Best Wishes for New Job to Friend

There is widespread unemployment in many parts of the world. So, getting a job is a big deal.

But even if it was easy to get a job, we all can agree that getting a job is something to celebrate all on its own.

Just like you will want your people to be happy for you when something good happens for you, that’s the same way your friend wants to be congratulated as well.

So, find below a list of best wishes for new job to friend to get what fits to congratulate your friend on a new job today.

Congratulations, dear friend on your new job. I’m sure you have been getting so many congratulatory messages today. It’s ’cause you are such a great person. I wish you inspiration for good success and grace to succeed in this new job.

1. I can’t fully express how happy I am concerning your new job. All I can say is congratulations, you really deserved this one ’cause you laboured for it.

2. I knew this was going to come. Most importantly, I’m glad you waited. Seeing the curved lines of smiles on your face gives me extra joy and satisfaction. Congratulations, my friend.

3. It’s a bright glowing season in your life. Congratulations on your new job, my friend. Hearing about this has just totally made my day.

4. What could be better to hear at this time than the news of your new job. You waited for this, and now it is here. Congratulations, friend.

5. I can’t thank God enough on your behalf. It’s almost like a dream. In fact, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t fantasizing. Congratulations on your new job, my friend. Nothing beats this news.

6. This came at the right time. Congratulations on your new job, friend. I know how much you prayed for this. Seeing it’s finally yours gives me a different kind of joy.

7. This really calls for a celebration! Congratulations on your new job, my friend. I knew it was right about the time God answered your prayers.

8. Nothing trumps this feeling of being employed. It brings back your self-esteem and that feeling of responsibility. Congratulations on your new job, friend. I’m so happy for you.

9. Did I just hear right? Oh my God, finally! Congratulations on your new job, my friend. It came at the right time. I can’t thank God enough for you.

10. This is a great feat! Congratulations on your new job, my friend. I’m speechless! I didn’t know you were going to get it, you only just gave it a shot. Thank God.

11. This news just blew my mind. Congratulations, my friend. I wonder what’s not to be grateful for. The job we waited for is finally here!

12. I wish you the best of luck with your new job. You shall be satisfied by it to the fullest and also climb up the apex heights eventually. Congratulations on your new job, friend.

13. Congratulations on your new job, my friend. Don’t stop at this your current level, be resilient, work hard, and persistently. You will achieve a lot more success.

14. Sending you loads of best wishes, my friend. Congratulations on your new job. I’m sure you will do great at it.

15. I just want to congratulate you on your new job, my friend. Hardworking people like you always have a way of surviving in any environment. I trust you will do wonderfully well.

16. Congratulations to you, my friend! This is indeed a great feat. This job will surely bring you more success. Here is to wishing you nothing short of the best in your new-found job.

17. Dear friend, congratulations on your new job. I believe you will achieve great results with your skills.

18. I wish you the best experiences in your new job, my friend. Congratulations. This calls for celebrations!

19. Congratulations on your new job, my friend. I’m super happy for you. I believe in you, and I also love the path you have chosen.

20. Cheers to my friend on her new job. We have all waited for this day. I hope your new job brings you real happiness and job satisfaction.

21. You have always had big dreams for yourself. I spent my childhood watching you profess this life you are living now into existence. Those dreams of yours remain valid. Congratulations, friend.

22. Hello achiever, congratulations on your new job. You are a great daydreamer. Look whose daydreams are becoming reality. I’m super proud of you, my friend. Congratulations!

23. I most certainly appreciate this privilege more than anyone else ’cause I know how hard you have worked and waited for it. You truly deserve all that there is to this new job. Congratulations, my friend.

24. I’m seizing this moment to congratulate you, my friend, on your new job. Opportunities like this are best grabbed with both hands. I’m sure you will do extraordinarily.

25. I’ve always seen you as a hard worker. Your dedication and attention to detail will surely pave the way to more success. Congratulations on your new job, my dearest friend.

26. Here is wishing you all the best in your new job, my friend. Congratulations! This is just the starting point of your journey to success.

27. Congratulations, my good friend on your new job. This totally took me unawares. I trust you will do great things in this new phase of your career.

28. I see your devotion has finally paid off. I love all the efforts you put into getting this one. So, congratulations on your new job, my friend. Cheers!

29. Congratulations on your new job, my dear friend. Sending you my sincere love and best wishes for your new job! I so much believe in your destiny.

30. They say the first impression matters a lot. Well, I hope you will make a good first impression as you begin your journey to the new peripheries of work experience. Congratulations, friend.

31. I know how hard it is to get a good job in this era but, you, my friend, have got a good one for yourself. I greatly thank God for you, congratulations!

32. Congratulations, my good friend. I wish you the best of luck as you take on this new job of yours. You will do great. Cheers to your new career!

33. Dear friend, you are one of the most resilient, gifted, and committed people I know, hence, I am very happy about your new job. Congratulations!

34. Congratulations on your new job, my friend. I strongly believe that the road ahead will be smooth and safe. I’m super proud of you, buddy.

Hi, best friend. Congratulations on your new job. I’m so happy that we have finally gotten the answer to our prayers. I rejoice and thank God for you. My wishes for you are wisdom and continued progress as you start this new job.

35. I know how much you can deliver; you always give your best to tasks. So, I’m very confident this new job won’t be any different. You got this, and I wish you abundant success, best friend.

36. Look who has finally joined the working population. I’m so excited and happy for you, best friend! Today marks the first day of your new job. Go and do exploits.

37. After seeing you suffer at your last job, I knew it won’t be long till God surprises you with a better one. Dear best friend, you deserve this new job. And I wish you the best of luck.

38. They say when a window closes, a door opens. Before you, is a laid-out plan orchestrated by God to bless you, my best friend. I wish you only the best experience in your new Job.

39. Dear best friend, the line of smiles on your face warms my heart. I can’t wait to see where this new job will take you. I can only wish you the best in all.

40. As your best friend, I’ve always wished the best for you. This new job is an outstanding opportunity to bring out the best in you. I’m solidly behind you. Here is to wishing you an amazing time at your new job.

41. Sometimes, the best option to choose is a career change. This career change is an excellent opportunity for you to diversify your skills, and grow your career. Glad you got this one, my best friend.

42. Best of wishes to my best friend! I’m so proud of you for this new job. Here is to wishing you the best as you venture into this new aspect of your career.

43. Dear best friend, I appreciate the benefits that come with this new job. Cheers to greater opportunities, love.

44. A new job comes with a lot of new things; environment, boss, and colleagues, but, don’t worry your best friends are here with you forever. I wish you a great time at your new job.

45. Don’t worry a thing about how you are going to cope with the challenges of a new job. This new career will bring out the best in you. I can already see the best manifesting in you through this new job. I know this ’cause I’m your best friend.

46. I’m very excited that you’ve finally decided to switch jobs. I know how much you have been working towards this. Here is to wishing my best friend an amazing job experience.

47. Seeing my best friend have this great job opportunity brings so much joy to my heart and soul. I’m grateful to God for you and wish you all the best in your new job.

48. Anything that makes my best friend happy makes me happy too. I’m glad you have started out on this new job. Cheers to more success.

49. You’re super great at anything you do. I’m very confident that this one won’t be any different. Have an amazing time at your new job, best friend.

50. I know that no matter how wonderful it feels to start a new job, it can sometimes be strenuous. Whatever happens, I’m always here to support you, best friend. Now, go get it!

51. Best wishes on your new job, best friend. I think I’m the happiest person today. This new job will surely bring you more goodness.

52. Don’t ever forget that I’m with you every step of this new journey of your life. Here is to wishing you an amazing time at your new job.

53. As you set out for this new job, I strongly believe that you’re going to be great at it. I’m here for you always. Do great.

54. From the start of our friendship, we have always had each other’s back. I’m very happy to watch you scale this new job, my best friend. You have my support as always.

55. I have always known you to thrive in anything. My best friend is a survivor. I wish you a great time in this awesome new job.

56. There is no better feeling than seeing my best friend do great at her job. Needless to say that you will be fine at your new job ’cause you’re always outstanding in everything. Best wishes, dear.

57. Part of knowing you well comes with knowing your strengths and weaknesses. I’m sure you can do this, best friend. It excites me to watch you succeed at this new job.

58. I know that you’re the perfect candidate for this job. I can’t wait to see all the wonders you will perform at this new job.

59. Dear best friend, your humility and dexterity have set you apart. This new job is the beginning of more greatness to come. Best wishes in your new job.

60. I’m very hopeful that this new job will take you to a whole new level in your life and career. I can’t wait to celebrate more wins with you ’cause from now onwards, more blessings are in line for you.

61. Being your best friend has been my best experience ever. I wish you nothing but the best as you embark on this whole new level of success in your new job.

62. My best friend is extremely hard-working. You didn’t achieve this much off anybody’s back, you got one too. Good luck with your new job!

63. Dear best friend, getting this new job is proof that anything is possible with persistence and passion. Best of luck with your new job.

64. I want to encourage and wish you well in your new job. I believe you can handle just anything with courage and faith. Good luck, my best friend.

65. Hey, best friend! For the length of time of our friendship, I have always seen you as an achiever. Cheers to more success in your new job.

We need to pray for a favour when wishing someone well for their success in life. This is because life is not a bed of roses. That’s why I wish you favour to experience more ups than downs as you start your new job. Congratulations.

66. I want to seize this opportunity to wish you well in your new job. You did really well. Cheers to more success!

67. I think it’s very thoughtful to wish you well in your new job. You have always had a good record. Keep doing great. More is on the way.

68. Now you have a new job! I’m very glad about this new development. This certainly means there is more work to be done. Don’t ever give up. I wish you well.

69. This new job will bring you more joy and happiness. Don’t ever let anyone intimidate you. You can do this! Best wishes always.

70. There is no doubt that you were born for this; once an achiever, always an achiever. Once more, I’m sending a warm wish to you. Go ahead and excel in your new job.

71. Hey! I was just thinking randomly and my mind centred on you for a while. I just want to take this time to wish you well in your new job. Blow our minds with your breakthrough.

72. I know you will settle in and adjust pretty fast to your new job. Learning new things comes naturally to you same as being in a new environment. So, I have no fear you will do great. Wishing you all the best!

73. The news of your new job came to me like a sweet-smelling scent. I just breathed it in with so much satisfaction and joy. Best of luck with your new job.

74. You have pretty been a huge blessing to me for the longest time we have known. Now you have been given a bigger opportunity to also bless the lives of others. I wish you well in your new job.

75. Your kind is rare to find in any working environment. You’re resourceful and great at your skill. This new job is just a step up to greater achievement. Kudos! Expecting news of your success soon.

76. Life isn’t fair, but you have handled every curveball with courage. This new job is your route to greener pastures. I’m solidly behind you to celebrate when you win. Cheers to winning.

77. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! I wish that this new job gives you more freedom and fulfilment. Sending you warm wishes and love.

78. Best wishes on your new position. I thank God for making me meet such an outstanding achiever. I believe you are going to accomplish more in your new job.

79. You’ve been super helpful to me. I usually get encouraged to see how hard you work to reach your goals, and that inspires me a lot. Here is to wishing you the very best as you take on this new job.

80. Every day you worked at your job, you have never missed giving it your best shot. Now, you have been called for a bigger role, I believe this is what progress looks like. Best wishes on your new job.

81. For the longest time I have known you, you’ve always been heroic in your dealings. I know for a certainty this new job won’t be any different. Wishing you the best always.

82. As you kick off work at your new place, I want you to know that the best condition to achieve work success is having a balanced and healthy mindset. Cheers to doing more!

83. It gives me so much courage and satisfaction to watch you chase your dreams and arrive at your goal. I hope you get everything you need to shine at this new job.

84. It gives me so much happiness watching you be good at something this relevant. Every day I see you, you give me more reasons to smile. Have a great time at your new job.

85. I knew that at some point, your hard work would certainly pay off. This new job is a sign of better things to come. I wish you only the best.

86. I’m not surprised by how much progress you are making in such a short time ’cause right from University, you have always been competent in every way. Keep winning!

87. If it were not for the money, I would say you should let this new job pass. But, don’t you worry, things are going to turn out great in this new job. Good luck!

88. Cheers to a dream chaser and goal-getter. I have never seen you this excited about anything. That’s to say you already agree with the terms of your new job. Big ups!

89. One thing I know is that your efforts won’t go to waste. So, keep doing wonderful in this new job. Life is going to smile at you soon.

90. Having a sustainable job is part of being responsible. Now you get to enjoy financial freedom and self-care. I really love the progress!

91. The ones who gave you this new role are just there to pay for the service rendered; the main person who should be challenged is you ’cause only you can give you any amount of success you want. All the best.

92. Another door has been opened for you. Your getting this new job gives me chills but I’m confident that you’re going to deliver.

93. One good thing having a new job does for you is that it challenges your willpower and also enlarges your scope of experience. Be the best as always.

94. You are strengthened by God. The wisdom to work this new job has been given to you already, it’s just left for you to ace it.

95. Any time I remember the opportunities that come with this new job, I am immediately filled with gratitude to God for you ’cause it sounds so great! Just do you, I believe so much in you.

96. Now I have someone to look up to. Your large well of experience in your career has fashioned you to scale this one. Do great!

97. I wish you well in your new job as you keep scaling your skills and getting better. The sky is your starting point.

98. Whenever I feel like giving up, and I remember you, I see more reasons to buckle up. I hope this new job gives you the necessary environment to soar in your field.

99. Being a fresh graduate with little experience can be a bit challenging but I do have confidence in your ability to learn and adjust very fast in your new job. I sincerely wish you the best.

100. I, for one, can’t wait to see you succeed. As you go into this new field of work. You’re going to have all you need to achieve a breakthrough. Strength and wisdom will be at your beck and core.

To wrap up, in the spirit of rejoicing with those who rejoice and considering it’s your friend involved, note that it is important that you congratulate your friend. But you don’t have to think up the right words as these best wishes for a new job to a friend will help you.

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