Better Days Are Coming Quotes

There are always ups and downs in life. It is how we handle the “downs” that determines our true character. For those who have lost their jobs, homes, or businesses and for people who are struggling with other challenges in their lives, I want to assure you that there’s reason to believe that things are turning around.

It’s true we are in the midst of a challenging time. There is no doubt about it. And there are reasons for it. But even in the worst of times, good things happen. The world is not as bad as it seems.

Every day, people rise above adversity and are driven by their passion to make a difference in this world and help others along the way. The truth is we’ve all had those days where everything seems to go wrong. But there’s a silver lining to these less-than-perfect moments: They’re all part of the process that will lead us to better days.

Here are some better days are coming quotes we can embrace to encourage us to look forward to better days and look for the good in the bad.

There are days when you’re down, discouraged and hurting. Don’t give up on yourself. Always remember that better days are coming! Stay strong, stay positive and keep believing.

1. Better days are coming. Stay strong, stay connected. Better days are coming, so get ready to open your heart.

2. Better days are coming. Stay strong, stay hopeful and don’t let anyone tell you it is not worth it.

3. We’re all going through rough times. But better days are coming. Do not despair. Remember: Every cloud has a silver lining!

4. You’re gonna get through this. You’re gonna be OKAY. Better Days are coming.

5. There is a better day coming, right now. You just need to keep fighting for it.

6. There is always a better day coming. Don’t forget to look up and enjoy the view.

7. The days are getting warmer and brighter, the sun is rising again, and there is a better day ahead.

8. The better days are coming. Keep your head up and go after your dreams.

9. In the middle of the hardest days, we all have moments of hope.

10. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. What matters most is how you respond to them, better days are coming.

11. It’s time to get up, dust ourselves off and hit the road again. Better days are coming.

12. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and better days are coming! You can rise up and face the odds.

13. Better days are coming. All you have to do is wait for them, and then celebrate the better times that are coming to your life.

14. The best days are coming, and they will be better than you expect.

15. We are at the dawn of a new era where things will get done, goals will be achieved and dreams become reality.

16. We’re not going to find our better days by giving up on them. We’re going to find them by starting something new, pushing the limits and taking a chance.

17. The best days are coming. The future will be bright, and you can be a part of it.

18. Keep moving forward, keep growing and remember to always stay positive. Better days are coming, and we’re better for them.

19. Better days are coming, and the challenges will only make you stronger. Keep pushing, keep growing.

20. Better days are coming. Keep your head up and stay focused on the goal!

21. Today is a better day. Tomorrow will be better still. Every day is a chance to make the world a better place, whether that’s by doing something small or big, making the world a little bit brighter with your smile, or putting out positive energy into the air.

22. Let’s face it: better days are coming. And when they do, you can bet that we will be ready for them.

23. Today is a better day. Tomorrow will be better yet. We’ll have good days, bad days and even some really tough days, but the good days are just around the corner.

24. There is power in love and there is power in positivity. Remember that as you begin your journey to better days ahead.

25. When life gives you a challenge, move forward with courage and faith, knowing that better days are ahead.

26. The best days are coming. The best days are here. You’re on the cusp of a better day.

27. You’re going to make it through this, the good and the bad days, the rain and the sunshine. You’re stronger than you know.

28. Life will never be the same. It’ll always be better than yesterday.

29. It’s just a matter of time until better days are coming! Embrace the journey and know that you’re making progress.

30. The good times will keep coming, but so will the bad. The best way to get past it is to remember that every day is a blessing and better days are coming.

31. Better days are coming. Keep your head up, and keep moving forward.

32. You may not feel like it, but there is hope. Better days are coming.

33. It’s okay to feel like you’re not making any progress, but remember that better days are ahead.

34. There are always better days ahead. When you feel like giving up, remind yourself that there is always a tomorrow.

35. Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up. You got this girl, better days are coming.

36. A new day is dawning, a new year is here, and we’re moving forward. It’s going to be a great one!

37. The sun shines brighter and the grass grows greener. The world is waiting for you to make a difference.

38. It’s not where you start, but how far you’ve come that’s important. Better days are coming, go make them great ones.

39. Better days are coming, so let’s take the time to make them happen.

40. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and my heart was full of hope. Better days are coming!

41. Our better days are coming. Keep your chin up and keep marching forward.

42. There are better days ahead. We were born to win, live to win, and die on the field of battle.

43. The long road to a better life can be hard, but keep going. The brighter days are ahead.

44. There’s a better day coming, so you might as well enjoy today.

45. The best days are ahead. The future is bright. Be ready to take yourself there.

46. The world is full of dark places, but that shouldn’t stop you from believing in tomorrow. Better days are coming.

47. Better days are coming. The sun will shine, the sky will be blue, and you will have a better time.

48. Time moves on, but your future is still waiting for you. The better days are coming.

49. Better days are coming. Keep your head up, shoulders back and chest out.

50. The darkest days will always pass. Don’t worry about yesterday, worry about today and everything that lays ahead. The morning will soon come when all your worries will be forgotten…because better days are coming!

51. There is no day that goes by that you should not be grateful for. And there will be days to come when you know better days are coming.

52. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and happiness is in the air. Better days are coming!

53. Positive thinking, confidence and positivity are the keys to better days ahead.

54. When the sun comes out, the birds go crazy. It’s a good day to start over. There are better days ahead.

55. You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. Better days are coming. They’re already here.

56. Better days are coming. Find strength in the struggle, not in your failures.

57. There will be better days ahead. Always remember that you are stronger than you think and capable of more than you want to believe.

58. When your heart is full and you have a lot of love, then it’s better days are coming.

59. You’re going to have better days ahead. You just need to be patient and follow your dreams.

60. The best days are coming. The sun is shining, and the breeze is blowing in your face. You can feel it. Good things are brewing!

61. There will be better days ahead. Always remember that you are stronger than you think and capable of more than you want to believe.

62. Have a little faith and some trust in what’s coming for you. And remember, there’s no better time than now to start living your best life.

63. There’s a new beginning unfolding in your future. But just know that the road to better days is made of struggles, not of successes.

64. It’s not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up. Your best days are coming!

65. Better days are coming, so keep on pushing forward.

66. Life is a journey. There will be better days and more to love.

67. Don’t let the bad times get you down. The good days are coming.

68. You better get used to good days because they are coming back.Looking forward to a better day

69. The past can’t hold you down. In fact, it can only hold you back. So get over it, move on and get to better things.

70. We’re all working on better days coming. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and we’re just getting started!

71. Better days are coming. Every day is a new chance to be happy and make a difference in this world.

72. Better days are coming. If you’re moving forward, then it’ll bring the sunshine!

73. Whatever your past may have been, you have an opportunity to make a better future. Stay strong, focus on your goals and know that better days are coming.

74. The best days are coming. Good things are happening, and they will keep happening!

75. Don’t let the bad days stop you from celebrating the good ones.

76. Life is full of blessings and opportunities. Let us give thanks for the blessings, let us be grateful for the opportunities that have come our way.

77. The best days are coming. You’ll see them. You’ll feel them. So keep moving forward, thinking good thoughts, and smiling as much as you can because better days are coming soon.

78. You are stronger than you think. Better days are coming, be patient and strong.

79. A better day is on the way, but you’ve got to believe in it.

80. Life’s better when you’re on the right path, and it’s never too late to be happier, You can do it.

81. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the world is yours for the taking. Better days are coming.

82. You don’t have to wait for better days to come, you can make them happen every day.

83. The days ahead will be better than you ever imagined. More of better days.

84. When life gets a little tough, remember: Better days are coming.

85. You can achieve anything in life. If you believe in yourself and put everything you have into it. Better days are coming.

86. Oh, you thought the world was ending today? It’s going to be a better day tomorrow.

87. It’s a good day to start with a smile and work your way up to bigger and better days.

88. Today is the day to rise above the circumstances of your past and make a better future.

89. Good things are always coming. Be patient and wait for them. Better days are coming, one day at a time.

90. The future is bright. The sun’s gonna rise again. Better days are coming.

91. You’ve got the strength to face the day ahead, so keep on going and don’t let anyone bring you down. Better days are coming, don’t give up!

92. You made it through another day. And the days ahead are looking up too. Better days are coming…

93. The good times are coming, better days are here. We’ve got a lot of hard work ahead of us but we’re ready for it.

94. It’s not an easy path, but it’s a beautiful one. You’ve come so far and you’re gonna keep going. You’ll make it through this thing called life, better days are coming.

95. Keep your eyes on the future because the present is full of possibilities.

96. Hope is not a gift to be received and then thrown away, hope is the gift that changes all the days. Better days are coming.

97. Better days are coming. Don’t let the rain stop you, better days are coming! Let’s get to work on it.

98. When you’re feeling low, remember that better days are coming.

99. Now is the time to make a difference, because better days are coming.

100. Things will get better, don’t let the present be your future, It’s going to get better. Trust me.

I do hope you enjoyed going through these better days are coming quotes, kindly comment below and share with others.

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