been, since inception. You’ve always been a delight to our souls. You always have us in mind, no matter what you’re going through. You’ve succeeded in making us proud, yet again. We’re so happy for you, daughter. Congratulations, love.

39. You have always been serious with your studies, even when you were little. And also, we always knew you would make us proud because you always feel passionate about your studies and all that makes you happy. It’s a new dawn for you. Go and take over. Congratulations.

40. You’re such a wonderful child. We can’t even overemphasize how wonderful you’ve been. We have always known that you would make us proud. Even though we weren’t fully present all through, you still made it to the top. We love you, daughter. Happy graduation.

41. The whole family is celebrating you today because you just officially became a graduate. Despite all you complained about when you are in school, you never allowed any of them to stop you from achieving success. Happy graduation, dear daughter.

42. It’s always been a pleasure having you as our daughter. None of your siblings makes us proud as you do. You go out of your way, just to make sure that we are not disappointed. This is one of those priceless moments, and we’re grateful. Congratulations, baby.

43. You have always loved school. Despite being so afraid when you started school, you made sure that you never stopped doing what’s expected of you. You kept putting in the works. You finally made it, and we are all happy and very proud. Congratulations, dear daughter.

44. You did all you had to do, just to get yourself here. It wasn’t easy, but you had a dream, and God saw you through, by making it come true. We are so glad to see those dreams coming to pass. You graduating is just one of them; we can’t wait for the many more to come. Happy graduation, dear daughter.

45. You have never blamed us for anything, even when it was all our fault. You have a way of taking responsibility for whatever happens, even if you’re not to be blamed. We are so glad that you were able to handle everything that happened, maturely. Cheers to a bright future. We love you.

46. We love how you eventually made it, despite all odds. You went through so much in the hands of your lecturers, but you knew what you wanted and you decided to be a fool for success. This is just one of the many days we are going to celebrate you. Congratulations.

Here’s congratulating you on your latest achievement. Even though it wasn’t easy for you to have come this far, I have to salute you for your resilience and hard work. Thank you for making me so proud of you. Congratulations on your graduation, my daughter.

47. Ever since the day started, I haven’t stopped smiling. It’s a big day for me, and my heart can’t contain the joy I feel. You’re officially a graduate, and I love to see it. I’m so happy that you made it this far. Happy graduation to you, my love. I wish you many more to come.

48. You have done what I never thought you could. You have made me so proud beyond my expectations. Even though the road wasn’t smooth, you had your mind on success. Now, you’re a graduate, and I can’t wait for many more to follow. Congratulations, my baby.

49. My darling, you did that, all by yourself. I’m still very confused as to how you were able to do all that, without disturbing us at home. You must be a very strong-willed and determined person. It feels so good to see that it all ended in praises. Happy graduation, my dear.

50. I never knew you would make it this far, trust me. You always seemed like an unserious person. I never knew you were a different person when it comes to your education. I’m so proud of you, and I can’t wait to get you all you’ve always wanted. Happy graduation.

51. This is such a beautiful and great time to be alive. I feel so fulfilled and blessed. I’m very happy because the journey of a thousand miles ends today! It began with a step, but here you are. Super proud of everything you were able to achieve. Congratulations.

52. My heart is finding it difficult to contain this joy I am feeling. I wasn’t opportune to be educated, but I made sure you got an education at all costs. I thank God for making the needed resources available. You have made me proud, again! How do we celebrate now? Congratulations, sweetheart.

53. The fact that you always consider me in everything you do, makes me feel like a proud and fulfilled mom. Things were extremely hard when you were in school, but you always found your way around things. To crown it all, you made it as the first in your class. That’s some big girl shit. Congratulations.

54. You already know how happy I always feel, whenever you win. Today, I feel like the happiest mother. You have always proven to be the best, but today, I totally believe you’re better than the best. I want to live in this moment forever. Happy graduation to you.

55. I have yet another reason to be happy with life. Dear daughter, you have done it again. You’ve never gotten tired of making me proud. Today, you’re a graduate, and this gives me great joy. Like I already promised, I will never stop supporting your dreams. Congratulations.

56. I feel very relaxed, now. The years of calling to ask for every single thing, have finally come to an end. Now, you can go out there and work to get things for yourself. But honestly, I am very happy for you. In fact, I am so happy for myself, because I tried too. Congratulations, my baby.

57. I just hope you’re already thinking about going out there to bring me a husband. At least, you’re done with school now. I can’t wait for you to get married, so I can have lovely grandchildren. But seriously, you’ve done very well, and I love you for that. Congratulations on this great achievement.

58. Today, I am grateful to you for not thinking of giving up. It was tough, I knew everything, but you didn’t quit. Instead, you kept going like someone who has something ahead of her. And yes, this was what you had. I can’t wait for even more. Congratulations, my darling.

59. Today, I celebrate you for keeping it 100% through all the struggles you had to deal with. You were real with everything, and that’s why we are all celebrating you, today. Thank you for making me proud, yet again. Happy graduation to you, my sweet daughter.

60. I can’t begin to tell how restless I always felt, whenever I thought about you. The fact that I wasn’t always around you, got me so scared. Thank you for taking good care of yourself, even while you had to be very serious with your studies. Today, we are all happy. Congratulations, once again.

61. I am very grateful that I have a daughter who’s officially a graduate, today. You have always come off as a very serious and determined person, even when people felt you were doing too much. I’m glad to see that your seriousness and determination eventually paid off. Happy graduation, my daughter.

62. You have always been a brilliant person, just like me. It doesn’t surprise me that you ended up being the best amongst your mates; it’s something that I have always expected. Thank you for making education seem like a child’s play. I’m so happy for you, daughter. Congratulations, once more.

63. It’s your graduation day, and it makes that you officially leave school, today. I want to thank you for taking it easy on me, all through this journey. Even though you had the right to disturb me, you chose to understand things. Congratulations on your graduation, my baby.

64. I can’t thank you enough for giving me peace, all through your stay in school. I knew what my friends’ children made them go through. I’m so happy to have a child who is thoughtful and wise. You’re finally off the undergraduate league. Congratulations, my baby.

I can’t believe you’re done with your elementary school and are planning to enter into college. You’ve always been a brilliant and talented young girl. I hope you make us proud, as much as you just did. Happy graduation, my darling daughter.

65. You have done it yet again, and this time, we are very happy about it. You’ve always been a wonderful girl with a bright future. I’m glad to let you know that, you will always have our support, no matter what. You have to get ready for college. Happy graduation to you, daughter.

66. With or without your graduation, we’ve always been very proud of you. You’re an obedient and loving child whom everyone always loves to have around. Today, we are all thanking God for seeing you through your elementary education. I’m so proud of you, dear daughter. Congratulations to you.

67. We have always been proud of you because you’ve never stopped being a good girl. I love everything about you, most especially how you make me happy. Thank you for studying very hard, even when you ought to be sleeping. Congratulations on your graduation, my sweet daughter.

68. I don’t care how long your lists are, today, I will make sure I get every single thing on the lists. You deserve to be pampered, especially because you came first out of the number of pupils in your class. I’m very happy for you, and I hope it’s the first of many to come. Congratulations, again.

69. Just like that, you’re done with your elementary education. The experience has got to be the easiest for me because you never stressed me. As little as you are, it was as if you understood every situation. God bless you for making me proud. Congratulations, my sweet baby. I love you.

70. I’m so happy to know that you did very well. Your teachers never complained of any bad thing from you, all through your stay in the elementary school. You maintained a good character, throughout. Thank you for not putting me to shame. Congratulations on your graduation, my love.

71. Today, I feel so proud over and over again. I have always known that you will always be the first, no matter what happens. Things were not going smoothly when you were in school, but you never allowed that to affect you. You braced up, and here you are. Congratulations, my darling daughter. I hope you do better, next time.

72. You’re officially done with elementary school, and I can’t wait for you to be a college student. You’ve done very well, my dear and I’m very sure you will do better in college. Now, let’s toast to meet beginnings. Congratulations, sweetness. I love you so much.

73. I can’t even remember the last time I felt unhappy, because you’ve always been a reason for me to always be happy. You have done it again, today. I’m the happiest mother on planet earth, right now. I’m so proud of you and all that you will turn out to be. Congratulations, my love. I can’t wait for many more to come.

Thank you for making me feel like the best mom in the world. Even though the journey was tough, you still made it to the top. I’m so happy for you, and I hope you keep excelling in all your endeavours. Happy graduation, my dear daughter. Best wishes to you.

74. You’re the spitting image of me in everything. I’m grateful to God for giving me the most beautiful and brilliant girl ever. I can’t get my mind past the fact that you’re officially a graduate, today. I’m super proud of you, and here’s wishing you the brightest future. Congratulations.

75. So, it’s true that you’re officially done with school. How time flies?! I’m just thankful that, you made everyone proud, at the end of the day. You didn’t allow me to be an object of ridicule. I’m extremely proud of you, dear daughter. Cheers to the next level. Wishing you the best of luck, as you unlock a new level.

76. The easiest thing for you to do is make me proud. I know how my friends feel about how their children treat them, so it’s safe to say God gave me the best. I will forever be grateful to God for this blessing. Congratulations on your graduation, my daughter. I love you.

77. It’s been such an uneasy journey, though. But I thank God; here you are. All through your stay in the college, you never disturbed me for anything. You’ve done your part, and I hope God blesses you for it. Congratulations on your graduation, once again. Unto the next level.

78. It’s been such a very long ride. Only God understands how you got here because I can’t tell exactly how it happened. The only thing I am happy about is that I now have a graduate as a daughter. God is too good, and I bless Him for this great blessing. Congratulations, my lovely daughter.

79. You have always been very serious with everything that has to do with your education. You will always be found reading your books. Sometimes, you even forget to eat. I’m so happy that all the sacrifices didn’t go to waste. I’m so proud of you, as well. Happy graduation, my love.

80. Every single person in this family is very proud of you. We’re proud of you, not only because you’re now a graduate, but because you’ve always been a good girl. You’ve always been helpful with everything. I’m so happy about this great blessing, and I hope it’s just the beginning. Congratulations, my baby.

81. You deserve a very bright and beautiful future, and I’m glad that you’ve started laying the foundation. I’m super proud of all you’ve been able to achieve at this age. I promise to always give you the needed support and encouragement. Congratulations on your graduation, my love.

82. I’m the happiest mom, right now. Trust me, you don’t want to know how happy I am. I’m glad that all the years of labouring just to see you through school, didn’t waste. I have to thank you, for doing your best and putting the devil to shame. Happy graduation, my dear.

Thank you for making me feel like the best dad in the world. Even though the journey was tough, you still made it to the top. I’m so happy for you, and I hope you keep excelling in all your endeavours. Happy graduation, my dear daughter. Best wishes to you.

83. Hey daddy’s girl. You’ve always been my favourite girl in the world. Today, you’ve made me proud as a father. I know I have been the best to your, but I promise to do more, now that I have seen how serious you are. Congratulations, my precious baby. I love you.

84. I have always known that you will never disappoint me. You’ve always been a very serious one. I’m always happy to see how happy you are when it comes to your education. I promise to get you the best education if you continue to make me proud. Happy graduation.

85. Hey baby, it’s your graduation day, and everyone is set to celebrate you. You have no idea what we’ve planned out, just to make you happy and special on this blessed day. It’s our hope that you like whatever you see and you accept it with love. Happy graduation, my baby love.

86. You’re the best baby girl ever, and it’s so good to know that you’re the closest to my heart. Honestly, I can’t trade you for anything, because you keep making me proud. I’m so glad to see this day become a reality. Cheers to many more days like this. Congratulations.

87. Your smile is the brightest and most beautiful I have seen. I love spending time with you, because you’re so wise, despite how young you are. It’s a day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Congratulations on this latest feat, my darling. Daddy loves you.

88. You have always been my favourite child. There’s something about you that I can’t place. I just know that you’re very special to me, and I don’t take your presence for granted. You’ve made everyone (including those who didn’t believe you would make it) proud, today. I say a very big congratulations to you, my daughter.

89. You know daddy will always be by your side, no matter what happens. You’re the apple of my eye and the reason I work tirelessly. Thank you for always giving me reasons to be proud of you. You outdid yourself on this one, and I will compensate you greatly for it. Congratulations, again.

90. I’m yet to discover what I have done to deserve such an amazing angel like you. Honestly, I’m not deserving of this great love. Well, I’m so glad that I keep doing all a good father would. I’m never going to get tired of performing my duties. Happy graduation, my daughter. Cheers to a better life.

91. It’s a very good day, and we’re all happy about it. We’re all out to celebrate and make you happy, because you mean so much to us. We’ve watched you grow into a good and sweet girl. We hope that all of your dreams keep coming true. Congratulations, once again.

Because I won’t be right there with you, I have decided to convey my thoughts and wishes in this card. I’m so sorry for not making it down there. You deserve more than my presence, but it is what it is. I can’t even think of what to write. Happy graduation, my daughter. All my love.

92. I have decided to write you the most beautiful message inside this card. It’s your graduation and even though I don’t have much to give you, I have abundant love and I hope it’s enough. Happy graduation, dear daughter. I love you forever.

93. I have never felt less of a proud father. You always do your thing. I’m so happy that God loves me enough to have given me the best of all children. You’re my life, and I’m going to protect you, forever. Happy graduation, my baby. Daddy loves you so much.

94. You have always been the one bringing sunshine into my life. It’s been years, but you still haven’t changed from being that lovely and sweet daughter of mine. God has really helped in seeing you through your education. Now, it’s time to think of what to do. Congratulations.

95. I have never seen a more brilliant girl in my life. You’re the most brilliant child, in fact. I’m so happy that you’re mine. This is a blessing I will live to cherish forever. We are very proud of you. We are wishing you a very bright future. Best of luck with the next step.

96. Many started with you, but couldn’t finish. You started well and ended better than you started. It’s been God on your side, and I’m so happy that you keep acknowledging that. Many congratulations on this great success. Keep this going and breakthrough all your records. I love you so much.

97. I can’t believe my little princess is a graduate, today. I still wonder where time has gone. It’s been a rollercoaster of ups and downs since you started. But I’m very happy that it all ends, today. Congratulations on your graduation, my love. There are still more to come.

98. Nothing can express exactly how I feel, today. I’m a proud mother of a graduate. That’s another title entirely. In grateful for the hard work you put into getting yourself a degree. I know it wasn’t easy, but it all ends here. Happy graduation, my love daughter.

99. You haven’t even started anything yet. You’re just about to start because this is where life starts. I’m very happy about this, and I hope you still have many more to follow. My love and support are always for you and you alone. Happy graduation to you. Love you.

100. After such long years, you can finally rest. It wasn’t easy for you, neither was it for me, but we thank God for being faithful, through it all. I hope you don’t stop pursuing your dreams because now is the time they need you more than ever. Happy graduation, my love. Congratulations to you.

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