Better off as Friends Quotes

Sometimes you just have to say goodbye. You might hate to say it or admit it, but sometimes some partners are better off as friends. Though it’s hard to end a relationship when you’ve been close for years, sometimes you need to take care of yourself first.

You have to have a good reason for wanting to be just friends with your ex — and not just because you’re lonely or you miss their company. If you can’t figure out what this reason is, then it’s probably best to stay away from them until you can figure it out.

A lot of people think that if they break up with their significant other, they won’t be able to stay friends. It’s not true. In fact, staying friends with your ex can be one of the most rewarding parts of a breakup.

Here below are some of the best better off as friends quotes and quotes you can use or send to someone, enjoy.

We are better off as friends. It’s worth more than any amount of time invested in a relationship that doesn’t work. Time spent together is time not spent apart. I’ll always love you and want the best for you.

1. We are better off as friends. But, we’re always open to the possibility of something more! But let’s also admit it. Sometimes the best friendships are just better off as friends.

2. We are better off as friends. Though we live in separate houses and our lives are busy, we still text each other every single day.

3. We’re better off as friends, but we’re better together. Friends are better when you’re not trying to change them.

4. We are better off as friends. It’s not you, it’s me. I need the space.

5. We are better off as friends. Thanks for understanding. Sometimes, the best relationships are the ones that aren’t filled with drama or expectations.

6. We’re better off as friends because we’re not really meant to be together. That “one in a million” person who finds you is…he’s not me.

7. We’re not better off as friends, but I don’t have to pretend.

8. It’s better to be friends and stay in touch than to be enemies, break up and never talk again.

9. We are better off as friends because you fight for me, and I fight for you.

10. We are better off as friends. There’s no room for forgiveness when your heart is filled with love.

11. I don’t want to lose you, but I know it’s time. I can’t keep holding on to this feeling; we are better off as friends.

12. We’re better off as friends than enemies.

13. We are better off as friends, don’t let the bad days get in the way.

14. The old ways are dead. We’re done wasting time, pretending to be all right. We’re better off as friends.

15. We’re better off as friends because sometimes, it’s much easier to be friends with someone than try to figure out what you want.

16. It’s okay to let the days pass. We’re better off as friends.

17. This is a tough one but we’re better as friends than enemies.

18. As friends we are much stronger than as lovers. I would rather have you as my friend than be with someone who doesn’t want me as much as I want them.

19. We’re better off as friends. I need to find my happiness, again. I don’t know how or where, but I can do it if you’re there with me as my lover.

20. We’re better off as friends, we’ve got each other’s backs no matter what, and nothing will stop the magic.

21. It was a beautiful relationship but we are better off as friends now.

22. We’re better off as friends. I’m sorry things haven’t worked out between us.

23. Best friends are meant to be. We’re all better off when we’re doing our best work together, and we know it.

24. We might be better off as friends than lovers, but it also takes two to make a friendship.

25. It’s better to be friends and stay together than to get away from each other just to make things worse.

26. We are better off as friends than lovers. We both know that.

27. We will not always agree on everything. But it’s still a lot better to be friends than enemies.

28. They say the best things happen when you’re not looking… It seems like better things than being lovers were in store for us, friendship.

29. Two people can have completely different outlooks on life but still be best friends. Remember, it’s all better when we’re friends.

30. We are better off as friends. It’s always nice when you don’t have to worry about someone stealing your seat during a movie or at the coffee shop.

31. We’re better off as friends. But if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, let me know.

32. Life is too short to hold grudges. Let go of the past; start over. Life will be better for us as friends than as lovers.

33. It’s more painful to be apart than to be together. It’s more painful to lose you than it is to wait for you. Nonetheless, we are better off as friends.

34. We are better off as friends. There is no need to say goodbye.

35. We are better off as friends: we get to make memories together, we can talk about it later, and best of all—we still have our summer to enjoy.

36. It’s better to be friends with someone, who loves you and cares about you than be in a relationship where it just doesn’t feel right.

37. We are better off as friends, you are too important to me.

38. No one can save you but yourself. So let’s be honest: we’re better off as friends.

39. I know we’re better off as friends. I say this with a heavy heart, but it’s true. It’s hard to see that strong relationship you had turn into something meaningless and empty.

40. We are better off as friends. I would rather have you as a friend than have you not in my life.

41. It’s not always easy to feel comfortable with you after the breakup. But at least we’re friends.

42. If you want to be happy, be. If you want to be rich, work hard. If you want someone who loves you unconditionally and always has your back, friend zone them.

43. We are better off as friends. We do not have to be together, but we can be there for one another.

44. You’re going to be fine. I’m sorry this happened, and I’m sorry it happened to you. But we are better off as friends.

45. As a couple, we had a lot of fun together. And as friends, we are even more so. The thing I love most about you is that we can do it all!

46. There’s always something more to gain from friendship than there is to lose at all.

47. We are better off as friends than anything else.

48. For those who are better off as friends, the relationship never ends.

49. We’re always better together as friends or as lovers.

50. We are better off as friends because we can make each other’s lives better, not worse.

51. We were meant to be friends. I was meant to be with you and you are meant to be with someone else. You have a better chance at happiness with them and it’s okay.

52. Don’t be mad, we are better off as friends. We don’t have to travel in the same direction to make each other’s lives better.

53. We are better off than friends because life is better when you are friends with someone who understands you and makes you laugh.

54. It’s better to be friends with someone you can confide in, rather than have a secret crush. So we are better off as friends.

55. It is obvious that our friendship is the strongest it has ever been. We are like two peas in a pod. So now that I have your attention I would like to tell you how we can be better off as friends rather than lovers.

56. We are better off as friends. We don’t love each other anymore and I think we’ve both moved on

57. We don’t lie to each other and that’s why we’re better off as friends.

58. One of the most important things to remember is that we are better off as friends. Not trying to make everyone jealous or anything but if you are happy, I’ll be happy.

59. Friends really do make the best lovers, and their knowledge of you can enhance your relationship to the next level. This is why both of us are better off as friends.

60. I am so much happier now that we are just friends. This is the reason why we are better off as friends.

61. It’s been a while since we broke up, but we’re still good friends. And you were right — we were better as friends than boyfriend and girlfriend.

62. I’ve never been one to chase rainbows, and I have no regrets about what could have been; you deserve someone who’ll love you for all that you are, but in this case, I think we’re better off as friends.

63. I know you better than you think. I know that when I break up with you, you’ll try to come over. But let’s just be friends for now.

64. It seems that I have fallen out of love with you. Your sense of humour can sometimes be too dry, and your juvenile obsession with comic books has become nauseating. So, I’ll say we are better off as friends.

65. When you’re better off as friends, you can enjoy all the exciting things life has to offer.

66. We are better off as friends, friends that support each other and help each other get through things.

67. It’s not us, it’s you. We’re better off as friends. It wasn’t working out with us, we don’t love each other anymore and I think we’ve both moved on.

68. We don’t love each other anymore and I think we’ve both moved on. It’s best that we go our separate ways. We’ll always be friends

69. We’re better off as friends. You make me incredibly happy, so if you are happy that’s great. It’s not a bad thing to be on your own, you’ve really matured since we broke up

70. You make me incredibly happy, so if you are happy that’s great. It’s not a bad thing to be on your own, you’ve really matured since we broke up, I’ll say we are better off as friends.

71. What a strange twist of fate, huh? We finally meet… I guess things just weren’t meant to be, we are just meant to be friends.

72. We are better off as friends. We don’t love each other anymore and I think we’ve both moved on. I want to thank you for being a great friend and for the times we had together. I hope your future works out because you deserve everything good that’s coming your way. Good luck!

73. We’re better as friends. Neither of us is pining for the other. It’s mutual, amicable and mature. What more could you ask for?

74. We’re better off as friends. let’s go out, have a good time and remember why we got together in the first place.

75. Let’s be honest, there are some times when the world may see us as friends but deep down we really want to be more. Let’s break free of labels and start living.

76. We had something special and you can’t put that back in the box. But, to be honest, communication has never really been our thing. I’ll just say we’re better off as friends.

77. Friends can be more than just a word. Friends are people that make you feel good, whether they’re around or not.

78. A friendship doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to work. There’s no better feeling than waking up to a friend.

79. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours. If not for love, then at least for convenience, I hope you will find someone who loves you better but I’ll say we are better as friends.

80. We all have someone who we are better off with as friends. Let’s keep that person close, even if they don’t feel the same way.

81. Sometimes it’s better to be friends than lovers, but only if you are both cool with that.

82. Although it’s easy to think that we are better of as friends, I’d do anything for you. You’re my friend and that’s enough for me.

83. Friends are the best kind of relationship. They’re easier to maintain than a romantic partnership and better for it.

84. There’s no better feeling than when you can just be best friends with someone.

85. We might be best of friends but I’d do anything for you. We’re just friends and we’ll never forget that.

86. I really think we are better off as friends. There is no need to be in a relationship here. We can still hang out like we always do and love each other through the rest of our lives.

87. Look, I’m not trying to be mean but you’re my friend, and that’s all we’ll ever be. I just want to make sure you know I’m there for you no matter what.

88. We are better off as friends, but I’ll always care about you.

89. Although we may be better off as friends, I want to make sure you know that I’d do anything for you. You’re my friend and that’s all we need to be right now.

90. It’s important to remember that although we may be better off as friends, I’d do anything for you. You’re my friend and that’s all we need to be right now.

91. We’re better off as friends. We’ll always be there for each other in good times and bad, here and beyond

92. To be friends is one thing, but to be truly great friends is another.

93. I’m telling you, we’re better off as friends. I just want to make sure you know how much I care about you and will always be there for you.

94. We have been together since before you debuted, and I have to say that we’re better off as friends.

95. We’re better off as friends. I just want to make sure you know how much I care about you and will always be there for you.

96. We’ve had some amazing times together, but I think it’s best for all of us if we move on and stop pretending that things are okay when they’re not. We really care about each other, but it’s time to let go of the past.

97. Friends are the most important thing in life. Don’t let your friends go to waste, friends are better than enemies.

98. We can never go wrong with being friends. We are just better off as friends.

99. We’re better off as friends, but I’ll always love you and miss you.

100. We are still better off as friends. We’ve had some amazing times together, but I think it’s best for all of us if we move on and stop pretending that things are okay when they’re not.

I do hope you enjoyed going through these we are better off as friends quotes, kindly comment below and share with others.

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